The Daily MICROdose

NOTE: I make NO commission nor any other compensation when recommending any linked and suggested specific products. In addition, my and this site's views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of Dr. Ray Peat or any of the third parties linked on this site.



Any articles or information here referencing Dr. Ray Peat are solely about the wellness topic alone and does not imply or suggest or in any way link his ideas and work to cannabis in any form.

Indeed, many clients following ONLY Dr. Peat’s wellness suggestions, with no cannabis use at all, have resulted in successful health, well being and reduced pain levels for the clients.

Please be advised there has been no cannabis use discussion, email or consultation with Dr. Peat by us. Whatever his beliefs and recommendations around its use are his privately.

Dr. Ray Peat has graciously given permission for the display of some of his whole newsletters for the benefit of clients and subscribers to this site.  All Rights Reserved.

Dangerous Items

Last revised 2022

[First created August, 2000]

Below my comments is a Ray Peat full article about the dangers of unsaturated vegetable oils in its entirety.


All items below are based on my own opinions and understandings of many of Peat’s notes I have taken over the years. They are what I have found useful for my own use. Those items marked as noted dangerous by “L.” are the recommendations of my dearest friend, who regardless of any consensus qualifications, I have found to be right.

DANGEROUS ITEMS:  (in addition to the notes in the real food discussion):

The following list is daunting. Reading through it and considering what we are wrongly doing or using or allowing or….can create a level of despair. But take heart. Begin to end those things, those items that can cause more harm, little by little.

But realize first and always with priority:  We are more than our physical bodies. We create our own reality by causing and mostly allowing. This is the good news. We can change whatever (L. Health vs. 1)  went before. Health and well being can be ours just with the choosing and then with the power of acting on our choices (L. Health vs 2).

Desire, expect, choose your thoughts and feelings. Live well. Live wisely. Love.


Progesterone, thyroid [meds], vitamin D, calcium and aspirin are helpful/curative for autoimmune problems, including lupus; unopposed estrogen is the basic factor in autoimmune diseases.” Ray Peat.


A Vitamin:  Risky when ingested as a supplement or through carotene. Carotene NOT a good source of Vitamin A. Carotene can accumulate and disrupt the hormones. Very important to regularly get from milk, eggs and liver. It remedies a number of ailments, including skin problems. If needed, in addition to getting it from the food, use it topically on the skin (like the face or chest) by mixing the “palmitate” variety with a slight amount of coconut oil, applying, letting it absorb for awhile, and then washing it off.   – Ray Peat.

Acidophilus, Yogurt, Kefir type fermented milk products:  Risky. Produce an “artificial” type of lactic acid that is more dangerous than the lactic acid produced by the body under stress. Harmful to some sensitive people. Ray Peat.

Allergy shots/injections and allergen skin tests:  Highly dangerous. For the test, a person is injected with known possible allergenic substances to determine what is causing the allergy, all the while overloading the body with a hundred different allergens to fight. Then the regular, weekly/monthly, multi-year allergy shot program regularly injects the allergen, along with an adjuvant (the carrier material and usually poisonous) for the body to then constantly be fighting. “A person doesn’t want to be vaccinated for everything, or to have an immune system that acts as if it had been vaccinated for many things.” Ray Peat.

Aluminum: Dangerous. Suppresses the immune system. Disrupts the hormonal system. Damages the brain. Implicated in Alzheimer’s Disease. Aluminum is ingested from cookware (including some stainless steel products, and homemade ice cream canisters, etc., from commercial baking powder (in many processed foods), from soda cans and other processed containers, and is a primary ingredient in many underarm deodorants— the ingredient that “stops perspiration”, and is in the “healthful” “mineral rock” deodorant sold in health food stores (the mineral is made up of aluminum salts).  Information is found in many references, Internet materials, and toxic list texts.

Anthocyanidians (found in all Berries like Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and herbs like Bilberry, St. John’s Wort):  Dangerous. Definitely NOT a health benefit, anthocyanins/anthocyanindians are misunderstood science and are “mutagenic, estrogenic, and oxidant/antioxidant to different degrees“. Ray Peat. Pubmed articles showing no benefit in use.

Antibiotics:  FDA  “Black Box Warning” antibiotics that have had whistleblower FDA changes made to them since 2018 but have been dangerous since inception and continue to be administered today such as Cipro. See more information from following the link. Damage following use can be widespread and continue for YEARS after first or only use. Highly Dangerous. – L., Peat, multiple toxicity studies. Tetracycline, erythromycin, and real penicillin are the only antibiotics I’ve ever seen referenced by Peat as ok to use

Amino Acids:  Highly Dangerous as supplements. Some can cause seizures. Eat protein, 100 grams, as meat, milk, cheeses, eggs instead. Tryptophan, glutamic acid, taurine, L-Carnitine, L-anything etc. “Glutamate and aspartate are the main excitotoxins (not glutamine), and cystine can be excitotoxic and antithyroid, tryptophan is antithyroid and can turn into serotonin, which can be neurotoxic. Glycine is probably safe, and gelatin is a good source of it. The D-amino acids are rare, and so wouldn’t be a problem. Ray Peat. Also, Lita Lee.

Avocados, Avocado Oil:  Highly Dangerous. Peat considers this one of the most toxic foods and that eating it can damage the liver. Lita Lee decades ago ran tests regarding avocado and the blood of the person after eating the avocado was sluggish and had toxins as if the person had food poisoning. A RayPeatForum member said “Avocado, are generally high in deuterium, which alters mitochondrial function. Also, they have a fair amount of oxalate”. And from Peat:  “Animal proteins, and fruits, because they contain the lowest levels of toxins, should form the basis of the diet. Not all fruits, of course, are perfectly safe–avocados, for example, contain so much unsaturated fat that they can be carcinogenic and hepatotoxic.”   – Ray Peat, Lita Lee.

B1 Vitamin (Thiamine):  Occasional use only, 10 to 100 mg per day. Can help detoxify lactic acid. Best to get from meat, milk, eggs, etc. Note: Some B vitamins are toxic when taken as supplements. Best to use liver once per week. Ray Peat.

B2 Vitamin (Riboflavin):  Dangerous as a supplement. The only safe source is liver. The synthetic can cause many allergic reactions, hemorrhoids, headaches, runny nose. Ray Peat.

Beans (legumes):  Dangerous. Estrogenic from flavonoids. Damages the thyroid. Similar to soy problems. ALL beans even green beans. Ray Peat

Beets, Beetroot: Dangerous. Are loaded with side effects. Beets are high in oxalic acid that cannot be boiled out like some greens and can cause kidney stones and gout. They are also very high in the toxic metals of copper (see Copper below) and iron (see Iron below) which build up in the body from all sources and could harm the liver and pancreas. Besides rash and eczema, fever and chills, even possible anaphylaxis as allergic reactions, many with IBS and GI problems can experience bloating and stomach cramps from the high nitrates. -my Ray Peat notes, PubMed, Nutritional Sites

Black walnut hull: Dangerous. “Is extremely rich in reactive tannins, used as dye; they have been used as a vermifuge [to kill intestinal parasites], but the extreme reactivity of the tannins means that they are mutagenic and carcinogenic”.  Ray Peat.

