The Daily MICROdose

Activities of Daily Living



About the effect for some of getting hungry for snacks when consuming some types of cannabis products. What to do about.

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Your Questions & Answers

A running list of subscriber questions and answers in a variety of categories. Questions on CBD and cannabis products that are fraudulent. Questions about cannabis drug tests and specific products. More “from my notes of Peat” answers. Questions on side effects, products and other. The recipe for the natural substitute for hydroxychloroquine.

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Discussion about insomnia, causes, many suggestions to solve chronic insomnia.

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Activities of Daily Living

Entourage Effect

Discussion of what is the cannabis and wellness entourage effect, how the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. How full spectrum and broad spectrum cannabis products are part of the effect.

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TOXIC LEGACY, by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.

“In Toxic Legacy, senior research scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD, delivers compelling evidence [of alarming health damage from glyphosate] based on countless published, peer-reviewed studies―all in frank, illuminating, and always accessible language.”

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Activities of Daily Living

Kitchen Riser Hack

Discussion of a way to lift yourself up a few inches more while working off kitchen cabinets. This is a way to relieve back pain while preparing food. What it is and where to get it.

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Activities of Daily Living

Office – Hand Rests

Discusses correct desktop setups to relieve pain of repetitive stress injury, head and neck strains. What to look for and where to get the tools.

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