"without getting high"

What is this about?

Everything you’ll need to know, all in one place, in the privacy of your own space. 

This site is about how to opt out of the medical complex and its propaganda and be healthier than you thought possible.

It’s about how to opt out of poisoned and propagandized Big Food and the Keto Lie.

How to opt out of the highly contaminated, fraudulent and highly misunderstood use of the Big Supplement Industry.

How to step-by-step understand medical cannabis use and how to make your own clean, organic medicine.

This site shows the step-by-step simple techniques and common sense knowledge used by ordinary people to stay healthy, without medical or pharma or big food intervention and that people were used to prior to the 1930’s.

I’m a wellness and healing facilitator for nearly 40 years and a Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator.

Because I too have several severe chronic pains I have to manage, and because I hear you, who have stumbled on this site to find alternative pain relief help for yourself or one you love, I curated this collection of premium content how-to-use cannabis and other wellness life hacks.

The Daily MICROdose, a self-guided experience of transformation for the client, gently but precisely unrolls what differently to use and do of the common everyday tools of effective and minimal cannabis protocols, specific foods, particular and common supplements, and other routines that help reduce chronic pain associated with adult ailments like advancing arthritis, scoliosis and back injuries, fibromyalgia, migraines and IBS.

The site is full of (NON-monetized!) sources and resources of where to get everything that most people have found the most useful and true.

One of my dearest and most trusted wellness and science teachers and mentors, in his relentless search for Truth, long ago suggested that correctly adjusting the human metabolic system was the key to so much of other healing of injuries, illness and pain.

For at least the last 90 years the world has become progressively full of massive medical fraud, corruption, medical and food and herbal/supplements propaganda and fraud, and the programmed lack of understanding (purposefully no longer taught in those elite schools) of correct human physiology and biology.

With that, many people have found successful healing looking for other ways, ways from years past that used to work brilliantly, to right their metabolism.

This site covers one path to those “other world view”  wellness ideas around differently correcting our human metabolic condition.

It’s rich with details of how-to, references, studied opinions from credentialed experts of how some people have successfully righted their metabolic function and in the process have greatly reduced their pains even without the use of cannabis, or the medical complex, at all. 

Wellness. Differently.


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Premium Content
How-to Use Cannabis and Life Hacks for Wellness On Your Own Schedule

Eileen, CCWC, ELD

I have been a wellness and healing facilitator for almost 40 years, guiding clients to find their healing through a series of evidence-based protocols using certain foods, specific supplements and mindset tools to reduce chronic pain and minimize maladies caused by hormone imbalance.

Because of my own scoliosis, arthritis and hormone issues, I’ve been an avid student and more than 30 years long client of Dr. Ray Peat, PhD. (1936-2022) (in biology, physiology, nutritional counseling and specialist in discoveries and work with progesterone and related hormones and human metabolic function).

I spent years studying and researching and experimenting on myself with a myriad of wellness ideas, foods, supplements ideas from many “prominent” peddlers of such information. But getting sicker and more full of pain with each try.

And then I found and began to follow Peat’s ideas. I began to have more healing success than I had experienced before.

The ideas seemed common sense. When I followed the reasons why and looked at the massive amount of other studies Peat always referenced with all his suggestions I began to understand wellness completely differently.

And now the majority of my work with others centers on his set of certain recommendations in these arenas.

Countless other people working with Ray Peat’s ideas have expressed this phenomena too, not just myself and my clients.

Though Peat’s suggestions are unusual, they are well documented, and myself and countless others have had our health phenomenally changed for the better because of following his recommendations.

And for my cannabis background, I will say I’ve done my fair share of cannabis experiments on myself over the years.  As I’ve become fascinated with its newer wellness discoveries, I now found it was confusing and frustrating trying to figure out how to find the right strain to relieve what I had going, what to do for a typical dose size and what kind of consuming method to choose. I spent an enormous amount of time and money trying to find my “Zone” where I had relief but was still functioning.

I heard from people saying they too wanted to try cannabis but didn’t know how.

That’s why I then professionally trained to be a Cannabis Coach and earned another certification.

Though cannabis is not for all, for others it can offer profound healing relief.

But a bit more of my background– traveling extensively over the years, I’ve also earned a Masters of Music taking some of those studies and voice performances in Europe and other countries, and have a 40+ years love of crystals/minerals collecting, crystal healing and meditative-metaphysical work.





Real Food


We have been hypnotized into thinking fancy, highly marketed diet plans such as Keto Diets are good for us when instead they are a highly dangerous fraud. Many have found better health consuming clean real food (like raw milk), clean water, minimal supplements.

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