Breads:  Risky to Highly Dangerous. Many processed flours are conditioned with iodate, a thyroid inhibitor or more recently bromate/bromine conditioners that are even more toxic than the iodate. Most people have allergies to wheat and that are intensified because of adverse reactions to the dough conditioners. Some grains are estrogenic like flax and millet. Yeasts are estrogenic. Most grain is rancid before it’s even ground. See “grains” under the “Additional Foods” document. “Manna Bread” brand is sprouted, check the ingredients, the plain wheat one is ok. Ray Peat.

Broccoli (raw):  Dangerous. Helpful if cooked, but is estrogenic. Damages the thyroid. Ray Peat.

C Vitamin:  Vitamin C tablets of 50 mg is good if needed short term, BUT NOT massive doses, not 500 mg of manufactured, even reagent pure ascorbic acid dissolved in water and analyzed, has enough numerous heavy metals, including too much iron alone, that are concentrated enough to be like a killing dose of radiation x-ray—we can get colds and allergy symptoms and reactions to it. Find instead what we need of Vit. C IN FOOD, (from meats, milk and fruit…all of the animals except humans and primates make their own Vit. C so all of the animal food has a lot of Vit. C in it because the animal makes it) We can increase our useable Vit. C to 4000 mg just by eliminating grains from the diet, but even 2 mg of the commercial stuff produces adverse reactions.  Caution when used as a supplement. Short term use only. Many toxic forms now in the stores. Can cause hemorrhoids or other problems. Best to get from fresh fruits, orange juices, mango, MILK and MEAT etc. Ray Peat.

Cabbage (raw):  Dangerous. Helpful if cooked, but is estrogenic. Damages the thyroid. Ray Peat.

Cannabis Dangers:   Dangerous when used recreationally and/or in edibles. Especially dangerous when recreating using modern day cannabis plant hybrids, modern day concentrates and extracts prepared either by the user or purchased pre-made, in entertainment foods like baked goods, candies or dinner party meals. Follow the link for more information.

Cauliflower (raw):  Dangerous.  Helpful if cooked, but is estrogenic. Damages the thyroid. Ray Peat.

Cell Phones:  L.:  “If there’s another phone to use, use that one. Using protective cases, special headphones, etc. give a positive message to the subconscious that the use is not willy-nilly, however, no protective case is enough. The radiation is still too dangerous.” (Paraphrased from a L. private consultation).

Citric acid: Dangerous. Many get MSG-like reactions to it. Citric acid is NOT citrus. It’s a man-made chemical added to food for flavors, and used as insecticide and disinfectants, and to marinate meat– that should confirm the MSG for you, as MSG has been used for decades as a meat tenderizer and other even cosmetic uses.

Cleanses, Detox Products and Rituals. Highly Dangerous. Many of the herbs or substances used in combinations claiming to rid toxins can cause severe organ damage. See Black Walnut Hulls above. But even liver and gallstone cleanses using things like lemons and olive oils purporting to expel “stones” can cause the very stones that one might see expelled while causing massive distress to the organs. Never fast thinking one is cleansing or detoxing, regardless what famous doctor might be pushing it. See below about not fasting. Coffee enemas and other irritants to the intestines and colon can damage the gut microbiomes and delicate tissues changing their pH structures and moisture levels. Giving blood to try to detox iron might rid some body iron buildup but could imbalance other systems in the process. Iron builds up in other areas of the body and not just the blood. Taking chelation infusions might or not rid some heavy metals but can introduce neurotoxins and other poisons in the process. See EDTA Chelation Therapy below. Peat calls this process “Russion Roulette”. -my Ray Peat notes.

Colonics Cleanses. Dangerous. If done frequently enough, can completely interrupt and permanently damage our peristalsis of our intestinal tract loosing us our natural ability to poop on our own. Damages the gut microbiome.- L., my Ray Peat notes.

Colonoscopies. Highly Dangerous. Intrusive, violent. Introduces into the body the toxins and poisons of the solutions used not only to forcefully “clean/expel feces/cause diarrhea” before the procedure, but introduces more poisons to perform the procedure. Anesthesia can also cause enormous physical harm. The colonoscopy procedure itself can cause physical intestinal damage by the operator. These procedures completely change the gut microbiome makeup and can take months or longer to heal the damage and regain a working peristalsis. These are “prescribed” as “routine” procedures to be done every few years, and especially recommended to old and physically weaken people to have done to them, recommended as a corrupt protocol to maim and damage us further. These are also prescribed when a person is already suffering from great intestinal pains such as diverticulitis. Dangerous antibiotics are often co-prescribed in these cases. The dangers and the pain associated with such procedures and combinations can be unimaginable. Recovery can be long and arduous. One cannot just “all clean” our intestinal tract as if we are washing our hands. This is a delicate, finely balanced internal system, internal and delicate organ. If this organ needs examination, perhaps different, less intrusive and damaging means might be explored. Poor diet and worse supplements could also be reviewed and changed.- my Ray Peat notes.

Copper:  Dangerous when taken as a supplement or from cookware. Damaging to many systems.-my Ray Peat notes.

Cortisone: Extremely Dangerous, especially cortisone shots, but all types of uses–topical creams, internal medicines, other.  Increases the spread of cancer. Damages the immune system and muscles. So highly endocrine disruptive the damage can be permanent. -my Ray Peat notes.

Curcumin/Turmeric:  These are found in many formulations for immune support and even for scoliosis support. Use CAUTION using these supplements especially if you have gall bladder issues. These two supplements can irritate and inflame gall bladder tissues and cause attacks.

Cysteine:  Risky. “Amino acid found in muscle meats and liver. Blocks the synthesis of thyroid hormone“.  “Heart, eggs, skin (gelatin) and milk are more favorable to the thyroid”. Ok to eat meat [daily in small amounts], as well as liver once a week, but get the majority of protein requirements from milk, cheeses and eggs and gelatin”. Ray Peat. “Nutrition for Women”.

DHEA:  Dangerous. Difficult to measure the exact amount each different body type needs. Any overdose is extremely disruptive to the hormone system, can damage the liver. Better to use Pregnenolone, the precursor the DHEA. If DHEA is used, 5 mg only, and only one time per week with coconut oil. Ray Peat and others.

EDTA Chelation Therapy: Highly Dangerous.  Russian Roulette. It can precipitate out toxic minerals and re-deposit them into the brain, rather than discarding them. Very dangerous. Ray Peat.

Enzymes: (Supplemental) Risky. Many people are allergic to the plant derived variety. Other types of enzymes might only be ineffective. Same problem as with other supplements regarding contaminants etc. Wobenzyme, from Carotec, is safe and might be effective for some people. Usually not needed once the thyroid is healed and hormones and immune systems are in balance. Also, if a particular food has not been eaten for some time, it will take the body a few days to again begin to form its own enzymes to digest it, having stopped production of the particular enzymes for the food when they were not needed. Ray Peat consultation.

Estrogen, Phytoestrogens:  Highly Dangerous. Brain excitotoxin. Highly damaging to the thyroid and other endocrine functions. Insulin problems. Diabetes and arthritis problems. Formed excessively in the body by consuming certain foods, drugs, and formed excessively in the body with environmental toxins and their interactions with the endocrine system. See Ray Peat.

