The Daily MICROdose

NOTE: I make NO commission nor any other compensation when recommending any linked and suggested specific products. In addition, my and this site's views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of Dr. Ray Peat or any of the third parties linked on this site.



Any articles or information here referencing Dr. Ray Peat are solely about the wellness topic alone and does not imply or suggest or in any way link his ideas and work to cannabis in any form.

Indeed, many clients following ONLY Dr. Peat’s wellness suggestions, with no cannabis use at all, have resulted in successful health, well being and reduced pain levels for the clients.

Please be advised there has been no cannabis use discussion, email or consultation with Dr. Peat by us. Whatever his beliefs and recommendations around its use are his privately.

Dr. Ray Peat has graciously given permission for the display of some of his whole newsletters for the benefit of clients and subscribers to this site.  All Rights Reserved.

DAILY Recommended FOOD
Real Food

THIS STORY IS STILL UNFOLDING (Feb. 2023):  I suggest caution buying any food from the farms in our North East or throughout the Ohio river basin for now (Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York etc., there are dozens of Amish farms surrounding and in the area) right now though I have links for foods from that region in several locations on this site.

I myself will suspend buying any of my food for now from my favorites there in the region. I’m heartsick.

From my understanding listening to recent interviews with several experts (EPA whistleblowers, management level train hazmat spills expert, food scientist running a high level food contamination lab), the handling by burning of the vinyl chloride and other chemicals contained in a number of derailed railway cars in the train tragedy early Feb. 2023 in East Palestine, Ohio (on the border of Pennsylvania, 250 miles from Lancaster County, PA) is considered the worst environmental disaster the US has ever faced.

The enormous, unfathomably huge fallout cloud of chemicals released into the air and through the ground and rivers/streams most likely include high levels of dioxin, a fatal chemical (to animals, fish, humans) when ingested in a LIFETIME of more than a single TRILLIONth dose.

It is suggested the poisons were carried by the westerly winds across the neighboring states, throughout the surrounding area and beyond, washed out of the air by recent snow/rain storms and has now contaminated the earth in all its path.

It attaches to lipids (fats) and cows/animals/chickens etc. that eat the grass or grains grown in the contaminated soils I understand will now be poisonous in their meat, milk, eggs etc. (and the animals themselves sickening and dying) for generations.


Here is your cheat-sheet list. And here is the full discussion on real food.

All discussions with Ray Peat notes and ideas are based on my own opinions and interpretations of my notes and what I have found useful for my own use as well as from feedback from many, many, many, many others.

Please read below for what to do.


Take a very very slow, long inhale

Feel your forgiveness of yourself washing over you for not knowing these things

Exhale  slowly  slowly  slowly


There is another way. That can still be easy.

The foods listed below are real food. Sometimes they get hard to find.

But these foods can be eaten daily for long periods of time. When eaten as the only or primary food, for many people they often can begin to stabilize much of the wrong in a body that went before.

Simply, there are a number of food items that are so compatible with human physiology, human biology, that they can be eaten daily, for years, to support the entire functioning body.

Peat suggested that food is meant to support the physical body to help and maintain its optimal functioning.

Food is not for entertainment, or psychology, though it’s often fun to eat food for entertainment (and one should enjoy the total bliss of eating a meal prepared by an award winning chef once every now and then!) and is certainly encouraged but in great moderation.

And some foods can comfort the psychology but that should not be the norm. 

From my many notes, Peat said if one eats for these other reasons, then the person is bored with their life and it would be better to find something interesting to do instead.  


              FIRST:   Write out at least 35 things you can do, that when you do them you forget about eating.

These things should be easily accessible for you to do, free or affordable for you to do whenever.

They do not have to necessarily be something you like or love.

They can be working for your employer for example, cleaning something, etc.

 Going for a walk in nature.

Reading (be specific about what reading).  Writing.

Talking to or writing to friends, participating in your favorite blog etc.

              SECOND:  Put away every single recipe, recipe thought, recipe desire. Shut them all away. Except for two or 3 “combine the foods together”, you will NOT be making recipes of any kind.

There are a very few food preps and the daily coffee that add particular additional foods for a chemical reason but are not recipes in any traditional sense.

