The Daily MICROdose




Discussion about insomnia, causes, many suggestions to solve chronic insomnia.

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Activities of Daily Living

Kitchen Riser Hack

Discussion of a way to lift yourself up a few inches more while working off kitchen cabinets. This is a way to relieve back pain while preparing food. What it is and where to get it.

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Activities of Daily Living

Office – Hand Rests

Discusses correct desktop setups to relieve pain of repetitive stress injury, head and neck strains. What to look for and where to get the tools.

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Activities of Daily Living


Discussion of the simple essential food tools and kitchen equipment needed to prepare real food. What they are and where to get them.

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Activities of Daily Living


Discussion about some potatoes as real food, how best to make them and store them. Advice about a very particular way to eat them for better digestibility and health.

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