Fasting: Peat has said fasting even for 24 hours or less damages the immune system and begins to damage the internal organs, damages the endocrine system, as well begins an entire cascade of brain excitotoxins release and harmful bodily protection mechanisms that begin to shut down other processes (the fasting high one gets after 24 hours or so really fasting).

Fiber Products. Highly Dangerous. Dietary fiber and requirements are misunderstood. Dietary fiber is NOT the same as rough, scratching, “fiber” in the way of cloth or rope fibers. For example, fresh, hand-pressed and hand-filtered pulp-free orange juice has a good amount of beneficial dietary fiber. Amounts and types of fiber supposedly “safe” for humans or mammals to ingest are either purposely or ignorantly presented as over the counter or prescription drug remedies. They are fraudulently representing a means to resolve constipation. These fiber remedy products include brans (oats and wheats), psyllium husks, flax seeds, Metamucil products, Miralax (can cause neurotoxin reactions in some), fiber bulking laxatives. Introduces high levels of toxins and molecules and ingredients that not only are poisonous to our bodies in general, but they can worsen IBS symptoms and physically damage the intestines and colon. These products fraudulently combine irritating, poisonous substances to irritate the intestines and GI tract to such an extent that they can force colon movements of the body trying to rid itself of poisons. These products can completely negatively change gut flora and microbiomes. People take years to impact their guts to such an extent ingesting toxic, poisonous substances called “food” or “medicine” that constipation results and then they want “fast” relief after damage. These products are just damaging the gut even further.  For constipation, change the diet. Use the Peat carrot peeling salad. Look to thyroid issues. Explore cascara. – Ray Peat notes. Others.

Flax Seed and Oil: Dangerous. Cancer CAUSING.The seed contains lignans, which are themselves estrogenic, and in animal experiments, flax meal increases the activity of the enzyme beta-glucuronidase, which is  associated with inflammation and cancer–it is the enzyme that activates estrogen by making it insoluble in water, after the liver has detoxified it by making it water soluble with the addition of glucuronic acid” The research is generally flawed, distorted.  Ray Peat. And L.

Flavonols/ Flavonoids Supplements:  Dangerous when taken as supplements because of the large quantity in the supplement that causes imbalance of the body when formulating the supplement. Flavonols/flavonoids are beneficial when small amounts are eaten as part of foods (parsley garnish for example.  Other dangerous items on this list belong to the harmful (too much) categories like the various berries that contain anthocyanins and the cruciferous vegetables like broccoli that are harmful because of the high estrogenic factor of the foods. Though these foods also supply flavonols/flavonoids, they are harmful for their other qualities. Peat says flavonols/flavonoids are generally “Mutagenic, estrogenic, and oxidant/antioxidant to different degrees” (they can be part of the sequences in starting some cancers).  Ray Peat.

Glucosamine:  Dangerous. “Causes insulin resistance by lowering cellular energy, and it participates in the types of chemical reactions that are known to be closely associated with aging“.  Chondroitin:  “can get by eating gristle, cartilage, when it occurs in meat (ends of chicken bones, etc.)“.  Ray Peat.

Glyphosate: Highly Dangerous. Included here not because people would purposely choose this ingredient in a capsule, but because it ends up BEING in every capsule, food, even soil. It’s a severe hormone disrupter as well causes severe cancers and other deadly maladies. Follow the link for more information about it.

Grains: Risky to Dangerous. Most people are allergic to wheat in the flour forms and other processed forms it is found in. Millet, flax are estrogenic (flax particularly carcinogenic and rancid), most rice is rancid, most corn is genetically engineered. Be careful with grains, to get them the freshest you can, organic, and soak them. Organic corn tortillas (corn, lime, water) are an ok grain form to eat. Ray Peat books, newsletters, consultations.

Grapefruit/Grapefruit juice: Risky. New discovery of being estrogenic. Some sensitive people (already high estrogen and thyroid damaged) can be harmed with further thyroid damage and other estrogen damages. Ray Peat.

Grape Seed Extract (Pycnogenols):  Highly Dangerous.  Estrogenic. Damage the thyroid. Ray Peat and others.

Guar Gum, Carogeenan, Starch, Xanthum Gum:  Dangerous. “Carrageenan is used in labs to produce inflammations and granulomas, tumors that aren’t cancerous, but prolonged inflammation does tend to produce cancer” Ray Peat. Added as stabilizers in almost 100% of processed milk products and other sauces, puddings, ice creams etc. Ray Peat.

HEMP Oil:  Along with other unsaturated fats, Highly Dangerous. Flax, corn, safflower, cotton, canola (genetically engineered), safflower, hemp oil etc. Any and all of them. Certain type fatty fish (SALMON) and meats/poultry (CHICKEN) are also high in unsaturated fat and should not regularly or often or otherwise be eaten: salmon, chicken, turkey, pork, rabbit, horse meat. Extremely dangerous. Highly estrogenic. Destroys vitamin E. Causes cancer. Damages the thyroid. See Ray Peat website and many articles.

Herbs:  Risky to Dangerous. Ma Huang and Ephedra are herbal speed. Many people are allergic to the plant enzymes. Industry production is inconsistent, can be toxically produced. Never for long term use. Highly misunderstood, misused and misinformed industry. Many are carcinogenic. St. John’s Wort has lethal properties, and is one of the anthocyanidians such as Bilberry. Ginko Biloba can cause allergic reactions and other problems. Ray Peat.

HGH, GHR 15, HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE:  Highly Dangerous. “Part of stress-adaptation that progressively creates the degenerative changes of diabetes, which is closely related to aging, and begins at puberty. Hormone of Stress, Aging, Death.”  Ray Peat.

H2O2, (Hydrogen Peroxide): Careful.  Use only 1% (one percent) solution if used to brush teeth, or for teeth whitening.  Some dentists are using a 17% solution with a UV Blue light to whiten the teeth. It will permanently damage the enamel. Never use it if any metal is in the mouth at all (silver fillings, gold crowns, bridgework, etc). Topically use only 6% solution with aloe vera if using it as a bath soak or other topical application on the body. (L. from a private consultation).

Interferon:  Risky. “If anything, I’m more emphatic now [3/2022] about the dangers of interferon—it’s fairly central to autoimmunity and the cytokine storm. Taken orally, and in a very small dose, alpha interferon isn’t likely to be harmful, but I think it’s still a risk.

Progesterone, thyroid, vitamin D, calcium [in the form of RAW MILK] and aspirin are helpful/curative for autoimmune problems, including lupus; unopposed estrogen is the basic factor in autoimmune diseases.    See numerous scientific studies Dr. Peat supplied with his advice by following the link. Ray Peat.

Iron: Highly Dangerous. Supplements, drugs, cookware. Iron found in meat, molasses, etc. does not have the same effect  but one needs to be aware and not overeat the iron-rich foods. Accumulates in the liver with no mechanism for excreting it. “Damages the capacity of antibodies to destroy germs”. Destroys Vit. E, causing red blood cells to be fragile and break.  “Can make anemia worse, or be the cause of it”. Ray Peat.Nutrition for Women“.