Try your best NOT to figure out how something would be in a recipe.

Recipes add entertainment.

And more importantly, they can add all kinds of additional chemicals to your body that biologically are not good for what you are trying to do.

And these extra ingredients are oh so tasty as they (often wrongly) interact with our brain.

But please refrain.

              THIRD:   Any snack type items, any and all of them, and I know people have shelves and closets and freezers dedicated to them, shut them all in the trunk of your car, or in a big suitcase left in a hard to access closet.

If frozen, hide in the deepest part of your freezer.

One day, maybe, you’ll have the courage and disgust to throw them away for good.

During your experiment, please refrain from buying any more no matter the pull. 

And know that after a few months of eating only real food, all this leftover toxic garbage “eating” stuff, including recipe ingredients, left in your cabinets, your fridge, your pantry, your freezers, your closets—your trunk and suitcase you will no longer find desirable, and in many cases disgusting.

               FOURTH:  Just like the directions for first cannabis use, at the beginning GO SLOW and GO LOW.

 Our bodies try to process what they need, enzyme and otherwise out of whatever substance is put into it.

Your body is now “used to” the junk and poisons.

But once you start eating real food, give your body a few days or more to get used to EACH different item so the body can start making again, the elements it needs to use and correctly digest the food.

So any particular food on the list given, if you have not been or never did eat that, start with very small amounts of it for a few days to get used to your body eating it.

                FIFTH:  Plan on getting the absolute cleanest, best, most whole and natural version of, most organic, raw, real or (yikes! “pharmaceutical”) grade version of the food.


Buying a month-old grocery store forgotten bottle of the best dairy cream will still give you nausea and then you’ll decide the suggestion really doesn’t work after all—all because of needing to check expire dates before purchasing and ingesting.

                SIXTH:  Our stomachs are about the size of our fist.

You will be eating about every 2-1/2 to 3 hours, the last meal 2-1/2 to 3 hours before night sleep, and only as much food as fits in one palm of your hand per meal. 

Set a timer for every 2-1/2 to 3 hours to remind you to eat.

                SEVENTH:  Try anything possible to NOT go longer than 3 hours without eating or getting too hungry.

Once you get very hungry, it’s all kinds of difficult to not just grab anything in sight or that you think to eat—and MORE.

Remember that it takes fully 20 minutes once you eat anything to feel that you’ve eaten and are full enough.

                 EIGHTH:  Just as you are noting for your cannabis experiments, your symptoms, what you are taking, your results, I suggest it will be helpful in the beginning to take note of the same with your new food routine.

                 NINETH:  Give yourself permission and the space and time to try this out.

First by trying it for a few days, then trying it for 30 days, just a simple month.

Then add another month and another month.

After 90 days of following just these foods plan they will become your new routine.

Your desires and tastes around food will be changing, and for the better.

And saying this again, take a day or two or three to try out a small amount of raw milk, maybe only one small piece of cheese for that day, maybe only one or two or 3 days in a row to try heavy cream or raw milk in your one cup of coffee for the day.

And build from there.

Just like cannabis medicine use instructions, go LOW, go SLOW!

                 TENTH:  A large part of the “Peat Food” is dairy, but REAL dairy, meaning raw cow’s milk. Do all you can to acquire it by looking here or here.

A lot of people think they are allergic to or lactose intolerant of milk. What they really are allergic to is the fake food called milk on the fake grocery store shelf regardless that it is organic, grass fed or not. It is a highly processed toxic food.

By changing milk’s very molecular structure with pasteurization and homogenization few can tolerate it.

The very enzymes that make it the perfect and healing food are completely stripped from the junk fake milk.

The beneficial bacteria that can heal a gut destroy any bad bacteria in the milk. Refrigerated at the correct temperature, it will last upwards of two weeks without going sour!

The processed milk on any grocery shelf is so full of bad bacteria it will only last days if that.

Raw milk is often times a real schlep to find it (except for California where it is often abundantly found on any health food store shelf as it’s deemed legal there) and haul it home every week, but it’s truly a miracle food.

Taking the time to sometimes sneak around to the small farmers to find it (similar to those of you that love the marijuana, right?:-) ) can be one’s time of reflection and a bit of escape from the day to day.

