The Daily MICROdose

NOTE: I make NO commission nor any other compensation when recommending any linked and suggested specific products.

My and this site’s views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of any of the third parties linked here. 

How Food Became Poison

THIS STORY IS STILL UNFOLDING (Feb. 2023):  I suggest caution buying any food from the farms in our North East or throughout the Ohio river basin for now (Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York etc., there are dozens of Amish farms surrounding and in the area) right now though I have links for foods from that region in several locations on this site.

I myself will suspend buying any of my food for now from my favorites there in the region. I’m heartsick.

From my understanding listening to recent interviews with several experts (EPA whistleblowers, management level train hazmat spills expert, food scientist running a high level food contamination lab), the handling by burning of the vinyl chloride and other chemicals contained in a number of derailed railway cars in the train tragedy early Feb. 2023 in East Palestine, Ohio (on the border of Pennsylvania, 250 miles from Lancaster County, PA) is considered the worst environmental disaster the US has ever faced.

The enormous, unfathomably huge fallout cloud of chemicals released into the air and through the ground and rivers/streams most likely include high levels of dioxin, a fatal chemical (to animals, fish, humans) when ingested in a LIFETIME of more than a single TRILLIONth dose.

It is suggested the poisons were carried by the westerly winds across the neighboring states, throughout the surrounding area and beyond, washed out of the air by recent snow/rain storms and has now contaminated the earth in all its path.

It attaches to lipids (fats) and cows/animals/chickens etc. that eat the grass or grains grown in the contaminated soils I understand will now be poisonous in their meat, milk, eggs etc. (and the animals themselves sickening and dying) for generations.


Following is a Ray Peat Newsletter in its entirety about this topic.

All discussions with Ray Peat notes and ideas are based on my own opinions and interpretations of my notes and what I have found useful for my own use as well as from feedback from many, many, many, many others.


Here’s  an exercise– enlarge/double click this photo of a bag of  what most people think is “food” and decide WHY you think any of the ingredients and recipe ingredients are actually, truly FOOD?




Most people have no idea where food comes from (the corner convenience store?). 

The big profiteers know where it comes from—from their laboratories of manufactured “food-stuff” made to be only psychological foods, not foods based on biology.

These are fake foods that are photographed and displayed and taught in every school, private setting, media, everywhere, to make people think fake foods are real foods.

If these foods look beautiful, colorful, with the correct marketing name and displayed and talked about by influencers who look beautiful and happy and sitting around countryside kitchens showing loving family around themselves—AND talked about CONSTANTLY and EVERYWHERE then they must be foods. No?

Remember those food pyramids taught in the Big Education (public) schools?

Those laminated what-should-you-eat-to-be-healthy diagrams were provided by the Big Food and Big Ag industry to the Big Schools—to promote the consumption of their new toxic products as food. The operative statement is “provided by the Big Food and Big Ag industry to the Big Schools”.

Foods that our brains are now trained from all the mass display of them everywhere to think are food.

And it’s not just the outside-ourselves brain washing to make this so.

Consider that most of the prepared snack foods (and fast foods and frozen convenience foods and…even main meal foods) today, organic or not, health food store or the convenience store, cheap or wildly expensive (with just the “right” ingredients), are designed and prepared with additional chemicals that tell your brain you are not full when you eat them.  Special chemicals that make you want to keep eating and eating, and buying more. What? That’s right.

The more you eat of the forbidden or convinced-they-are-allowed foods the more you want to eat them and the more PROFIT made by the manufacturers.

Consider that when you eat whole large bags of this or that snack in one sitting it’s likely not your fault!

These washed-with-special-chemicals items are toxins masked as food, and are wild endocrine disrupters, as poison as the glyphosate in the ground and the produce that comes out of it and environmental hazards like 5G.

That we as society keep gaining weight is something that we, like lab rats, have been been trained over and over and from everywhere that either it’s our fault, or forget it, obesity is beautiful.

And these chemicals never have to be disclosed. And even if they did, who is minding the store these days?

Keep in mind most of the “health” food stores are only conglomerate arms of Big Ag. Most of the products sold are poisonous. 