KETO DIETKetosis Highly Dangerous. Follow the link for more information. Can be a cause of inflammation, endocrine disruption, release of excess estrogen, can cause auto immune symptoms. Ray Peat Audio Interview

Lactic Acid: Physical Exertion:  Dangerous. Stops the respiration of cells, serious toxin. Affects the way glucose is used by the brain (greatly reduces glucose getting to the brain, causing damage). Regular ambitious jogging, weight lifting, aerobics, gymnastics, dancing to exertion, etc. Carbon Dioxide, Thyroid, B1, Magnesium can help to counter the effects, though it won’t completely stop the damage. Ray Peat.

======Lactic Acid has a cumulative effect by inhibiting respiration, which leads to the formation of more lactate.  Carbon dioxide, thyroid, vitamin B1, magnesium are the main things that can break the cycle.  Since high altitude causes carbon dioxide retention and suppresses lactate formation, maybe people should put a paper bag over their head when they go running, to prevent athletic hyperventilation. ====” Ray Peat.

L-Deprenyl:  Highly Dangerous.  “Liver toxicity. Inhibits one of the detoxifying enzymes in the liver“. Ray Peat.

Legumes (beans):  Dangerous. Estrogenic from the flavonoids. Damages the thyroid. Similar to soy problems. ALL beans even green beans. Ray Peat.

Mammograms: Highly dangerous. From the radiation directed at our delicate tissues, these can cause the very tumors and lumps and disruptions they are purporting to find. Sure, mammogram procedures do find some tumors not caused by the procedure, but how many more are needlessly created? Many women are finding alternate ways of testing breast health using non-xray ultrasounds, and ONLY testing then when something is discovered, never as maintenance. When lumps are discovered, also many are using external means to reduce or eliminate them first by painting Lugols iodine externally onto the breast lumps, or same with rubbing on progesterone oil, Progest-E (which also can help reduce pain for many after breast surgeries). – L., -my Ray Peat notes, others.

MCT Oil:  Dangerous. There is now evidence it can cause liver damage, fatty liver.  Ray Peat.

Melatonin:  Dangerous.  Damage to the brain neurotransmitters, and severe hormonal disruption. Use thyroid to help sleep patterns.  Ray Peat, L. and others.

Minerals, Colloidal or mixed otherwise:  Dangerous.  Some minerals, like copper, iron, and some trace minerals can be highly toxic and damaging to the immune and endocrinology systems in differing amounts for different bodies. Ray Peat.

Mineral Oil:  Dangerous. Found in cosmetics and other skin products, sometimes used as a supplement. Damages the thyroid. May contain carcinogens. Destroys vit. E.  Ray Peat.

MSM:  Dangerous. Peat cautions “that it seems likely that dimethyl sulfate [a serious, volatile and highly toxic toxin] could be formed” and has been suggested to be the agent causing the Riverside County woman’s death to cause injury to the emergency room personnel in 1994″. Ray Peat.

NADH/ENADA:  Very Risky, Dangerous.  “Interacts with many things to produce free radicals“. Ray Peat.

Olive Oil, Olives, Olive products:  Caution. Olive oil can be used, but no more than 1-2 tablespoons per day. Mutagenic, can change your very DNA. Estrogenic. Ray Peat.

Oxygen Therapy:  Risky. Can actually inhibit true respiration of the cells and displace beneficial Carbon Dioxide. See Ray Peat newsletters, and private consultations.

PAXLOVADangerous. Russian-roulette regarding the severe to possibly fatal interactions with the more than 120 other medications indicated in the documentation released to the public. This drug was rushed through approval for use with the 2022 corrupted and captured, “Emergency Use Authorization” (means NO liability to the drug manufacturer or physicians recommending it) regulatory agencies without correct or barely any safety testing. It has already been anecdotally noted through alternative news, but from licensed medical professionals who have suggested it to patients, to injure those patients taking it. It is being released to the public now without prescription but WITHOUT full public disclosure of exactly what reactions and how severe the reactions with the other drugs. Even if someone asks their own trusted physician about the Paxlova safety, the physician also has no information for an informed opinion. There are other, no prescription needed, but off-patent (no profit for the Big Pharmas) drugs, such as Ivermectin (but use CAUTION with ivermectin as it can potentially stimulate heart arrhythmias and tachycardia), that have successfully and safely treated Covid-19 with millions of doses and dozens of peer reviewed studies of the successful Ivermectin treatment for Covid-19 use since 2020. Paxlovid appears to be only another profit-motivated-only offering on an unsuspecting public. Before Paxlova use, consider listening to this highly informative interview about it with one of the world’s top medically licensed physicians specializing in Covid-19 treatment and Ivermectin and Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance President, Dr. Pierre Kory, MD. (USE CAUTION using ivermectin for covid vaccine injury as ivermectin can potentially trigger heart tachycardia).

Peanuts:  Dangerous.  Including peanut butters, and for that matter, other nut butters.  Rancid, causing free radicals. Toxic molds. Estrogenic.  Damages the thyroid.  Ray Peat.

Perfumes/Fragrances: Highly Dangerous to Therapeutic. These include perfumes worn on the body, and included in other products: Cleaning products, hygiene products, laundry products, etc. as well as “aromatherapy” essential oils. Controversial problem. Any adverse reaction is dependent upon the individual health makeup and the substance used, or in contact with. All traditional perfumes, regardless of price or purity, worn on the body, clothing/bedding, or merely smelled, can disrupt the hormonal system, and damage the brain neuronal structure. Safety will be based on one’s strength of immune system, and product used/in proximity to. Can cause light to severe allergic reactions from sniffling, to sinus and other headaches, to rashes, asthma and other symptoms and chronic and acute health situations—- in the person wearing/using them, and in others smelling them, or touching surfaces/clothing they are on. Almost 100% of traditional perfumes contain cancer causing ingredients. Essential oils are powerful products, and when used for any healing or mood enhancements, should be used minimally, and not directly on the body. They also should not be used long-term, as the desired effect will begin to minimize, or could even begin to cause an adverse reaction. Information gleaned from extensive Internet research on allergies, perfumes. Several aromatherapy books. Books and articles referencing asthma symptoms. See list of ingredients on side of perfume/product containers and compare with “non-toxic and natural” texts listing carcinogens. Authors such as Debra Lynn Dadd. Organizations such as “Mothers & Others”, “CARE”, 

Pineapple:   Risky. Can cause adverse reactions in some people because of the way bromelain works from allergic latex-like reactions, to mouth sensitivities, and diarrhea.-my Ray Peat notes

“Primal Defense” brand digestive supplement and other PROBIOTICS:  Dangerous. See acidophilus above. It and the other “beneficial bacteria” are not beneficial at all, but produce artificial lactic acid. Ray Peat.

Probiotics, Acidophilus, Yogurt, Kefir type fermented milk products and fermented vegetables:  Risky. Produce an “artificial” type of lactic acid that is more dangerous than the lactic acid produced by the body under stress. Harmful to some sensitive people.[Use the Peat carrot peelings salad instead).  Ray Peat.

Progestins, other synthetic hormones:  Highly Dangerous. Damage to the thyroid. Damage to the various functions they are meant to support. Ray Peat.

