The Daily MICROdose

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CBD Organic Flower Sources

Where to get really good, organic CBD hemp plant material

The following are the only places I recommend online for quality cannabis hemp CBD.

These online locations sell organic CBD plant flower to make your Recipe, or to inhale with a dry vaporizer. 

I’ve included one company selling a workable, high-CBD-dose tincture. This company, out of Colorado and controlling the grow all the way to the product, but like all the rest, uses dangerous MCT oil, do sell an organic, quality tested, 3000 mg per 30 ML high mg version of CBD. One dose has 100 mg CBD. A couple or 3 of those doses for sleep might help. The 30 ML/one ounce is $145 (you’ll get 10-15 days worth out of a bottle).

See the CBD article about the problems with low-dose, and oil based doses of CBD in general.

Ingesting ANY CBD product using oils, like MCT oil, like Hemp oil as carriers will cause you more damage than the little bit of CBD in the products will offer as benefit. Low dose CBD is nearly completely without benefit on its own. You will merely be adding to your PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) in-body damage.

In addition, consuming cannabis in an oil based tincture or coconut oil base “butter”, in whatever CBD concentration, might not work with some people’s digestive tract/gut. Hardly any of the CBD AT ALL might end up as medicine in the body if the body can’t digest it out of the oils in the first place.

Any oil based medicines doses therefore, of whatever quantity (and it’s a waste of money in any case if the dose per serving isn’t AT LEAST 100 mg per SERVING) need to be held in the mouth about 5 minutes and then swallowed, allowing some of the medicine to by-pass the gut.

Or the medicine needs to be INHALED as plant using a dry vaporizer instead.

Sources of high quality cannabis hemp CBD flower:

This is my favorite place, a Pennsylvania farm, get the smalls by the ounce of whatever strain…choose a strain with 15% or higher CBDA.

This seller is an Oregon organic farm. They do sell “smalls” which are traditionally much less expensive than the full flowers and really good for your infusions. You need to use more in your infusions as the smalls have slightly less CBD content.  However, their Suver Haze variety often has higher CBD content than other flower strains, up to 22-25% and you might still be able to use the same amount in your Recipe.  

This same farm does also have a broad-spectrum CBD with terpene and cannabinoid concentrate that might not bell curve (see the article below on that) if needing to take higher doses.   It still needs to be activated with heat—by inhaling, dabbing or heating in a spoon and then adding to coconut oil infusions if not inhaling. A 4 gram amount for $145 would have about 10 servings of 300 mg each or so.

And this farm is also an Oregon organic farm. The owners are conscientious and take pride in their flowers.  They sell a lot of CBG (another, but still little researched, cannabinoid of cannabis, like CBD, in general, and in higher quantities bred into hemp cannabis) flower, which can help pain if also taken/inhaled in larger quantities. Their CBD strains are lower CBDA versions but good quality. You could double the amount of 10% CBDA plant in your Recipe and still be good if you got some plant on sale there or something.

They offer a salve that many, who are not allergic to it, you’ll need to test a bit from a jar on yourself for a week or so, but many really love this salve for topical pain relief from fibromyalgia and arthritis relief. It does include terpenes concentrate that was added to the base. If you are allergic to essential oils, you might be allergic to this blend, otherwise it even smells nice. 

Most of the local dispensaries also carry CBD plant flower, salves, tinctures too. Ask for certified organic CBD.

Many cities and states where all CBD is legal have walk-in CBD shops. These are just like marijuana dispensaries in legal states. Some will be psychedelic, some will be drug-store like.

BEWARE and DON’T online or in person buy or use any CBD derived Delta 8 or CBD Delta 9 products! The manufacturers are bending the rules and that means they also could be bending the quality controls, the true dosage amounts, the products might have synthetic cannabinoids, all really dangerous right now.

See the dispensary article for how to find your local CBD or marijuana dispensary shop.



None of us are able to request certified organic marijuana THC-rich plant or medicines because it’s still federally illegal and the certified organic label is a federal program.

However, many of the finer THC manufacturers are proud of using cleaner, organic base materials and usually mention that in their marketing.

Because of the very high quantities of CBD needed to reduce pain, CBD is only recommended as an aid for THC withdrawal symptoms during tolerance breaks, to balance the ingredients in the Recipe and for inhaling or ingesting large quantity CBD concentrates when THC-rich products are unavailable or illegal.

Some have found success with high quantity CBD for pain and other malady relief from consuming (inhaling or ingesting) doses of 300-700 mg per dose. The only way to effect that I think is with full or broad spectrum concentrates or distillates of CBD and by inhaling by smoking or dry plant vaporizing CBD.