Please give yourself a chance to see if your “lactose intolerance” reactions are part of the Lie.

Of course not the real symptoms you feel, but the cause.

Just go low and slow, or stop and come back to it again—and only use fresh cold raw cow milk (or fresh raw goats milk too, but it tastes a little different) to experiment. Don’t give up on the first few tastes.

Even when one time decades ago, when I got severe food poisoning from some local shell fish eating at a popular restaurant when I was traveling, that others mentioned I should have been in hospital or could have died, Peat had me find the raw milk in Los Angeles as one of the key initial things to stop the inflammation and heal me.

Raw milk cheeses are very much more common, legal where raw milk might not be, and easier to find.

Peat said for most people if raw milk (cow or goat) is just not available to them, at least consume organic milk.

But give yourself a chance to find the real raw milk. I can’t say enough about its absolute wonders for its support of the human body and healing disease.

And in any case, I would suggest if you do have lactose intolerant symptoms, only try real raw milk and raw milk cheeses.

If you are vegetarian, keep in mind that while in the past it was possible for some people to do well on plant based diets, the stresses of current day, inescapable daily emotional stress and environmental stress are too great to generally support that diet for most people.

And early on, as a very young woman and for several years I ate vegetarian and even vegan only for awhile. I can’t prove it of course, but I got two operable tumors out of it.

Humans are by nature, designed to be meat eating animals.  Your skin and hair and organs, your endocrine system will thank you for eating more balanced, real food including all the dairy, eggs, and meat.

As well as with Keto, vegetarians have a misguided desire to substitute garbage for traditional healthy foods such as instead of eating real meat food, eating meatless burgers, meatless dogs, tofurkey—and the substitutes again are so full of chemicals trying to make the thing taste and feel and be meat or milk or, well, you get the picture.

And soy consumption by vegetarians or anyone really, is the worst offender of all. It is not quality protein, though mistakenly eaten in substitution for that.

It is instead a highly toxic poison in any form including edamame, sprouts and all other.

Even in animals, soy that is fed to the animals literally destroys their endocrine system with its estrogenic properties, making them fat and faster to market.

Whenever you can get any food WITHOUT soy or without being raised with soy or going to market in the last month of life and “finishing” with soy, do so.

The toxic soy qualities affect not just the food animal or bird while alive but their meat, their eggs, the milk, everything.  

Soy, soy oil, soy derivatives, additives, soy milk, soy touching anything that is edible is really that bad. Now if you need a good pesticide or a fine arts painting medium, go for it.

Peat has said ALL legumes (soy are legumes) are toxic, generate excess estrogen in us when eaten. They have to be unbelievably denatured (soaked, sprouted, cooked to excess) just in order to partially digest them. These too were probably famine foods. These are beans like garbanzo, kidney, lentils, even green beans, mung beans, and any and all of their sprouts and kind of dish, including hummus made with them. These are NOT protein!

Peat believes humans need about 100 grams of quality protein per day, mostly from raw milk, raw milk cheeses and quality gelatin and a small amount (no more than 4 oz. daily) from non-PUFA meat, like beef or lamb. This is difficult if not impossible to do on a vegetarian diet.

And if vegetarianism is practiced because of believing one does not want to eat an animal consciousness, well, plants also have vast and high consciousness too.

There are many of us that talk to our plants, listen to what the most ancient of trees have to say during the walk, and when eating plant or animal we ask it to be healthy for us and thank it for giving its life that ours can be more.


                    ELEVENTH:   Put in place a way to have consistent, clean water for drinking, for food cleaning, for bathing/showering.

And it doesn’t come out of your unfiltered faucets connected to any city supply.

That your city water is ok to use is a myth. I talk about that more on the water page.


So let’s begin.

You will fill your day with other interesting things; food will only be the support for your physical body to be its best and to help mitigate its pain.

Your food will be put together once a week, and then gathered daily early morning for the day. 



EQUIPMENT and TOOLS(Follow the link for more details about your equipment and tools)

The tools you will need are common to most kitchens.

Please do not use a microwave oven for anything. They completely change the molecular structure of anything—food, water, anything put through it.