Protein Powders:  Risky to  Highly Dangerous. Many contain L-Glutamine (seizures, see amino acids above)  or guar gum, etc. Peat says “powdered milk is better. Anything that’s dehydrated, though, becomes a little toxic from oxidation.” “Heat degrades protein. Powdered milk has lost significant amounts of lysine.” Whey protein powder is too high in tryptophan (see amino acids above and tryptophan below). Ray Peat.

Prozac, Ritalin, any Psychological Drugs, other drugs, diuretics:  Highly Dangerous.  Highly fraudulent. Dramatically damages many critical processes. Often causes the very symptoms they are treating. Ray Peat and others.

Pycnogenols (grape seed extracts, or pine bark): Highly Dangerous. Estrogenic. Damages the thyroid. Ray Peat and others.

Quercetin:  Risky. Advocated for use during the Covid crisis by some respected scientists and doctors, quercetin is better used by eating it through food sources like oranges or kale. In fact, even most of the foods listed as high in quercetin are on my do-not-eat foods list for being estrogenic and toxic. Quercetin is a flavonoid and as a preparation, is extremely difficult for the body to utilize.  If taken as a supplement, it should be used only for a very short term, maybe a few weeks at most. There is no studied recommended effective dose. Users taking it for months at a time have reported severe gastro-intestinal problems and heartburn effects daily. The distress has been severe enough that even once stopping the supplement, eating foods particularly rich in quercetin have caused the same side effects for a few weeks after.

Radishes:  Dangerous. Estrogenic. Damages the thyroid.  Ray Peat.

Remdesivir:  Extremely Dangerous. Vetted sources note this product was developed for use in treating Ebola but it was later withdrawn as ineffective and deadly.  High probability of seizures, kidney and liver failure. Unfortunately, it has become the only “allowed” treatment of Covid by the pharma-captured former-regulatory agencies and physicians still wanting to keep their jobs in hospital. It is given as infusions and other means. “Questions have also arisen about the potential of remdesivir to do harm. WHO has a regular overview of possible adverse drug events related to COVID-19 treatments. In late August it noted a disproportionately high number of reports of liver and kidney problems in patients receiving remdesivir compared with patients receiving other drugs for COVID-19. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) also announced this month that its safety committee had started a review to assess reports of acute kidney injuries in some patients taking remdesivir.”  See the list of side effects at

Salmon:  Dangerous. Also other “oily” fish can be dangerous to eat, creating the same thyroid damage as the unsaturated oils. Needing “essential oils” is a fraudulent statement based on junk science. Also high probability of being contaminated with dioxin poisoning. See Ray Peat  newsletters for more information.

Serotonin: Dangerous. Associated with Alzeimers, produces and can increase anxiety in people and animals. Can depress healthy thyroid function and damage intestinal health. Found in bananas, pineapples, tomatoes, in pectins and fuctooligosacharides (fermentable fibers).

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate:  Risky to Dangerous. High irritant and metabolic disrupter. Used in most toothpastes, shampoos, soaps, etc.

Soy, soy oil, soy milk, tempeh, miso, soy sauce, bean curd, tamari, soy protein, TVP (textured protein), isoflavones, anything including a soy component:   Highly dangerous. Estrogenic. Damaging to the thyroid. Alzheimers. Now linked to shutting off the developing part of the brain that determines right from wrong in children. Soy protein contains the following toxins: three potent estrogens (isoflavones); prote-olytic enzyme (trypsin) inhibitors, hemagglutinin (a clot promoting substance); and phytic acid which blocks absorption of essential minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc). Forget the protein. Soy is so highly processed that the protein isn’t viable plus contains toxins from the chemical processing. Sally Fallon “The Ploy of Soy”, Mary Enig, Tom Valentine and Ray Peat, Lita Lee, and many others.

Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue-Green Algae: Risky. Peat calls them “pond scum”. Possible contamination from the water where they grow.  Use meat, milk, egg protein, and leafy vegetables instead. Ray Peat consultations.

Splenda: Dangerous. Chlorinated sugar substitute that can damage the liver. “Sucralose”. See website.  Also Ray Peat consultations.

Sprouts:  Risky to dangerous. Alphalfa, clover, mung bean are estrogenic and damaging to the thyoid. Ray Peat.

Stevia:  Highly Dangerous. There are many different versions of this substitute sweetener. Many versions can also include the chemicals of the other chemical sweeteners like aspartame. As a type of steroid, steviol glycosides can interfere with hormones controlled by the endocrine system. It has been linked to low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, endocrine disruption, gastrointestinal symptoms and kidney damage. As of 2023 stevia has also now been linked to heart attacks and stroke. Since heart problems in certain groups of people, such as young men,  supposedly stemming from those having taken covid shots are so prevalent now, caution consuming stevia is highly suggested. Side effects might include bloating, nausea, dizziness, and numbness.

Sucralose (Splenda), Aspartame:  Highly Dangerous. Long range toxicity. Brain excitotoxins. Ray Peat and others.

SunScreens and Sunblockers:  Highly Dangerous. No matter how organic. Cause the skin to be sun sensitive, and damage the skin and body with the unsaturated oils as if eaten. Even if made without unsaturated oil, the sunblocker could have the same damaging effect. Zinc oxide (the white opaque “bullfrog”-type-stuff), is safe to use. A compounding pharmacy can mix zinc oxide with coconut oil that is protective and safe, even if unsightly. PABA  and  PABA derivatives damages the thyroid, cause mutations, and can actually increase the risk of melanoma. Eating unsaturated oils increases the damage of using sunscreens and damage from the sun in general. Eating coconut oil, as well as applying it to the skin protects against some sun free radical damage. Aspirin can also protect against some radiation damage. Read chapter 26, Sunlight: Using It To Enhance Life, from Peat’s book “From PMS to Menopause” by Ray Peat.

Tannins:  Risky. “Mutagenic, estrogenic, and oxidant/antioxidant to different degrees”. Ray Peat.

TeaTree Oil:  Caution. One can easily form an allergic response that can form real burns to it. If used in toothpaste or other if you have composite plastic fillings/dental work, it will corrode and damage the work. From alternative dentists.

Transfer Factor Immunology and Supplements:  Risky. “Just having antibodies circulating isn’t necessarily good for a person, and it can even mean that other aspects of immunity are failing. Increased levels of interferon and various cytokines, similarly, aren’t necessarily good. Transfer Factor is analogous to vaccination, and a person doesn’t want to be vaccinated for everything, or to have an immune system that acts as if it had been vaccinated for many things.” Ray Peat.

Tryptophan:  Highly Dangerous as supplement and to some extent as meat protein. Eat protein, 100 grams, as milk, eggs, cheese instead, eating muscle meat but not “too much”. Ray Peat. Lita Lee.

Turmeric/Curcumin:  These are found in many formulations for immune support and even for scoliosis support. Use CAUTION using these supplements especially if you have gall bladder issues. These two supplements can irritate and inflame gall bladder tissues and cause attacks.

Tuna fish, Halibut:   Caution. Only one meal per month. Most marine fish now have been found highly contaminated with dioxin and/or mercury. If canned, packed with water only, not even salt. Anything else could have glutamate in it (MSG). Be careful of other fish, most are caught within 3 miles of any shore, even “farmed” fish, and most shore waters, and definitely river waters now are contaminated. This is particularly true of the scavenger fish like lobster and shrimp. New Zealand can be a safe fish location, if questions are asked from the store about where, etc. Ray Peat consultations.