CBD MUST BE consumed as a full spectrum or broad spectrum cannabinoid (which happens when smoking/inhaling full flower or with full/broad spectrum) or the consumer will experience a Bell Curve phenomenon where the CBD just stops working with whatever consumption means or amount of CBD per dose.

Some of the organic growers make CBD tinctures, drops, gummies, all the junk. The products range from very cheap to very expensive and don’t work. The doses are too small to matter. There are other ingredients in the products that are dangerous and shouldn’t be ingested in doses.

As well, in such small doses, you could be creating insomnia and wakefulness for yourself if consumed near sleep time. For most people, small doses (the 25-30 or 50 mg, anything under 300 mg really) are alerting per Dr. Bonni Goldstein, MD.

You are throwing away your medicine dollars. And if purchasing CBD edibles, you are buying candy and baked goods and bath bombs for entertainment.

Some of the growers also make topical CBD salves. Now, if you’re not allergic to the base and the mixture topically, some people have had limited relief using such CBD salves on their skin. Test a small area of skin first for any topical use, like the inner elbow or wrist for a few days in a row to see if the skin turns red.

If you want a topical salve, I recommend that the amount of CBD in the ounce or two of product sold be the highest quantity mg possible (like 400 mg per 2 oz), and the base be simple, not too many ingredients. This farm has a salve that people have really liked.

Even with CBD products, if inhaling, using a concentrate or using topically, Go slow. Start LOW.  Only try a few puffs a day for awhile and between 1-2 puffs at a time, wait 10-20 minutes to check the effects for you. 

If ingesting concentrates for the first time, DO NOT ingest the full 300 mg dose people have used. Start with a dab of it. And remember, if “eating CBD off the spoon” (DON’T eat it off the spoon!!) it MUST STILL BE DECARBED to activate it.

Most people using such concentrate to add into coconut oil for example heat it first on a heat-proof spoon until the bubbling stops. Just only take a small dab for a few doses in a row to get used to larger and larger amounts as needed. It’s messy and inexact to work with concentrates.

I suggest not driving or needing to show up for anything of importance while you experiment and/or your body gets a little used to the new ingredients.

Even with just CBD people can still get sensations of dizziness and euphoria for a few days as their body gets used to the extra cannabinoids.

Best buys from premium hemp sites like the above, are by the OUNCE (about 28 grams, not single grams or 1/8ths etc, an ounce is give or take 28 grams) as well as “smalls” are much less expensive.

Smalls are the flowers that grew further down the cannabis plant stem with less light as the plant was growing and producing flowers. They grow into about 1/3rd to 1/2 the plants’ full flower bud sizes.

They have slightly less CBD per gram in them. They are great for adding to your Recipe infusion.

Or if you have the Mighty dry plant vaporizer, you can experiment vaporizing CBD. You will need high doses of CBD to have much effect on remediating general pain. However, you might enjoy a sense of relaxation from inhaling the CBD flower.

As well, you can ask/email the dealer where you purchase your vaporizer for any special add-on for the unit that allows you to inhale from cannabis concentrates. The unit will heat the concentrate like it does flower and you will be inhaling the vapor from the concentrate. Depending on how “whole plant” or “full or broad spectrum” is the concentrate, you might or not be able to consume the needed higher doses of CBD-rich cannabis that will work and not give you the Bell Curve effect.

Some people who previously used high dose THC-rich marijuana, find they are now allergic to THC all around. They have often found a measure of relief still for themselves from using high dose CBD in combination of inhalation of flower and ingesting concentrates (properly heated and prepared).

ONLY use INHALE or SMOKING dose methods of consumption if you have NO RESPIRATORY or LUNG CONDITIONS.

If you want to try to smoke a CBD joint, DO NOT buy a CBD pre-roll.

They are terribly harsh, having even less CBD content than the flower bud smalls. They are made out of the last of the lower leaves, some sugar leaf trims and stems. They could trigger coughing spells. And not have much for CBD in them.

But buy regular size flower buds to smoke, a small quantity to test.

You can also buy an inexpensive $10 glass pipe from a regular smoke shop to experiment.

Buy organic rolling papers, or pre-roll sleeves online and fill them yourself with the good flower.

Or see if you can stop in to a local regular smoke shop for rolling papers or sleeves. The customer service there can then show you how to fill or roll them. You will need a grinder to cut the flower up into tiny pieces, or use your micro-tip scissors to cut the flower buds up into fairly small pieces when smoking them.

Info on the Bell Curve effect with CBD, a little science:



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