In addition, be highly cautious of any product sold as food that mentions “sustainable” anything, do NOT buy “sustainable produce” or “sustainable meat” or “beyond” anything (like beyond milk, beyond meat, etc). 

These marked or displayed-as things are NOT food. They are engineered.

The globalists are trying all in their power to bury the real farms from any public. They have built and are building more and more, world-wide, what are called vertical farms which are exactly what they sound like.

They use wholesome sounding, and environmentally brainwashed as positive messages and MARKETING to have people believe these “things” that are grown in 15 days from seed to table are any kind of responsible food.

These franken-things are made with genetically altered, gene spliced, gain of function tech from the seeds to something that looks like plant material.

These plant “things” are fed using who knows what kind of poisonous inputs (the nutrients/fertilizers fed to plants grown without or with soil).

These plant “things” are made into meat look-a-likes, food analogs, products that are all kinds of dangerous and completely without testing to know what they are doing to human bodies.

The tech exists and is currently being used to insert vaccine tech into lettuce and other foods.

The tech exists and has been used for a long time now of using nanoparticle materials in everyday food-look-a-like products. These nanoparticles are used for flavors and for textures and other.

So the following information and way of choosing and eating food is based on human biology, not human psychological marketing.


‘Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.’
–Leonard Cohen


Systems everywhere are crumbling.  But the light is coming in for sure, and so much of everything nefarious has been/is being illuminated.

Our new positive world is unfolding more each day as we’re able to look and see it.

Those of you who participate here will find no surprise that along with Big everything else systems lately (Big Pharma, Big Medical, Big Tech, Big Government, Big Education..) that Big Food is broken and part of the Big Lie.

There is no other word for it but Big CORRUPTION throughout.

So I will present for you an easy and grand solution for your food that thousands of others successfully follow without anyone’s permission to do so, and as outside the corruption as possible.

But I’d like to give you some background first.  If you understand more about what’s behind what I’m going to give you, I think you will better appreciate it to do it.

Those of you that are people who live alone will find the following easier to hear and try. Those of you living with another, do your best to not let anyone take this away from you by talking you out of this.  

But whatever decision you make, know you can ALWAYS make another, different decision, over and over.

Also know that results will show up sooner than you expect but will not be instant.

Like your cannabis use experiments, you will be experimenting with your food for a bit to get it right.

You will be taking your time for your body to create anew its previously dormant digestive enzymes for each new real food as well as the time for your body to get used to the entire routine.

You might get constipated, have diarrhea, IBS symptoms, lightheaded…your body might rebel since it’s used to frankenfoods—and over the counter massive amounts of “remedies” for each symptom anyway.

I would say, you already have these symptoms now, right?

So go LOW, and go SLOW, stop eating what you do now little by little. Start eating more and more only from the list and give your body a chance to even out with this.

These symptoms go away over a very short time unless you also fill yourself with these other “remedies” (drug store chemicals) and too soon run back to  your (poison) comfort level.

If you really, really consider these real foods on this list, your common sense will tell you they are real food. There is nothing damaging, far reached, even odd about them except you have been brain washed to think otherwise and to like (and BUY) the fake food.

So consider, think about what’s presented here, perhaps try it out for a bit, and choose for yourself.

Even while in general human body biological, anatomical and physiological systems are similar for each birth gender, every human body is unique.

The physical is only one part of what being healthy is about. A human is composed of these multiple physical and otherwise unique systems (beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, desires, expectations, etc.) working together in harmony (or supposed to), without disease and creating a foundation of what being a functional physical human is to that particular being.

So are there exceptions to what I (based on Peat) propose?

Probably. Truthfully a human could live on air alone. But why spend our entire lifetime working out that kind of belief system to be the one in 6 billion?

The human animal body was designed with plentiful and not far reaching real food all over this planet to keep it properly sustained.

When injuries, illness, disease and pharmaceutical use damage and create changes to the basic body, then the needs become different and even more specific to the person. Most of us have been so damaged.

But it’s not to find answers within the poison and toxins that are marketed to us no matter how familiar.