UnSaturated Oils:   Highly Dangerous. Flax, corn, safflower, cotton, canola (genetically engineered), safflower, hemp oil etc. Any and all of them. Certain type fatty fish and meats/poultry are also high in unsaturated fat: salmon, chicken, turkey, pork, rabbit, horse meat. Extremely dangerous. Highly estrogenic. Destroys vitamin E. Causes cancer. Damages the thyroid. See Ray Peat website and many articles. Scroll down to SEE one of PEAT’S FULL ARTICLES on this BELOW THIS LIST.

UV (Ultra-Violet) and Blue Light:  Peat disagrees with Ott and others: “Although some UV seems to be necessary for plants to develop their fibers, I don’t think any is needed by animals or people”.  The blue light can cause lipid damage to the retina. Incandescent (yellow) light is beneficial, and very useful in large quantities. Be careful with SAD lightboxes to unhook the UV light and to use it for minimal times. Per the Longevity Workshops and other more recent Workshops:  10 minutes only in full sun, no sunscreen, hats, glasses, or 20 minutes in dappled light, or 40 minutes maximum in full shade before 9-10 am or after 4-5 pm ONLY.  DO NOT USE SUNSCREEN IN ANY FORM.  Use sun protective clothing. Specialty clothing from Solumbra on the Internet, Read Ray Peat, chapter 26, “From PMS to Menopause“, Sunlight: Using It To Enhance Life.

Vaccines:  Highly dangerous. See the expanded, well documented reasons by following the vaccine link. “Just having antibodies circulating isn’t necessarily good for a person, and it can even mean that other aspects of immunity are failing. Increased levels of interferon and various cytokines, similarly, aren’t necessarily good.  A person doesn’t want to be vaccinated for everything, or to have an immune system that acts as if it had been vaccinated for many things.” Ray Peat.

Vape Pens (e-liquid variety, Cannabis): Can be Highly Dangerous. Before the 2020’s crisis, there were reports of deaths caused by lung damage from possibly vaping cannabis THC and compounds mixed with specific oils causing the damage. The testing and information disappeared in the panic of the times. Many of these vape pens though were removed from the market. Follow the link for more information about using cannabis vape pens.

Vitamin Supplements:  Risky to Dangerous.  “use very cautiously, since some of them contain serious allergens”. Can contain toxic ingredients, or not at all be as labeled. Fraudulent industry. Ray Peat.

Whey: Risky to  Highly Dangerous. Whey is a by-product throw-away (should be discarded) of the cheese industry. Many whey supplements, foods, protein mixes contain L-Glutamine (seizures, see amino acids above)  or guar gum, etc. Peat says “powdered milk is better. Anything that’s dehydrated, though, becomes a little toxic from oxidation.” “Heat degrades protein. Powdered milk has lost significant amounts of lysine.” Whey protein powder is too high in tryptophan (see amino acids above and tryptophan). Ray Peat.

Yeast:  Dangerous.  Brewers, bread yeast, or otherwise. Very estrogenic. “Even bread and wine get very significant amounts of estrogen from yeast.” Ray Peat.

Yogurt, Acidophilus, Kefir type fermented milk products:  Risky. Produce an “artificial” type of lactic acid that is more dangerous than the lactic acid produced by the body under stress. Harmful to some sensitive people. See above.  Ray Peat.

Zinc Supplements:  Risky to Dangerous. No way to dose correctly. All zinc when extracted contains some cadmium (an extremely dangerous poison). Naturally found in oysters and sea plants, though now oysters and kelp/seaweed etc. can be toxic depending on their location and farming. Ray Peat.

This entire document does not construe a medical diagnosis in any way. It is the responsibility of the reader to question their situation with their own licensed health practitioner.





Unsaturated Vegetable Oils: Toxic


Immunodeficiency (weakness of the immune system) can take many forms. AIDS, for example, refers to an immunodeficiency which is “acquired,” rather than “inborn.” Radiation and vegetable oils can cause “acquired immunodeficiency.” Unsaturated oils, especially polyunsaturates, weaken the immune system’s function in ways that are similar to the damage caused by radiation, hormone imbalance, cancer, aging, or viral infections. The media discuss sexually transmitted and drug-induced immunodeficiency, but it isn’t yet considered polite to discuss vegetable oil-induced immunodeficiency.

Unsaturated oils: When an oil is saturated, that means that the molecule has all the hydrogen atoms it can hold. Unsaturation means that some hydrogen atoms have been removed, and this opens the structure of the molecule in a way that makes it susceptible to attack by free radicals.

Free radicals are reactive molecular fragments that occur even in healthy cells, and can damage the cell. When unsaturated oils are exposed to free radicals they can create chain reactions of free radicals that spread the damage in the cell, and contribute to the cell’s aging.

Rancidity of oils occurs when they are exposed to oxygen, in the body just as in the bottle. Harmful free radicals are formed, and oxygen is used up.

Essential fatty acids (EFA) are, according to the textbooks, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, and they are supposed to have the status of “vitamins,” which must be taken in the diet to make life possible. However, we are able to synthesize our own unsaturated fats when we don’t eat the “EFA,” so they are not “essential.” The term thus appears to be a misnomer. [M. E. Hanke, “Biochemistry,” Encycl. Brit. Book of the Year, 1948.]

Q: You say vegetable oils are hazardous to your health. What vegetable oils are you talking about?

Mainly, I’m referring to soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, canola, sesame oil, sunflower seed oil, palm oil, and any others that are labeled as “unsaturated” or “polyunsaturated.” Almond oil, which is used in many cosmetics, is very unsaturated.

Chemically, the material that makes these oils very toxic is the polyunsaturated fat itself. These unsaturated oils are found in very high concentrations in many seeds, and in the fats of animals that have eaten a diet containing them. The fresh oils, whether cold pressed or consumed as part of the living plant material, are intrinsically toxic, and it is not any special industrial treatment that makes them toxic. Since these oils occur in other parts of plants at lower concentration, and in the animals which eat the plants, it is impossible to eat a diet which lacks them, unless special foods are prepared in the laboratory.

These toxic oils are sometimes called the “essential fatty acids” or “vitamin F,” but this concept of the oils as essential nutrients was clearly disproved over 50 years ago.

Linoleic and linolenic acids, the “essential fatty acids,” and other polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are now fed to pigs to fatten them, in the form of corn and soy beans, cause the animals’ fat to be chemically equivalent to vegetable oil. In the late 1940s, chemical toxins were used to suppress the thyroid function of pigs, to make them get fatter while consuming less food. When that was found to be carcinogenic, it was then found that corn and soy beans had the same antithyroid effect, causing the animals to be fattened at low cost. The animals’ fat becomes chemically similar to the fats in their food, causing it to be equally toxic, and equally fattening.

These oils are derived from seeds, but their abundance in some meat has led to a lot of confusion about “animal fats.” Many researchers still refer to lard as a “saturated fat,” but this is simply incorrect when pigs are fed soybeans and corn.

Q: How are these oils hazardous to your health?

