The Daily MICROdose

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Any articles or information here referencing Dr. Ray Peat are solely about the wellness topic alone and does not imply or suggest or in any way link his ideas and work to cannabis in any form.

Indeed, many clients following ONLY Dr. Peat’s wellness suggestions, with no cannabis use at all, have resulted in successful health, well being and reduced pain levels for the clients.

Please be advised there has been no cannabis use discussion, email or consultation with Dr. Peat by us. Whatever his beliefs and recommendations around its use are his privately.

Dr. Ray Peat has graciously given permission for the display of some of his whole newsletters for the benefit of clients and subscribers to this site.  All Rights Reserved.

KETO Dangers

All discussions with Ray Peat notes and ideas are based on my own opinions and interpretations of my notes and what I have found useful for my own use as well as from feedback from many, many, many, many others.



“The ketosis state is highly dangerous.  It can be a cause of inflammation, endocrine disruption, release of excess estrogen, can cause auto immune symptoms.” –Ray Peat Audio Interview 

During the 1920’s, around the time when cannabis began to be demonized by the new pharmaceutical industry, the keto idea began.

The start to the (follow the money) exceptionally poisonous and toxic “Keto Diet” that was a new name for what starts to happen to a body when it’s starved by lack of proper food (ketosis), or fasting it’s called, was a way to control epilepsy.

Or it was an experiment to see if ketosis could control epilepsy.

Ketosis is NOT good! It’s the beginning of organ damage from starvation!

Oh, it stopped the epilepsy back then (1920’s, they were experimenting with the use of ketosis to heal epilepsy), temporarily. Probably because the other organs were fighting about what to do and what to shut down first in a starvation crisis!

Peat has said fasting even for 24 hours or less begins to damage the internal organs, as well begins an entire cascade of brain excitotoxins release and harmful bodily protection mechanisms that begin to shut down other processes (the fasting high one gets after 24 hours or so really fasting).

As a side note here, my notes say Peat also has suggested that consuming less calories/food overall is healthier, but not doing that with fasting and/or detox sessions that can cause real harm.

The Keto Diet was and is based on that fasting premise.

Those people who follow it religiously today, and it needs be a religion… faith based on nothing tangible, faith based on instead misunderstood toxicity of the body, often experience the extreme well-being caused by brain excitotoxins and excess estrogen (for men too) similar to what happens when women take estrogen replacement pills to combat their natural aging menopause symptoms.

They feel wonderful, fantastic (well, after a while I suppose people get used to the constipation and lack of sleep as their body begins its slow descent to dying from lack of proper nutrition for real biological processes), all while their body is being destroyed.

So the better one feels on these survival chemicals that are released into the body by eating toxic food, the more the body is being degraded.

And psychologically we train ourselves to think that ALWAYS when we feel “good” we must be doing something right and are not sick.

How many times have you heard someone say they felt on top of the world, looked great, and could do all kinds of such and such until one moment— one moment!—when they did not. They discovered the cancer, the tumors, whatever. My hand is raised.

And not all those on the keto plan lose weight on the thing or find the holy grail of wellness following its dictates. They cannot.

To stay on such a harmful and psychotic plan takes an enormous amount of will power as one starves and poisons the body. At least until the body just gives up and limps along, or is forgotten when the friend stops needling them to get it together and love Keto, all never “quite” well, but good enough as the marvelous adaptability of our body gives in.

Many people actually begin to gain an inordinate amount of weight following Keto. They are told they are the problem. They are told they are not doing Keto right. But this is the endocrine system failing, from the damaged thyroid to estrogen excess and other.

Just like in recent times now, many are wakening to the mass psychosis they have been subjected to, of the plandemic and all it has entailed, people have been groomed into mass formation about food choices.

The same script being read by every mainstream media outlet talking head, by all the social media sock puppets and influencers, the print media as well people shamed by friends who buy into the Keto experience to those that have some sense it’s not quite right.

It’s on every grocery shelf, “health food” store shelf, co-op shelf screaming at us to join the movement and buy into the plan to maim and injure ourselves (using different words).