If you think you can buy a beautiful organic potato and pop it in the microwave daily to fulfill this food recommendation, you are creating your own GMO in your kitchen. That potato will no longer be food, but a poison.

Please follow this idea by preparing ahead as indicated.

If you find the foods and descriptions of the preps as “oh, those are simple, I’ll just put those together as I need to”, you will get hungry, will use the microwave and soon you will just give up and go back to your old ways saying “this is just crazy, get with it, be modern”.

The suggestions here for food prep give your brain a rest from having to think about food much. Preparing ahead frees your day for all kinds of other more interesting and satisfying things to do and be.

And the preps are really extremely fast and easy.

I use a small toaster oven for nearly all my food cooking needs, including cannabis preparations. You will want a toaster oven that’s stable in temperature, with a shelf through the middle, sized at least 8” tall by 10” or 11” inside, at least for that purpose.

I use glass for everything I can including storing pre-made carrot shavings salad, prepared daily potatoes, milk stored into 2-cup jars from the half gallon of it so it’s more usable on a day to day basis, I break down the container of gelatin into the jars so they are easier to scoop, etc..

All plastic, plastic carbonate, all of it leeches chemicals into your food and becomes some of the micro-plastics we all now have in our bodies.

I still use a plastic cutting board—but even as I write this up I think a wooden board would be better. I’m sure micro-plastics are coming off the plastic cutting board.

Aluminum cookware or tools that touch food will leech chemicals into your food.

Cast iron will leach iron into foods (NOT a good thing).  Unless you have some kind of excess metals chelation done (usually through an IV), iron builds up in the blood and is never eliminated. At some point the iron becomes toxic. Please never take iron supplements of any kind.

Most of my cookware is high end enamel with one small stainless steel pot for occasionally cooking greens.

Glass water bottle, filled with clean drinking water (like reverse osmosis, RO water) left out near the work area all day so you remember to drink some water all day long

Toaster oven, small, the inside can be about 11” x 10” and at least 8” high or so.

Small porcelain pottery plate, oven proof, used to broil on instead of using an aluminum pan

Heavy Duty Electric hand mixer and bowl

A large and a small (cup-size) size fine mesh strainers, you will use these also for cannabis preparations. Do look at the mesh when purchasing. Many metal or plastic strainers have pores that are too big to properly strain. You can find the fine mesh strainers at the grocery stores, box stores, the walmarts. They are common but do look in the section for the FINE mesh sizes.

An inexpensive coffee mill or a “Bullet” blender that will be used only to powder salt.  I coarse grind my organic coffee at the store right now, but you can mill/grind your own daily. Just have a grinder just for salt as you don’t want the residues of one in the other.

A small bowl to put powdered salt in, with a small scoop spoon (I use a granite mortar bowl)

Various glass jars, from 1/2 gallon size used for transporting raw milk if needed to pint mason jars, pint jelly jars, cup and a half wide mouth glass jars. These can be acquired from garage sales, relatives/friends, online

Wide mouth (wide mouth is easier to open and easier to clean) good quality 2-cup Thermos (Stanley is a good brand, it will be used daily)

Hand orange juice press.  Unless you have $800 or more for an electric orange press, the best option is to find online a $100 hand press with a lever. The orange should not be torn apart to juice it. We want pulp free orange juice so it will be pressed and then poured through the small strainer into a glass, daily. The small electric inexpensive masticating juicers pulverize the pulp and membranes and add it to the juice, advertising that this is more nutritious. You don’t want that. Eating that pulp daily can cause hemorrhoids. If your hands’ weakness and aches will not allow you to use such a press, you can alternately look for a centrifugal juicer that doesn’t grind up all the pulp and strains what is expressed.

Two at least, 2-cup glass measuring cups

Cutting board

Several small stainless steel or ceramic paring knives

Several vegetable peelers that will be used extensively and will wear out sometimes in just months, so I usually purchase in bulk. I like the OXO Pro swivel and several of the inexpensive plain swivel peelers.

Small 8” enamel fry pan, I use this 3 times a day, I have a very old Chantel version. The newer versions are very heavy as is the Staub enamel fry pan. Sometimes you can find an old version of the Chantel on eBay or a garage sale.