Ultimately, all systems of the body are harmed by an excess of these oils. There are two reasons for this. One is that the plants produce the oils for protection, not only to store energy for the germination of the seed. To defend the seeds from the animals that would eat them, the oils block the digestive enzymes in the animals’ stomachs. Digestion is one of our most basic functions, and evolution has built many other systems by using variations of that system; as a result, all of these systems are damaged by the substances which damage the digestive system.

The other reason is that the seeds are designed to germinate in early spring, so their energy stores must be accessible when the temperatures are cool, and they normally don’t have to remain viable through the hot summer months. Unsaturated oils are liquid when they are cold, and this is necessary for any organism that lives at low temperatures. For example, fish in cold water would be stiff if they contained saturated fats. These oils easily get rancid (spontaneously oxidizing) when they are warm and exposed to oxygen. Seeds contain a small amount of vitamin E to delay rancidity. When the oils are stored in our tissues, they are much warmer, and more directly exposed to oxygen, than they would be in the seeds, and so their tendency to oxidize is very great. These oxidative processes can damage enzymes and other parts of cells, and especially their ability to produce energy.

The enzymes which break down proteins are inhibited by unsaturated fats, and these enzymes are needed not only for digestion, but also for production of thyroid hormones, clot removal, immunity, and the general adaptability of cells. The risks of abnormal blood clotting, inflammation, immune deficiency, shock, aging, obesity, and cancer are increased. Thyroid and progesterone are decreased. Since the unsaturated oils block protein digestion in the stomach, we can be malnourished even while “eating well.”

Plants produce many protective substances to repel or injure insects and other animals that eat them. They produce their own pesticides. The oils in seeds have this function. On top of this natural toxicity, the plants are sprayed with industrial pesticides, which can concentrate in the seed oils.

It isn’t the quantity of these polyunsaturated oils which governs the harm they do, but the relationship between them and the saturated fats. Obesity, free radical production, the formation of age pigment, blood clotting, inflammation, immunity, and energy production are all responsive to the ratio of unsaturated fats to saturated fats, and the higher this ratio is, the greater the probability of harm there is.

There are interesting interactions between these oils and estrogen. For example, puberty occurs at an earlier age if estrogen is high, or if these oils are more abundant in the diet. This is probably a factor in the development of cancer.

All systems of the body are harmed by an excess of these oils. There are three main kinds of damage: one, hormonal imbalances, two, damage to the immune system, and three, oxidative damage.

Q: How do they cause hormonal imbalances?

There are many changes in hormones caused by unsaturated fats. Their best understood effect is their interference with the function of the thyroid gland. Unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone. When the thyroid hormone is deficient, the body is generally exposed to increased levels of estrogen. The thyroid hormone is essential for making the “protective hormones” progesterone and pregnenolone, so these hormones are lowered when anything interferes with the function of the thyroid. The thyroid hormone is required for using and eliminating cholesterol, so cholesterol is likely to be raised by anything which blocks the thyroid function. [B. Barnes and L. Galton, Hypothyroidism, 1976, and 1994 references.]

Q: How do they damage the immune system?

Vegetable oil is recognized as a drug for knocking out the immune system. Vegetable oil emulsions were used to nourish cancer patients, but it was discovered that the unsaturated oils were suppressing their immune systems. The same products, in which vegetable oil is emulsified with water for intravenous injection, are now marketed specifically for the purpose of suppressing immunity in patients who have had organ transplants. Using the oils in foods has the same harmful effect on the immune system. [E. A. Mascioli, et al.,Lipids 22(6) 421, 1987.] Unsaturated fats directly kill white blood cells. [C. J. Meade and J. Martin, Adv. Lipid Res., 127, 1978.]

Q: How do they cause oxidative damage?

Unsaturated oils get rancid when exposed to air; that is called oxidation, and it is the same process that occurs when oil paint “dries.” Free radicals are produced in the process.

This process is accelerated at higher temperatures. The free radicals produced in this process react with parts of cells, such as molecules of DNA and protein and may become attached to those molecules, causing abnormalities of structure and function.

Q: What if I eat only organically grown vegetable oils?

Even without the addition of agricultural chemicals, an excess of unsaturated vegetable oils damages the human body. Cancer can’t occur, unless there are unsaturated oils in the diet. [C. Ip, et al., Cancer Res. 45, 1985.] Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver cannot occur unless there are unsaturated oils in the diet. [Nanji and French, Life Sciences. 44, 1989.] Heart disease can be produced by unsaturated oils, and prevented by adding saturated oils to the diet. [J. K. G. Kramer, et al., Lipids 17, 372, 1983.]

  1. What oils are safe?

Coconut and olive oil are the only vegetable oils that are really safe, but butter and lamb fat, which are highly saturated, are generally very safe (except when the animals have been poisoned). Coconut oil is unique in its ability to prevent weight-gain or cure obesity, by stimulating metabolism. It is quickly metabolized, and functions in some ways as an antioxidant. Olive oil, though it is somewhat fattening, is less fattening than corn or soy oil, and contains an

antioxidant which makes it protective against heart disease and cancer.

Israel had the world’s highest incidence of breast cancer when they allowed the insecticide lindane to be used in dairies, and the cancer rate decreased immediately after the government prohibited its use. The United States has fairly good laws to control the use of cancer-causing agents in the food supply, but they are not vigorously enforced. Certain cancers are several times more common among corn farmers than among other farmers, presumably because corn “requires” the use of more pesticides. This probably makes corn oil’s toxicity greater than it would be otherwise, but even the pure, organically grown material is toxic, because of its intrinsic unsaturation.

In the United States, lard is toxic because the pigs are fed large quantities of corn and soy beans. Besides the intrinsic toxicity of the seed oils, they are contaminated with agricultural chemicals. Corn farmers have a very high incidence of cancer, presumably because of the pesticides they use on their crop.

Q: But aren’t “tropical oils” bad for us?

In general, tropical oils are much more healthful than oils produced in a cold climate. This is because tropical plants live at a temperature that is close to our natural body temperature. Tropical oils are stable at high temperatures. When we eat tropical oils, they don’t get rancid in our tissues as the cold-climate seed oils, such as corn oil, safflower oil and soy oil, do. [R.B. Wolf, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 59, 230, 1982; R. Wolfe, Chem 121, Univ. of Oregon, 1986.]

When added to a balanced diet, coconut oil slightly lowers the cholesterol level, which is exactly what is expected when a dietary change raises thyroid function. This same increase in thyroid function and metabolic rate explains why people and animals that regularly eat coconut oil are lean, and remarkably free of heart disease and cancer.

Although I don’t recommend “palm oil” as a food, because I think it is less stable than coconut oil, some studies show that it contains valuable nutrients. For example, it contains antioxidants similar to vitamin E, which lowers both LDL cholesterol and a platelet clotting factor. [B. A. Bradlow, University of Illinois, Chicago; Science News 139, 268, 1991.] Coconut oil and other tropical oils also contain some hormones that are related to pregnenolone or progesterone.

Q: Isn’t coconut oil fattening?

Coconut oil is the least fattening of all the oils. Pig farmers tried to use it to fatten their animals, but when it was added to the animal feed, coconut oil made the pigs lean [See Encycl. Brit. Book of the Year, 1946].

Q: What about olive oil? Isn’t it more fattening than other vegetable oils?

