The Daily MICROdose

NOTE: I make NO commission nor any other compensation when recommending any linked and suggested specific products.


Please remember that by presenting here in The Daily MICROdose any books, recordings of mindset techniques or similar, does not mean the books’ author or author’s company agrees with or supports cannabis use and its legalities.  In addition, my and this site’s views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of any of the third parties linked here.

Robert F. Kennedy, JR

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy JR

This exceptionally footnoted and vetted expose highlights the fraud and corruption of Big Pharma and the Medical and Science Complex corrupted by Fauci over the last 50 years.

It’s sold more than a million copies already but you won’t hear about it on the news. It’s full of over 2500 highly vetted, court-room-ready, documented footnotes of all the claims.

The author is a highly regarded corporate/government litigation attorney protecting our rivers from pollutions for decades and now dedicates his life to protecting the children.

See Children’

From Children’s Health Defense website Description:  

“This book provides the hard facts about the epidemic and research – making it accessible to as many people as possible.

Over his 50-year career as a government bureaucrat, Dr. Fauci has consistently served the interests of himself, Big Pharma and the military — while failing the American public.

Through painstaking and meticulous research, this book unearths facts about Dr. Fauci that should alarm every American who cares about this country — and the future our children will inherit.

This book reveals how Fauci:

  • Failed dismally over his 50-year career with the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to address the cause, prevention and cures for the exploding epidemic of allergies and chronic disease.
  • Sabotaged safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS.
  • Violated federal laws to allow his pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies.
  • Will personally profit from sales of Moderna’s COVID vaccine, co-developed by Moderna and NIAID
  • Promotes “agency capture” — the subversion of democracy and public health by the drug industry.
  • Partnered with the Pentagon to approve taxpayer-funded “gain-of-function” experiments to breed pandemic superbugs in poorly regulated labs in Wuhan, China and elsewhere, under conditions that almost certainly guaranteed the escape of weaponized microbes like SARS-CoV-2.”

Additional Resources


Follow this link for more information here on the list of physicians working with cannabis patients as well those physicians now successfully helping those injured by Covid-19.

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