The Daily MICROdose


Mindset refers to how and what we think and feel, our attitudes and beliefs around ourselves, how we fit into our family, community, our world, around our life and its successes and fun we want to have now or future in our life. Mindset is critical and the initial and probably the most important component in having a satisfying, fulfilling, and health-filled life.



Discussion on what is entrainment, brain washing through televisions and other media. Explains Mind Control techniques. Explains how long it’s been happening and the threat to us modern day.

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Activities of Daily Living

Breathing Formula

With a simple breathing technique, we can increase our energy, relax the stuck spots. What it is, how to, demostrations.

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Understanding EMOTIONS

A series of discussions and meditations through various emotions from dark to light as suggested working with The Lazaris Material(TM)

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