The food information and recommendations below were ultimately learned and put in place for myself over decades of following the work of Dr. Raymond Peat, PhD.  

Peat has specialized in endocrinology in his career.  His multi-decades suggestions are based on his pursuit of how this bodily system works in coordination with the other systems of the body as he discovered by digging out the biology and science findings of the past.

He has spent his life trying to bring these practical findings of the past forward to our generations.  He’s tried to wave the small flag saying “look here” instead of where the Big Money has loudly wanted us to look instead.

He has observed, scientifically demonstrated and his dedicated followers like me have demonstrated in using his ideas that these food understandings work for the majority of human bodies as a baseline to physical health.

And none of his work was done to enrich the bottom line profit of any Big anything.

But again, please, please please GO SLOW and GO LOW with this process and change.

Some people purposely and with full awareness trigger crises in their lives in order to grow and change, in order to spark creativity. They know what they are doing and how to get back out.

But one sure fire way to trigger a personal crisis is to change up your daily routines to such an extent all at once that the changes, even if beautiful changes, are coming too fast to handle. You want to change up your daily routines but slow enough to handle.

So, back to the Big Everythings and the corruption we’ve allowed to insidiously strangle so much in this reality.

Something I learned decades ago was to just follow the money in order to often see who is lying.  

Follow the obvious money flowing the manufacturers, alternative food or slop food—of fake produce, soup, cereal, flour alternatives (alternatives that are far more toxic than flour!), milk substitutes, and things like Keto-everything so one can no longer find real food anywhere in sight, things like “keto cups” and “keto sweeteners” looking all kinds of enticing and like real food or imitations of junk food, ready to go, ready to eat and meant to be a substitute for products that are also frankenfoods.

Also keep in mind that now all the major and more minor food manufacturers, suppliers, growers, major grocery stores, you name it are owned ultimately by Vanguard and Blackrock.  Look where that got us.

Or follow the slick and beautiful ads of beautiful (these days Keto only) food and beautiful people, and the same script read by every news and magazine personality that follows you everywhere, on every device, in every shop.  See the patterns to see where “they” are leading you, which is definitely not to health.  You get the picture.

And of course, follow your intuition and critical thinking.

I assume you are at this site to consider alternatives—alternatives like cannabis solutions to toxic drugs, and an alternative way of living and thinking and feeling and doing to relieve pain, and that includes considering the rest of the “stuff” you are feeding and putting on and into and doing to your body.

Just like the opioid crisis drugs, now toxic chemicals are made into food, toxic chemicals are made (organic too) to look like food, marketed like food and these foods are making $billions for the owners, and with zero liability. Billions are being made for all the creators and manufacturers of these fancy, enticingly addictive, but definitely NOT food products.

And in the process, these food suppliers are also supplying a ready stream of patients to hospitals while they are at it, patients that now need more drugs (that the owners also own) to fix the toxicity diseases of all kinds that are caused by these “darling foods”.

All this is causing a crisis of phenomenal toxicity in those humans living in cities and civilization and shopping these stores and choosing these food drugs.

Here is a bit of history about how the Lies began and rooted and strangled the life out of nearly this entire planet.

Beginning around the same time cannabis was being demonized (1920’s) and regulated away to the background by the newly developing drug/pharmaceutical companies, the Captains of Industry were becoming the Dictators of Industry.  

Out of those times, Monsanto later had free license to glyphosate the soils of the world and glyphosate whatever else looked like food grown out of it (the rise of genetically altered plants that could be grown for one time only, no future seeds, grown in compatibility with glyphosate, ie GMOs) that came out of that soil.

And thus poisoned garbage for food was being turned out in greater and greater quantities and not just rooted by Monsanto but by more and more of the other Big Ag companies.

Eventually even the huge food manufacturers were presenting this fake and toxic food in all kinds of shiny and marketable containers as “the new best thing for you that you’ll absolutely desire to make your life happy, sexy, and healthy”.

And all this was being done behind the scenes while humanity went on with their lives, happy for the convenience of, and getting used to the taste of using these shiny containers as food to make their lives easier.

There were also the Rockefellers and similar with their oil money and drug money, and now those too with their tech money figuring out a way to control the masses without appearing to be controlling.