I have twice, one after another that would break down, tried the $100 a pan, very light weight and high end micro crystalline fry pans (like the Green Pan series) but in a very short time the coating began to flake off. Both did this. And though rated up to 450 degrees stable, both the pans offgassed some chemicals at low temps that I could both smell and even taste in the food.

One small stainless steel quart and half sauce pan to boil greens like Chard and Kale.  These greens have a wonderful combo of minerals in safe quantities to ingest—BUT the greens must be denatured first.

Peat said because of the oxalic acid in these greens, they need to be boiled in water for 40 minutes minimum and the boil water discarded. Oxalic acid is highly corrosive to enamel, glass, quartz crystal and I ruined 3 very expensive Chantel pots with just a few boils like that before I discovered this problem and used a different type pan.

A small quart and a half enamel sauce pan.

A 3 quart or so enamel sauce pan.

One to two cup coffee maker. I use a glass Boden French Press



Keep this food easy and eat the same food every day for your experiment for at least 3 months in a row.


NOTE:  There are groups of foods, foods eaten in somewhat of a combination; foods like the coffee and milk mix and the carrot salad prep that are combined on purpose. There is a chemical and biological reaction that happens when using these combinations. Please use the foods below as specified rather than customizing anything. There is a reason for all the notes.

At the beginning, eat your other food and begin to add these foods in little by little, subtracting more of your foods, maybe substituting the carrot salad for your lettuce salads and so on.

Begin to stop eating your current food little by little.

Stop first by stopping eating anything made of or with flour of any kind, no wheat and no flour substitutes.

GO LOW, GO SLOW with these foods to begin. The amounts below can be adjusted especially at the beginning, if you have not used the food before or for a long time, only have a small amount of it per day for a few days first for your body to get used to it before going all-in for the recommended amounts.




Start with a 1/2 cup of the carrot shavings salad for a few days and add a bit more every day until you work up to about a fluffy cup and a half or two of carrot peelings/shavings in your bowl.

Make the salad as described or it won’t work. Eating a carrot stick daily, or those little carrot bullets will NOT work and could even make things WORSE.

There is a biologically compatible chemical reaction that happens between the ingredients and the long shreds of the carrot peelings.

The carrot salad helps to eliminate excess estrogen (same for men and women)  and toxins. It begins to clear up your gut endotoxins that are often already circulating beyond your gut and throughout your body caused by the toxins you’ve been eating and environmental poisons.

Some have even discovered that consuming this carrot salad prepared as suggested begins to create a new and healthy gut biome that is often damaged in the process of living toxically.  The person might even have been born with a missing gut biome because they were born by cesarean section and missed the gut being correctly populated by the mother’s birth canal.

The carrot salad will begin to act like a probiotic supplement or fermented food without using an actually poisonous and difficult to digest probiotic supplement that creates immune damaging lactic acid imbalance and excess.

It will begin to help regulate your bowel movements (together with the orange juice, the mango, the potato and the Lime Calcium Hydroxide-treated corn of the organic corn tortilla).

Then try an ounce of the raw milk cheese a day for a few days, maybe eating the ounce of cheese twice daily by the end of a week.

Then the whole raw milk. Start with just a couple tablespoons TBLE in your morning coffee of some cream taken off the top of the milk as it sat in the fridge for a couple days. Raw milk cream rises to the top.

Do this for a few days in a row.

Then add raw milk to your coffee, a little more each day until you have added about 3/4 cup raw milk, MILK not CREAM (warm it a bit) in your morning coffee.

The raw cream (2 TBLE) and/or raw milk (3/4 cup) cause a beneficial chemical reaction with the coffee that helps with digestion and utilization of the caffeine and magnesium in the coffee.

This first coffee with that much milk in it becomes your first food of the day. You can take some supplements with it then in good combination.

If you drink more than one serving of coffee a day, add a couple tablespoons of raw milk or raw cream to it each time (you don’t need to add more milk like above, only the first coffee of the day).

Try to wean yourself off any more coffee than one or two cups a day. Too much can also cause imbalance to all kinds of systems.

And this includes ingesting a lot of teas. Try to reduce or eliminate most of your daily tea. Caffeine or not, they are medicines not to be consumed in large quantities constantly, daily.