And the fasting maybe not even the worst of the Keto experience. The process includes teaching oneself to substitute chemicals and poison for everything that is real.


Just look at the CHEMICAL ingredients of this frankenfood bag!! Every single ingredient is cancer causing!

So for example, wheat flour (wheat that most people are allergic to, is now full of glyphosate/Roundup® even in the organic versions, and shouldn’t even be training ourselves at all to eat) is substituted with almond flour to get more of the oil and protein experience instead of the flour starch (but almonds far more rancid, toxic and allergenic than wheat flour!).


Keto is a diet process that teaches and includes using extreme chemicals to substitute for real food—sweetener substitutions so poison and toxic they cause brain injury, obesity, endocrine disruption, and that can hardly be pronounced!

And to claim as healthy an entire process that uses these substitute chemicals that instead shut down the proper glucose channels so critical in cell respiration and brain function? This is not health.

Sugar (that in very small amounts is a phenomenal, healing medicine, and glucose is crucial to brain health) is taught to be bad but that it’s ok to overload on sweet items as long as one substitutes sugar for highly toxic and poisonous chemicals that trick the brain to think they are sweet.

Even monk fruit is a chemical by the time one uses it as processed. It’s from a melon/gourd (many melons are poorly tolerated by the human body) that a chemical is extracted. It’s a fancy and “oh, it’s only fruit” name for a drug derived from a plant.

Oh, it’s good because monk fruit is from a plant? Opioid drugs come from the beautiful poppy plant by the way. And CBD comes from cannabis though for those opposed to saying marijuana or cannabis they call the plant the “CBD Plant”. It’s just names, some sound more acceptable than others.

Tell me why some healthy food plan (and this is not just the Keto plan but all those substitutions with chemicals of the gluten-free movement too) includes training people to support their bad habits of eating lots of desserts and sweet oily things and are trained that it’s ok to eat up these type concoctions as long as real sugar, or real flour is not used, or real oil for that matter?

The Keto diet today also now uses (heavily, heavily)—advises to use right out of large quart containers, and manufactures into their fast food products things like MCT oil (MCT that causes severe gastrointestinal problems in a great many people and that is being discovered to cause fatty liver and other toxic reactions in the body).  Just because it’s a derivative of coconut oil, it decidedly is NOT coconut oil.

To be fair, Keto does suggest using saturated fat (such as coconut oil and real butter) in the diet and higher protein intake (I have in my notes that Peat has often mentioned 100 grams a day is more optimal that the bits people ingest, though a large part of that is better as pharmaceutical grade pure gelatin, milk, eggs, and cheese rather than a large chunk of meat all in one meal).

But keep in mind when eating too much saturated fat, it still contains a percentage of unsaturated fat in its molecules and now there is a PUFA problem even from consuming too much saturated fat.

And Keto uses all kinds of nuts and seeds in their recommendations for protein and fat that are rancid, create PUFA (poly unsaturated fatty acid) deposits in the body, cause allergic reactions in many people.

It can take years to never, to clear the excess PUFA deposits. These show up as age spots in hands, perhaps even causing (I have no proof) the field of macular “drusen” deposits (PUFA deposits?) behind the eye that the pros cannot identify cause, but want to inject instead drugs into people’s eyes to break them up—which sometimes works, most don’t.

Same with what Keto does with advising people to eat certain plants like cruciferous plants (cabbage, broccoli) that are famine foods, that need to be denatured to even have a chance in absorbing into the human body and that cause estrogenic hormonal responses.

Or advising their followers to eat seeds of any kind, especially flax seeds. Flax seeds (and guar gums, other gums and thickening agents) have historically been used to cause cancer in order to study the cancer

The woman who cured her cancer, supposedly with flax seeds, used an enormous amount of them which acted as a purge.  Flax seeds CAUSE CANCER.

But people are taught to eat flax seeds in all kinds of small amounts, as an ingredient—in recipes. Dangerous.