So these robber barons together with the blessings of the governors (managers) at every level pretended and are pretending to be philanthropists.

They were/are buying up the Universities (giving their millions in donations, grants, scholarships for “science”), paying for (building) large Medical Centers and Hospitals—not for any charity, but as down payments and marketing budgets so they could control the masses.

With what was then being taught in the med schools per their dictates, what was being researched and decided as true science regardless other findings by their own hired scientists, and what drugs were being given in the hospitals and clinics they bought—they had the perfect system in place.

They were, and are, training each graduating med student class with more and more and more of the training only on how to use the new Pharma everything for medicine rather than teaching the soon-to-be-medical-providers real biology, real physiology, and real nutrition and how bodies really work.

As an example, search on Peat’s documentation about cell membrane pumps being a fabrication of the drug companies that were invented to show how their drugs work. Cell membranes have no pumps moving molecules in and out of their membranes!

By the 1950’s and beyond, med schools have become one big, several years long, marketing class to earn a healthcare degree of any kind as a pharmaceutical rep, not a healer.

As for nutrition training in med school, maybe the graduating class was given a day to learn about nutrition but only from the viewpoint of the current Big Ag, not from the viewpoint of what actually works with human bodies, based on real human biology and real human physiology and chemistry.

And even professionally trained and degreed nutritionists are still spouting out Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Food Lies.

Similarly went science. The money, often our taxpayer money, or the Robber Baron’s money was given to the overlords of the labs not those scientists really creating something new, or discovering especially something different, no, those real scientists were ostracized from within, made to shut up, made unemployable down the lines.

You see this today with the criminal science empires built by Fauci and Collins and what was done to those questioning scientists like the Drs. Ruscetti, Mikovitz, Malone when they discovered or invented something different, something actually beneficial to humans than the top down narratives of population control by drug murder.  

And the small farmers that were the only type farmers back around the 1920’s, creating accessible marketplaces for the populace to obtain the fruits of the farmers’ labors in real food, were slowly being bought out and turned into Big Agriculture that started producing products to keep folks sick.

I believe this was done on purpose and also for the Big Money, all in the name of BIG PROFIT but sold to the masses as making lives easier, healthier, being able to feed more people. Maybe for awhile they were.

The Big Everythings got out of control.

The real food from the real farms was eventually plowed under by the Big Businesses and replaced with easy to buy, easy to use poison products that became a shadow of what they were replacing.

Of course, not all trained medical professionals have bought into the Big Lie themselves.

They have continued their education outside the Big narrative and taken some parallel paths.

They are more rare to find these days in any major hospital or clinic but they are re-creating their true and holy calling by re-educating themselves, re-organizing and being available to those in need through their own organizations now.

See the find your medical professional page so you can research and line up any future correct and needed and “on board with the truth”, ethical medical care you might need.

But keep in mind that even these newly awakened (but hopefully not “woke”) health-minded physicians have not been trained in real food. To date they’ve been part of the Lie.

But they are trying. What’s opening their eyes in the current arena will become a big ah-ha of the rest of it sooner or later.

And because of the total and insidious interconnectedness of the Big Lie to everything, it’s tainted even most of those online and off-line cross-reaction drug checkers. The sites run by Big Pharma such as Webmd and that I recommend to use to check any side effects combining cannabis with this or that pharmaceutical—where did that come from?  

Is there really a reaction? Which scientific organization (at least in the USA) has been allowed to really research federally illegal cannabis and the thousands of pharmaceuticals and their interactions and to what extent? Zip that I can see.

So take cross reactions with a grain of salt about getting a website or even a trained medical professional in line to tell you “it’s ok” to eat or take or use together this or that.

If you can become more and more aware of your body, what it feels like, how it is in relationship to the world around it and your environment, the healthier choices you can make for yourself, not what someone “authorized” tells you is ok.

And keep in mind there definitely are important and safe pharmaceuticals that with awareness and help, can also be used for health, maybe life saving health.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.  But be highly aware and selective in your pharma choices.

