The Daily MICROdose

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Please remember that by presenting here in The Daily MICROdose any books, recordings of mindset techniques or similar, does not mean the books’ author or author’s company agrees with or supports cannabis use and its legalities.  In addition, my and this site’s views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of any of the third parties linked here.


The following report on what is mind control and entrainment and why we should care can be found on this site here, and multiple articles about Mind Control techniques and how they are used on the entire human populace, including and especially children is here.
Understanding the heavy issue of mind control that has been used for decades against and for various uses is not just and issue for or targeted against selected individuals, but the mind control techniques are used with and against entire populations, entire swaths of humanity.
It is used on all of us daily through the sophisticated technologies of the electronics of television sets that cause a hypnotic effect when viewing the screen and the way pixels and light are arranged to display the picture and sound.
As well, mind control is used in the programs we watch from “simple” cartoons, to movies to “news” we are being programed to think certain ways, to feel certain ways, to change our very beliefs and attitudes about ourselves, our neighbors, our families and the world and its events.
Mind control and entrainment are used all day long through the sophisticated technologies of smart phones and tablets through the apps and sites we use and visit and the way these devices demand we look at them and follow what the device suggests. Its as simple as pretending to be a phone game where we “find” and are led to… little electronic jumping icons “out there in the real world” that then lead us not just into the neighborhood park, but into the nearby shops!
And we think this is a game app to help us get our daily walking exercise….
The website is full of highly valuable, amazing and in-depth vetted discussions, reports for good health, food for the soul, mindset, and particularly financial safety and rebellion articles, interviews, ideas by renown financial sector author and speaker, Catherine Austin Fitts,   “Actionable intelligence to live a free & inspired life.
Catherine Austin Fitts is the Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. She is the former Managing Director and Member of the Board of Directors of Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. and President of Solari, Inc.
She is interviewed regularly as part of a weekly program with CHD-TV series called Financial Rebellion. is a subscription site but includes an enormous amount of free articles.
The Solari Report, August 18, 2011: Entrainment Technology with Adam Trombly and Catherine Austin Fitts © 2011 Solari, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Produced exclusively by Solari, Inc.
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