Add more raw milk to your daily food intake little by little until you drink another 1/2 cup of milk some time during the day.

Maybe in a couple weeks you consume a full cup or two or raw milk every day, spread out during the day.

Then start consuming high quality gelatin (Follow my link for information about preparation, brands and testing and any recommended brand.  Some brands of gelatin can be full of all kinds of extra excipients that are not good to eat daily or ever), melted/heated into filtered water as a broth.


If you are new to consuming high quality powdered and prepared Gelatin as a regular food, start with ONLY HALF a TABLESPOON per DAY, melted into a half cup of water for a few days, and adding another half TBLE per day for a few days, to consume for the day in a little more water, and increase your Gelatin amount like this every few days.

You will want to work up to consuming about 5 heaping TBLEs per day (this is about 60 grams of protein a day), every day (instructions are below on how to prepare it). BUT BUILD UP TO THIS AMOUNT.

The rest of the foods should be familiar to your body enough to not cause digestion issues.

After a few weeks start to eat only the foods on the list.

Follow each food link to see how to prepare it and make it ahead of time.

I’ve included the quantities I usually eat.


The following are the quantities for ONE PERSON:


There are a few supplements (like your cannabis doses) to take during the day but VERY FEW.  

Supplements also are part of the Big Lie.

Many products if tested do not even contain the supplement but only corn starch or other fillers.

 I have personally had tested different supplement products from 25 years ago and it was going on then.

Eat slowly. Chew well. Remember it takes about 20 min. to feel not hungry after eating something.

The foods below are the few that can be eaten daily but adjust the amounts if you want and to your body and how you feel.

The following amounts of the different foods are the amounts I generally use for me and my body to hold a steady weight, a steady energy and a feeling of wellness.

But even I continually change up my amounts of how much of each of these foods I eat every day.

With these amounts, I hold my weight steady.

If I get into snacks with PUFA and flour, I can easily ruin this and add 10 pounds without even thinking about it!


So adjust this menu a bit for your body type. 


Meaning, reduce or increase the butter a bit if you want, use whole raw milk but not the cream etc., but don’t eliminate milk from the food combos and process as suggested.

The use of some butter on the starches, the use of the olive oil in the carrot salad, the use of the milk and/or cream in the coffee—ARE CRITICAL. They create a biological, chemical process for your body to use these foods correctly and healthfully.

And by the time you have built up your digestion to eating only these foods, you won’t be hungry, your weight will stabilize to where your more optimal weight should be.

You will be feeling good and your pain less.


WATER:  Drink enough water to ideally pee about every two hours. Usually it’s about a quart and a half or so of reverse-osmosis or Berkey filtered water per day.

 Coffee, juice and milk do NOT count as water!

Have an interesting glass water bottle you can keep near where you work or are near a lot during the day.

I use a re-purposed 20-year-old quart glass milk jar with a pop-top that I keep with an ice pack in a padded food bag on my counter top.


The following FOODS can be eaten long-term, DAILY:

[And remember; please do your best to eliminate flour totally, NO FLOUR or flour substitutes of any kind. Not only do flours, wheats, grains, nuts and nut flours cause allergic reactions in most people, today even the organic versions are often laced with glyphosate.]

AND ALWAYS read labels and expiry dates. You want any product, ESPECIALLY all these really plain, ordinary foods to have the least ingredients, no fillers, colors, gums, thickeners, citric acids, NOTHING else unless the ingredients too are otherwise real– like carrots, celery, etc.

And switch up brands even for these DAILY foods. Nearly everything has toxins in it these days and changing out brands or going to a different but still ok fruit or meat is a good idea.