And remember, it’s never one and done.  Never. That “just take this one pill to solve this” is NEVER the solution. Not even with food. Not even with cannabis.

There is no magic bullet.

That’s why it’s so important to learn how to experiment for yourself with your cannabis use or your food choices.

A strain, a dose, an edible, a vapor could any of them affect us differently tomorrow than they do today.

But then we can recognize and adjust and try the process again with a change.

We still are able to research, follow the links, and learn to recognize how to reliably do this. Many of us these last two years alone, by sheer necessity, received crash courses in how to research studies, science.

You can use those skills now.

There is more to realize.

There is a more horrifying and bigger picture encompassing the last two or three decades.  The target is often now the health food stores, not just the conglomerate on the corner.

The Dictators of Industry realized more people with the good fortune of more money were often the majority of the health food shoppers.

They began to market waste products, like whey (by product of cheese-making, on its own is highly toxic because of the overbalance of tryptophan, DO NOT think it’s milk!), like all the vegetable oils, like soy—the Dictators began marketing to the well off shoppers of the health food stores. They mark up the price for the shoppers to buy these poisons, marketing them like something special, marketing them as organic and worthy of the pocketbook and the desire to be well.

The vegetable and seed oils used to be used in pesticide use and for paints. When petroleum came along, well, instead of leaving the vegetable and seed oils as competition, they turned them into (poisonous) food!

They market to people with IBS and gut problems more poison in the form of fermented items, and though oh so needed, probiotics that while the concept is needed, are incorrectly created.

Do not use kefir, yogurt, fermented milks, cultured milk/butter/cream, or fermented (famine prepared) cabbages or other type plants.

Even keep away from cultured and fermented cheeses like cream cheese and blue cheeses, sour creams.  Same even with organics and those products supposedly having no growth hormones like BGH/BST, or antibiotics. The industry is still using milk from animals that are primed differently for market, are treated with all kinds of other antibiotics and injections for higher milk production. The final products also usually contain cancer causing thickeners, gums, stabilizers.  Many of these additives are undisclosed. And who is monitoring them now anyway?

Peat suggested most people are allergic to the enzymes used in these products.

And enzymes are used in so many other products. They now have replaced nearly all of the heritage rennet forms of making cheeses.

Enzymes are even used to add the orange juice pulp back into the finished products and call them “pulp-free”, meaning not without pulp, but not appearing to have pulp in them!

And marketing to everyone the ease of TV dinners (or now called Lean Cuisine, frozen entrées) purchased from the grocery store on the corner.

After all, the easier life got freeing people from the labor needed to produce food, shelter, and clothing for themselves, the more people could concentrate on other worthwhile endeavors of life.

That was the promise. That was the incentive and a worthy one indeed. Everyone should want this for sure. And especially we all want health food that’s easy and healthy, and affordable right?

Instead of spending all waking hours washing clothes with a washing board after hauling and heating the water to do so, and making the lye soap to use in the laundry, spinning and weaving the thread grown to make the laundry, and spending time in the fields planting and tending and harvesting the potatoes and carrots and hay for the cows and milking the cows and making the cheese… well, now people could read and think and create other things, better ways of providing food, medicine, safety…. whew.

SOOO much easier to just push a button to wash the clothes and stop in the grocery store to get the food.

I hear you!!!

So… and that got us to today. Those that could take advantage of the sweet promises of advancement and twist the outcomes to only skew the profits and not the quality of the content of their production their way did. And it poisoned the rest of us.

And it’s highly important to realize the LIE in food today that goes all the way into the deepest shelves of not just the Higgly Piggly or the Hy-Vee, but the Natural Grocers, the Whole Foods (oh, excuse me again, the Amazon Whatever looks Expensive Foods) and the local health food co-op.

The Lie that anything found in a grocery store in a box, carton, can, lined up as “produce”, frozen into entre dinners and bags of frozen beans and mangos (with extra ingredients listed (or often not listed, like citric acid, which is an MSG mimicker and not vit. C to keep foods and spices keeping their color) to keep them that way or flavor them or what have you) or anything fried, air popped, cooked, concocted into bags and cans is, organic not, or GMO or non-GMO or not telling the consumer either way, is food—wait for it—is not food at all.