In this case, as with coconut oil, “fattening” has more to do with your ability to burn calories than with the caloric value of the oil. Olive oil has a few more calories per quart than corn or soy oil, but since it doesn’t damage our ability to burn calories as much as the unsaturated oils do, it is less fattening. Extra virgin olive oil is the best grade, and contains an antioxidant that protects against cancer and heart disease. [1994, Curr. Conts.]

Q: Is “light” olive oil okay?

No. Now and then someone learns how to make a profit from waste material. “Knotty pine” boards were changed from a discarded material to a valued decorative material by a little marketing skill. Light olive oil is a low grade material which sometimes has a rancid smell and probably shouldn’t be used as food.

Q: Is margarine okay?

There are several problems with margarine. The manufacturing process introduces some toxins, including a unique type of fat which has been associated with heart disease. [Sci. News, 1974; 1991.] There are likely to be dyes and preservatives added to margarine. And newer products contain new chemicals that haven’t been in use long enough to know whether they are safe.

However, the basic hardening process, hydrogenation of the oils, has been found to make the oils less likely to cause cancer. If I had to choose between eating ordinary corn oil or corn oil that was 100% saturated, to make a hard margarine, I would choose the hard margarine, because it resists oxidation, isn’t suppressive to the thyroid gland, and doesn’t cause cancer.

Q: What about butter?

Butter contains natural vitamin A and D and some beneficial natural hormones. It is less fattening than the unsaturated oils. There is much less cholesterol in an ounce of butter than in a lean chicken breast [about 1/5 as much cholesterol in fat as in lean meat on a calorie basis, according to R. Reiser of Texas A & M Univ., 1979.].

Q: Are fish oils good for you?

Some of the unsaturated fats in fish are definitely less toxic than those in corn oil or soy oil, but that doesn’t mean they are safe. Fifty years ago, it was found that a large amount of cod liver oil in dogs’ diet increased their death rate from cancer by 20 times, from the usual 5% to 100%. A diet rich in fish oil causes intense production of toxic lipid peroxides, and has been observed to reduce a man’s sperm count to zero. [H. Sinclair, Prog. Lipid Res. 25, 667, 1989.]

Q: What about lard?

In this country, lard is toxic beause the pigs are fed large quantities of corn and soy beans. Besides the natural toxicity of the seed oils, the oils are contaminated with agricultural chemicals. Corn farmers have a very high incidence of cancer, presumably because corn “requires” the use of more pesticides. This probably makes corn oil’s toxicity greater than it would be otherwise. but even the pure, organically grown material is toxic, because of its unsaturation.

Women with breast cancer have very high levels of agricultural pesticides in their breasts [See Science News, 1992, 1994].

Israel had the world’s highest incidence of breast cancer when they allowed the insecticide lindane to be used in dairies, and the cancer rate decreased immediately after the government prohibited its use. The United States has fairly good laws to control the use of cancer-causing agents in the food supply, but they are not vigorously enforced. [World Incid. of Cancer, 1992]

Q: I have no control over oils when eating out. What can I do to offset the harmful effects of polyunsaturated oils?

A small amount of these oils won’t kill you. It is the proportion of them in your diet that matters. A little extra vitamin E (such as 100 units per day) will take care of an occasional American restaurant meal. Based on animal studies, it would take a teaspoonful per day of corn or soy oil added to a fat-free diet to significantly increase our risk of cancer. Unfortunately, it is impossible to devise a fat-free diet outside of a laboratory. Vegetables, grains, nuts, fish and meats all naturally contain large amounts of these oils, and the extra oil used in cooking becomes a more serious problem.

Q Why are the unsaturated oils so popular if they are dangerous?

It’s a whole system of promotion, advertising, and profitability.

50 years ago, paints and varnishes were made of soy oil, safflower oil, and linseed (flax seed) oil. Then chemists learned how to make paint from petroleum, which was much cheaper. As a result, the huge seed oil industry found its crop increasingly hard to sell. Around the same time, farmers were experimenting with poisons to make their pigs get fatter with less food, and they discovered that corn and soy beans served the purpose, in a legal way. The crops that had been grown for the paint industry came to be used for animal food. Then these foods that made animals get fat cheaply came to be promoted as foods for humans, but they had to direct attention away from the fact that they are very fattening. The “cholesterol” focus was just one of the marketing tools used by the oil industry. Unfortunately it is the one that has lasted the longest, even after the unsaturated oils were proven to cause heart disease as well as cancer. [Study at L.A. Veterans Hospital, 1971.]

I use some of these oils (walnut oil is very nice, but safflower oil is cheaper) for oil painting, but I am careful to wash my hands thoroughly after I touch them, because they can be absorbed through the skin.


Unsaturated fats cause aging, clotting, inflammation, cancer, and weight gain.

Avoid foods which contain the polyunsaturated oils, such as corn, soy, safflower, flax, cottonseed, canola, peanut, and sesame oil.

Mayonnaise, pastries, even candies may contain these oils; check the labels for ingredients.

Pork is now fed corn and soy beans, so lard is usually as toxic as those oils; use only lean pork.

Fish oils are usually highly unsaturated; “dry” types of fish, and shellfish, used once or twice a week, are good. Avoid cod liver oil.

Use vitamin E.

Use coconut oil, butter, and olive oil.

Unsaturated fats intensify estrogen’s harmful effects.


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  38. C. W. Welsch, “Review of the effects of dietary fat on experimental mammary gland tumorigenesis: Role of lipid peroxidation,” Free Radical Biol. Med. 18(4), 757-773, 1995.

Essential Fatty Acids (“EFA”): A Technical Point

Those fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which are found in linseed oil, soy oil, walnut oil, almond oil, corn oil, etc., are essential for the spontaneous development of cancer, and also appear to be decisive factors in the development of age pigment, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes, obesity, stress-induced immunodeficiency, some aspects of the shock reaction, epilepsy, brain swelling, congenital retardation, hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and other degenerative conditions. They are possibly the most important toxin for animals.

The suppression of an enzyme system is characteristic of toxins. The “EFA” powerfully, almost absolutely, inhibit the enzyme systems–desaturases and elongases–which make our native unsaturated fatty acids.

After weaning, these native fats gradually disappear from the tissues and are replaced by the EFA and their derivatives. The age-related decline in our ability to use oxygen and to produce energy corresponds closely to the substitution of linoleic acid for the endogenous fats, in cardiolipin, which regulates the crucial respiratory enzyme, cytochrome oxidase.

Although the fish oils are less effective inhibitors of the enzymes, they are generally similar to the seed oils in their ability to promote cancer, age-pigment formation, free radical damage, etc. Their only special nutritional value seems to be their vitamin A and vitamin D content. Since vitamin A is important in the development of the eye, it is interesting that claims are being made for the essentiality of some of the fatty acid components of fish oil, in relation to the development of the eye.

The polyunsaturated oils from seeds are recommended for use in paints and varnishes, but skin contact with these substances should be avoided.

© Ray Peat 2006. All Rights Reserved.


Notice:  These statements in this Post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease. They are intended for nutritional support only. The third party information referred to herein is neither adopted nor endorsed by this author but is provided for general informational purposes. Any person suspecting disease should seek the advice of a licensed physician. No specific outcome is promised or guaranteed.



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