Real Food


Raw carrot shavings-peelings salad only prepared as recommended and only combined with salt, vinegar and olive oil, NOT carrot sticks or carrot bullets, not cooked, not chopped

Raw milk cheese 

Raw milk, whole, fresh (cow or goat)

Hand juiced fresh and pulp-free orange juice 

Ripe Mango

Eggs, soy free, pastured, eaten in combo with honey or fresh fruit

Potato, organic, only in combo with a saturated fat and chilled after cooking and before eating for the resistant starch effect 

Organic NIXTAMALATED corn tortilla,  only with no flour, no guar gums, ONLY the version using ORGANIC corn, NIXTAMALATED process which is the chemical Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) as a processing aid of nixtamalization causing the corn to be available to the body, in combination with a saturated fat

Gelatin, unflavored, unadulterated, no additives, tested pure only

Red meat, only as beef or lamb

Beef liver, REQUIRED as recommended

Butter, a saturated fat 

Coconut Oil, a saturated fat

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Organic Olive Oil 

Powdered salt

Organic regular hand-made coffee, and only in combo with a small amount of raw milk cream or whole raw milk 

Organic, tested glyphosate-free ONLY raw honey (Peat suggests honey and pure white sugar are effective in mitigating pain, see his Newsletter at the link).


See the expanded list of other Dangerous Items.

Here is a link to a list of additional foods that can be eaten occasionally, but heal anything acute only with the above list for your first 90 days.

Here is a link to the supplements I currently use and have used for years.


“Progesterone, thyroid, vitamin D, calcium and aspirin are helpful/curative for autoimmune problems, including lupus; unopposed estrogen is the basic factor in autoimmune diseases”. –Ray Peat.


My Menu, doesn’t change:

You can easily use this timing to also dose your cannabis for those dosing through-out a day.

Please do not use a microwave oven for anything.

Microwaves completely change the molecular structure of anything—food, water, anything put through it.

If you think you can buy a beautiful organic potato and pop it in the microwave daily to cook it and eat it to fulfill this food recommendation, you are creating your own GMO in your kitchen.


Please follow this Food as Medicine idea by preparing ahead as indicated.

If you find the foods and descriptions of the preps as “oh, those are simple, I’ll just put those together as I need to”, you will get hungry, will use the microwave and soon you will just give up and go back to your old ways saying “this is just crazy, get with it, be modern”.

The suggestions here for food prep give your brain a rest from having to think about food much. Preparing ahead frees your day for all kinds of other more interesting and satisfying things to do and be.

You will start feeling better and better every day, not wild, irregular manic waves of artificial highs.

And the preps are really extremely fast and easy.


Sunday Prep routine

I cook/mash the potatoes with the butter and milk (only very fresh milk day-old, or the potatoes will not last the week), spoon one cup each into 6 small glass mason jars and put in the fridge. There usually is one potato portion left that I eat on Sunday.

I peel the carrot shavings of about 6-7 small carrots on the weekend and pack the peelings into several glass jars and put in the fridge. That’s enough for 6-7 days.

I pick up a gallon and half or more raw milk per week and a couple dozen farm eggs every week. I decant the milk into smaller 2-cup jars and refrigerate.

For the meat, I maybe do this one time a month only: I buy small frozen pieces of organic, grass-fed lean beef meat (inexpensive lean sirloin or top round, or top round roasts, liver, hamburger) from a local farmer and un-thaw 2-3 pounds or so at a time.

I cut the meat into individual, approximately 1-2 oz pieces of thin-ish slices and freeze those flat in small baggies (I know, plastic, right?…I’ve used wax paper bags sometimes too but those leak and do not hold liquid well) so I can use them one per day when ready out of the freezer.

One pound will give you about 5-6 servings (I discard the fat and large gristle pieces).

I re-freeze the raw meat individual portions and when ready to eat, pop the 3 oz. slices on a glass plate in the toaster oven with a couple pinches powdered salt on both sides for a few minutes to cook daily.

You can cook meat ahead with a crock pot or cook in an oven any of the meats (use water only to cook, you will get fantastic broth out of it as a secondary).

Spices and onions and garlic etc. NO, those are not for everyday when you are trying to mitigate pain, go plain. Then slice the cooked meat and refreeze into individual portions and just warm up daily.

Every morning Prep routine:  

I wash the eggs I’ll use (they are unwashed farm eggs) and put them (in their shells) in an open bowl in the fridge.

Press the orange into juice, pour it through a fine mesh strainer and place in a jar in the fridge.

Roll a tortilla with a few butter shavings and tuck into a reusable bag in the fridge.

Cut two one-oz. pieces of cheese to be ready for the day, left in the cheese plastic or tucked into a reusable bag in the fridge.

