My Signature 12-Week Cannabis Enhanced, Holistic Wellness Coaching Course

A Journey to Transformation

Balance and moderation is everything. 

Pain is unique. No one else can quite feel our pain we have even when the pains seem caused by similar maladies.

Chronic pain can be wildly disruptive to our lives, our enjoyment of our bodies, our need to be productive and create (productivity that is not about having a job, but about having a doing-ness and being-ness of something that allows us to feel we contribute to ourselves and the world).

It’s pain that is wildly disruptive to how we share and give and receive, and disruptive to our very ability to love and be loved.

As it flares, the rest of the world just disappears and all that is left is the searing mass of lonely, non-life hurt that our bodies present as a moment to just will ourselves through until the next episode.

The promise of opioid prescription drugs, as a panacea that can lift the pain so completely and seemingly forever (until they don’t), is mentally and emotionally addictively alluring even beyond the very real bodily addiction these drugs present us as a dangerous solution.

Reducing pain using a combination of other tools, without this quick one-hit fix, can then seem overwhelming.

Especially when everything you read about a cannabis “one-hit-fix” says no, one size does NOT fit all.

My full Coaching course is designed to not overwhelm. Topics are presented to you one-week-at-a-time as personalized tools that build upon the weeks before.  You have an easier space to create your total transformation, and with more time for the integration of each tool.

This is why the full Coaching course works better to handle your pain rather than only learning the basics of using cannabis.

All in synergy, balance and moderation.

What do you get?

The Gateway Consultation is the pre-requisite. 

Our first Full Course week we then jump into more details to dial in your cannabis use.

I help you to tweak and more easily discover your cannabis use sweet spot.  One size does NOT fit all. We find your size over the weeks of the Course.

I’ll help you know this process, so you can make informed choices for your cannabis use now and in future.  Our bodies change over time, the tools that work for wellness change and evolve as we do. You will want to know how to change up your cannabis use as you change.

We then continue with the rest of the modules, beginning step-by-step, one tool per week, to cover the other hacks that are incorporated for pain reduction, such as those for breathing, water, food that is compatible, common supplements that will work in tandem or instead of cannabis, what to do about time overwhelm, ideas for ergonomics of space, movement and daily living activities to help reduce pain.

And we cover mindset, a crucial component of lasting success.

During your 12 weeks, you have a full 3 months of access to the materials in the premium content of The Daily MICROdose.

Also, for each new full Coaching Course client, I create a personalized, unique crystal healing grid I set up in my office that is aligned and attuned individually to the client and left up and working its tandem crystalline energies over the 12 weeks to assist in the client Coaching transformation. A digital photo of the grid is emailed to the client to help with focus during our time together.

(The physical crystals themselves remain in my personal collection of healing crystal tools and are not part of the package. Each grid is different, using different crystals or different arrangements of various crystals. The photo here above is an example of a general crystal grid.)

As you use each component as presented, integrating it into new habits and continuing to use each technique as the next component is introduced, the end of the 12 weeks can seem miraculous, full of freedom and hope, full of greatly reduced pain levels and a life again worth living that can be well anchored in your new routines.

By the end of your 90 days, you’ll be feeling fantastic and you’ll be armed with the tools and knowledge to continue improving your health and happiness with cannabis and beyond.

Who is this Coaching Course for?

  • Adults age 21 or older suffering chronic pain from scoliosis, back surgeries and injuries, migraines, fibromyalgia, arthritis or IBS and wanting to try an all-natural, non-high alternative to prescription drugs.
  • Those with an honest desire and firm decision to reduce their pain using alternatives.
  • Those both willing and able to act on new ideas.
  • Those finally no longer enamored and addicted to the current pharma-based medical system with all it’s brainwashing, lies, fraud and corruption 

PrerequisiteThe Gateway Consultation

Your investment?        $3900  USD

**Remember, I’m not a doctor. The goal is to educate you so you can make informed choices about your own wellness techniques and cannabis use.


My schedule is currently full and I’m not taking new Full Coaching Course or Gateway clients. Please contact me if you would like to be notified when an opening comes available.

Let me know why you would like a consultation or full coaching.

And check out The Daily MICROdose for many of the topics covered during the Full Course.

I really appreciated your knowledge base. I feel comfortable in trusting you to steer me in the right directions, plus I came away more motivated than usual to change the things I can. I took my nap today and it felt like I was truly loving and nurturing myself. Way different than falling into a nap because I must, due to an energy drain. Thank you, thank you!


Where do we meet? 

The initial Gateway Consultation is done over the phone. The Course sessions are done either over the phone or over Zoom or Zoom-like technology (with or without a camera on your end :-)).  No technology needed.  Staying in your PJs works!

I really hate the idea of smoking a joint. Do you have to smoke it?

No! There are other, healthier ways to use cannabis, and I’ll show you all of them.

I don’t want to be ‘stoned’ or ‘high’. Do I have to be?

No! I’ll teach you how to find the perfect dose, and how to condition your tolerance so you get all the health benefits and none of the high.

Do you provide me with cannabis?

No, but I do make specific recommendations based on your wellness concerns and lifestyle and what you have access to.

I live in a place where cannabis isn’t yet legal and I don’t have a medical recommendation. Can you help me?

It’s exciting to watch as people everyday are changing their lives using a plant that humans have been using for thousands of years– as for your question though, I can only work with people who are living in places where whole plant THC-rich (marijuana) cannabis use is legal and they have ready access to this plant through growers, dispensaries or in-state delivery.

Unfortunately, I am not otherwise able to work with you or give you personalized recommendations for cannabis. I suggest you look further into The Daily MICROdose materials for more details about choosing and using CBD prominent cannabis.

I live in a place where only hemp CBD is legal. Can you help me?

Choosing legal CBD products (plant flower or finished product having .3% THC or less) can be just as daunting as choosing whole cannabis.

To date there are now hundreds of thousands of brands/styles of CBD available at any given time!

Many have no certificates of quality. If they do provide the certs, they often are outdated and have nothing anymore to do with the product in front of you.

Recent studies doing independent testing have shown over 55% of the products tested to have NO cannabinoids or other CBD in them! Fraud is rampant in the industry.

And though many CBD products are advertised as “legal-in-all-50-states”, not all states have legalized CBD to be sold within their borders.

Also in my experience, if your pains are severe like the ones I talk about for me, CBD in the quantities available for retail clients, just does not work as well as whole plant THC-rich marijuana cannabis to reduce much pain.

To relieve that kind of pain, generally whole plant cannabis with more THC (the type that is often illegal in many states) is needed, or much larger dose quantities of CBD is needed.

Yes, certain CBD formulations help some with inflammation. They can help generally support and balance the body through a healthier Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which can help reduce some pain. 

But then a person definitely needs to add the other holistic pain and wellness items and supplements presented during the Coaching course to have a more effective end result.

To answer your question, at this time I do not offer a CBD-based full Coaching course.

I suggest instead subscribing to The Daily MICROdose for a bit to see if that would help.

In the curated materials in the Premium Content, I discuss CBD choices and use.

I want to START NOW!  What do I do?

Just click here to book your spot for the Gateway Consultation.

I’ve got questions, how do I contact you?

I’m only an email away and will get back to you quickly. Reach out to me here.

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