Famine foods by the way are foods used during some generation or multi generational time span where draught, floods, disasters ruined natural food. The population would eat whatever they could to survive.

They often relied on the local herbalists and shamans to figure out how to ferment or cook or otherwise process harmful plants or animals/birds/fish so they could eat them.

These foods then became some kind of twisted traditional food for the surviving generations and that would end up passed along through families and communities for years and future generations.

Or lettuces, no matter how fresh, giant, green that cause excess mucous problems, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, other plants/vegetables that are hard to digest and allergenic to many

These mucous problems are not just about runny noses. It’s about creating an imbalance of mucous in the intestinal tract, and the lungs, and around organs.

Or fruits, many that are not even real fruit any more they have been so bred to be “other”, including organic versions. 

These are such as starchy apples, most berries (some of which like blueberries are no longer blueberries but often other large scale grown genetics of nameless species that happen to be blue, or even dyed blue!) starchy pears and such.

Some former non-GMO fruits, like Mexican and Hawaiian papayas that used to be my mainstay fruit of choice when I lived in Los Angeles 20 years ago are no more (or exceptionally hard to find), completely replaced by frankenfuit—GMO versions organic or not.

Organic growers of certain carrots, fruits that have been genetically altered for color, size and other are just as GMO as GMO, just a different name!

And certain meat and fish that are not good for humans, even in their cleanest forms they are mostly incompatible with humans. They create PUFA deposits (chicken/fowl, salmon, pork products).

Fish, salmon, especially FARMED fish and salmon these days carry too much mercury and chemical waterway runoff toxins. 

And sometimes, the way the animal’s biology is in their body, their meat is not compatible with humans.

For example, pork meat products are very difficult for the human body to digest and use regardless how “naturally” the meat is  cured and processed.

Even when the pigs are grown grass-fed and processed minimally, or are unprocessed, they still have high damaging omega-6 fats, and histamine in the meat. There are other toxins in the meat created from some of the food the pigs ate, and for sure from the curing process trying to make this meat more palatable creating stress on the human body trying to digest and use that meat.

All these type diets are waving some shiny magic bullet at people to solve the problems the new and current Pharma meds and fake foods are creating in bodies.

These diets that cause more addictions and disease in people than what folks are trying to solve with them.

And all created to make $billions for the Dictators of Industry as people gain more and more weight as their endocrine and other bodily functions are damaged eating the new chemicals instead of the old chemicals.

All with the promise they can be one of the thin ones, one of the healthy ones, one of those successful with the poison diet.

Those followers that herald these processes and choices as wise, truly believing that they lost all kinds of weight or can control their diabetes, their eczema or some other symptom item, do  feel good (high) well, at what cost to their future wellness and longevity?

What other health crisis is just waiting for a hospital stay, a stay also supported by the unproven and $billion drug Pharma cartel.

Being Keto-correct, non-gluten correct by using products that release brain excitotoxins and eating chemicals that cause organ malfunctions, endotoxin, constipation, diarrhea, and aggravate pain receptors or to use these chemical substitutions thinking one can quell real sugar addictions cannot be the primary goal.

I suggest not ever to substitute something look-alike for something real food for any reason.

If you are addicted to desserts, stay away from them, don’t make them, don’t bring them in your house, and don’t look up recipes to take to the guild or the neighbor’s coffee klatch.

Think of other interesting things in your life besides. Bring the tea to the guild instead.

And don’t think you can fool your body into thinking some concoction filled with the ingredients for the dessert only made with look-alike things are different. They are not and could be causing real damage as well as damage to your psychosis.


So people, please—just stop. Just stop poisoning yourself.

Food is medicine and you want the real medicine, not the drugs.

And please don’t fast, whether called another name as in Keto, or recommended by another doctor or other you generally trust. It’s not human biologically or human chemically healthy.

Notice:  These statements in this Post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease. They are intended for nutritional support only. The third party information referred to herein is neither adopted nor endorsed by this author but is provided for general informational purposes. Any person suspecting disease should seek the advice of a licensed physician. No specific outcome is promised or guaranteed.



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