And I take the small saucepan and put 2 cups room temp filtered water in it, sprinkle 3 heaping TBL gelatin over the water, poke it/stir it into the water a bit with the handle of your spoon, let it sit a couple minutes and then STIRRING CONSTANTLY heat/melt the gelatin water to coffee-hot and pour the broth into the 2-cup wide-mouth thermos. I will be drinking from this several times during the day. The thermos will keep the gelatin melted about 12 hours.

My Eating Schedule:

About 6:30a-7AM:

1 cup french press coffee (about 2 TBL coarse ground organic coffee with 4 oz. hot water) with 3/4 cup raw milk with the tablespoon or so of the 2-cup-jar cream top that has settled to the top. I warm the milk and the coffee cup while the coffee is brewing.

I take my Vit. K and Vit. D and some progesterone drops then. The coffee provides magnesium that works well in tandem with those supplements.

I often take my pinch of aspirin then too.

9-9:30 am:


Take the small sauce pan and put 3/4 cup room temp water with 2 heaping TBL gelatin sprinkled over the top, poked/stirred into the water with the spoon handle and let it sit for a couple minutes.

Then I heat the gelatin water just to warm, STIRRING CONSTANTLY and melt it into broth and add about 1/2 teaspoon+ powdered salt and drink this.

I drink the small amount of orange juice I had earlier made (one orange makes about 1/8 to 1/4 cup juice).

I sunny-side-up fry two of the eggs in TBLE butter and sprinkle with a couple pinches of powdered salt and eat.

I drink about 1/2 cup cold raw milk and eat a TBL of raw honey off the spoon.

I eat 1/2  of the mango.


Drink about 1/2 cup gelatin broth from the thermos.

Eat about 1/4th teaspoon of mushroom powder as a supplement.

Eat one of the one-oz. pieces of raw milk cheese.

Drink about 1/4th to 1/2 cup cold raw milk.


I flat/smash-fry one egg with a shaving of butter and a pinch of powdered salt to eat.

I eat the other 1/2 of the breakfast mango.

I eat the rolled corn tortilla with the butter shavings.

I eat about 1/2 cup of the prepared and chilled mashed potatoes that has a bit of butter, salt and milk in them.

I drink about another 1/2 cup of gelatin broth from the thermos.


I eat the 2nd one-oz. of raw cheese.

I drink about 1/4th to 1/2 cup of raw milk.

I drink about 1/2 cup gelatin broth from the thermos.

6-7pm:  This is my final food for the day.

I eat the 2nd half cup of chilled mashed potatoes.

I broil one baggie of 3-oz of beef or liver (liver cooked 14 min.) with some powdered salt under it and on top of it for about 10-11 minutes, using the toaster oven and placing the frozen meat slices on the ceramic plate. I cut it up and eat it with no other fanfare.

I drink the last 1/2 cup of gelatin from the thermos.

After a half hour to 45 min. or so, I put the carrot salad shavings into a bowl with 2-3 pinches of powdered salt tossed in. I toss in a few sprinkles of vinegar and about 1-2 TBL organic olive oil. I let it sit for a couple minutes all tossed and then eat it.

Notice:  These statements in this Post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease. They are intended for nutritional support only. The third party information referred to herein is neither adopted nor endorsed by this author but is provided for general informational purposes. Any person suspecting disease should seek the advice of a licensed physician. No specific outcome is promised or guaranteed.



Client/User understands and agrees that (i) SevenLeaf Cannabis Coaching and any of its Certified Cannabis Coaches are not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services and will not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever, any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body, (ii) SevenLeaf Cannabis Coaching and any of its Certified Cannabis Coaches are not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, massage therapist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional, (iii) if Client/User is under the care of a health care professional or currently prescribed medications or other medical treatments, Client/User shall discuss any dietary or physical activity changes or potential dietary supplements with his/her doctor, and will not discontinue any prescription medications or other medical treatments without first consulting his/her medical professional; and (iv) Client/User has chosen to work with SevenLeaf Cannabis Coaching and its Certified Cannabis Coaches and participate in The Program and/or use this Website and its content voluntarily.

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