It is not. It is ALL toxic, poison, drugs-of-food so removed from the real idea of what food is that those living in 1920 would not recognize it to eat it.

And it was about the same time, 1920’s; food started becoming the toxins it is today.

It also became the entertainment to the masses and a grand experiment to see what foods were medicines and could cause or solve medical problems.

But the foods themselves began to change in nature regardless and to generally change as less and less use to human physical bodies.

Drugs, the new pharmacology, were the path to solving (or gain-of-function creating) disease. Forget about how a body really works. Stop teaching correct biology in the med schools.

Such was the start to the (follow the money) exceptionally poisonous and toxic “Keto Diet” that was a new name for what starts to happen to a body when it’s starved by lack of proper food (ketosis), or fasting it’s called, as a way to control epilepsy.

Ketosis is NOT good! It’s the beginning of organ damage and immune system damage from starvation!

Oh, it stopped the epilepsy back then (1920’s, they were experimenting with the use of ketosis to heal epilepsy), temporarily. Probably because the other organs were fighting about what to do and what to shut down first in a starvation crisis! But it did not stop, nor heal epilepsy.

Peat has said fasting even for 24 hours or less damages the immune system and begins to damage the internal organs, damages the endocrine system, as well begins an entire cascade of brain excitotoxins release and harmful bodily protection mechanisms that begin to shut down other processes (the fasting high one gets after 24 hours or so really fasting).   

As a side note here, Peat also has suggested that less calories/food overall is healthier, but not doing that with fasting and/or detox sessions that can cause real harm.

The Keto Diet was and is based on that fasting premise.

Those people who follow it religiously today, and it needs be a religion… faith based on nothing tangible, faith based on instead misunderstood toxicity of the body, often experience the extreme well-being caused by brain excitotoxins and excess estrogen (for men too) similar to what happens when women take estrogen replacement pills to combat their natural aging menopause symptoms.

They feel wonderful, fantastic (well, after a while I suppose people get used to the constipation and lack of sleep as their body begins its slow descent to dying from lack of proper nutrition for real biological processes), all while their body is being destroyed.

So the better one feels on these survival chemicals that are released into the body by eating toxic food, the more the body is being degraded.

And psychologically we train ourselves to think that ALWAYS when we feel “good” we must be doing something right and are not sick. But that’s not always true.

How many times have you heard someone say they felt on top of the world, looked great, and could do all kinds of such and such until one moment— one moment! when they did not. They discovered the cancer, the tumors, whatever. My hand is raised.

And not all those on the keto plan lose weight on the thing or find the holy grail of wellness following its dictates. They cannot.

To stay on such a harmful and psychotic plan takes an enormous amount of will power as one starves and poisons the body. At least until the body just gives up and limps along, or is forgotten when the friend stops needling them to get it together, all never “quite” well, but good enough as the marvelous adaptability of our body gives in.

Many people actually begin to gain an inordinate amount of weight following Keto. They are told they are the problem. They are not doing Keto right. This is the endocrine system failing, from the damaged thyroid to estrogen excess and other.

Just like in recent times now many are wakening to the mass psychosis of the plandemic and all it has entailed, people have been groomed into mass formation about food choices.

The same script being read by every mainstream media outlet talking head, by all the social media sock puppets, the print media as well people shamed by friends who buy into the Keto experience to those that have some sense it’s not quite right.

And the fasting maybe not even the worst of the Keto experience. The process includes teaching oneself to substitute chemicals and poison for everything that is real.

For example, wheat flour (wheat that most people are allergic to and shouldn’t even be training ourselves at all to eat) is substituted with almond flour to get more of the oil and protein experience instead of the flour starch (but almonds far more rancid, toxic and allergenic than wheat flour!).

Keto is a diet process that teaches and includes using extreme chemicals to substitute for real food—sweetener substitutions so toxic they cause brain injury, obesity, endocrine disruption.

And to use as health an entire process meant to shut down the proper glucose channels so critical in cell respiration and brain function. This is not health.

Sugar (that in very small amounts of the regular, white, refined type is a phenomenal, healing medicine, very pure, and glucose is crucial to brain health) is taught to be bad but that it’s ok to overload on sweet items as long as one substitutes sugar for highly toxic and poisonous chemicals that trick the brain to think they are sweet.

Even monk fruit is a chemical by the time one uses it as processed. It’s from a melon/gourd (many melons are poorly tolerated by the human body) that a chemical is extracted. It’s a fancy and “oh, it’s only fruit” name for a drug derived from a plant.

Oh, it’s good because monk fruit is from a plant? Opioid drugs come from the beautiful poppy plant by the way. And CBD comes from cannabis though for those opposed to saying marijuana or cannabis they call the plant the “CBD Plant”. It’s just names, some sound more acceptable than others.

Tell me why some healthy food plan (and this is not just the Keto plan but all those substitutions with chemicals of the gluten-free movement too) includes training people to support their bad habits of eating lots of desserts and sweet oily things and are trained that it’s ok to eat up these type concoctions as long as real sugar, or real flour is not used, or real oil for that matter?

The Keto diet today also now uses (heavily, heavily)—advises to use right out of large quart containers, and manufactures into their fast food products things like MCT oil (MCT that causes severe gastrointestinal problems in a great many people and that is being discovered to cause fatty liver and other toxic reactions in the body).  Just because it’s a derivative of coconut oil, it decidedly is NOT coconut oil.

To be fair, Keto does suggest using saturated fat (such as coconut oil and real butter) in the diet and higher protein intake (Peat has often mentioned 100 grams a day is more optimal that the bits people ingest, though a large part of that is better as pharmaceutical grade pure gelatin, milk, eggs, and cheese rather than a large chunk of meat all in one meal).

But keep in mind when eating too much saturated fat, it still contains a percentage of unsaturated fat in its molecules and now there is a PUFA problem even from consuming too much saturated fat.

And Keto uses all kinds of nuts and seeds in their recommendations for protein and fat that are rancid, create PUFA (poly unsaturated fatty acid) deposits in the body, and cause allergic reactions in many people.

It can take years to never to clear the excess PUFA deposits. These show up as age spots in hands, perhaps even causing (I have no proof) the field of macular “drusen” deposits (PUFA deposits?) behind the eye that the pros cannot identify cause, but want to inject instead drugs into people’s eyes to break them up—which sometimes works, most don’t.

Same with what they do with advising to eat certain plants like cruciferous plants (cabbage, broccoli) that are famine foods, that need to be denatured to even have a chance in absorbing into the human body and that cause estrogenic hormonal responses.

Or advising their followers to eat seeds of any kind, especially flax seeds. Flax seeds (and guar gums, other gums and thickening agents) have historically been used to cause cancer in order to study the cancer. 

The woman, who cured her cancer, supposedly with flax seeds, used an enormous amount of them which acted as a purge.

But people are taught to eat them in all kinds of small amounts, as an ingredient—in recipes. Dangerous.

Famine foods by the way are foods used during some generation or multi generational time span where draught, floods, disasters ruined natural food. The population would eat whatever they could to survive.

They often relied on the local herbalists and shamans to figure out how to ferment or cook or otherwise process harmful plants or animals/birds/fish so they could eat them.

These foods then became some kind of twisted traditional food for the surviving generations and that would end up passed along through families and communities for years and future generations.

Or lettuces, no matter how fresh, giant, green that cause excess mucous problems, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, other plants/vegetables that are hard to digest and allergenic to many. 

These mucous problems are not just about runny noses. It’s about creating an imbalance of mucous in the intestinal tract, and the lungs, and around organs.

Or fruits that many are not even real fruit any more they have been so bred to be “other”, including organic versions.  And rarely make it to market ripe, or able to be ripened.

These are such as starchy apples, most berries (some of which like blueberries are no longer blueberries but often other large scale grown genetics of nameless species that happen to be blue, or even dyed blue!) starchy pears and such.

People think these apples and pears are supposed to be “that crunchy”. Peaches and plums are supposed to be “crunchy”.  No. They are just not ripe!

And these apples and pears are starchy. Peat suggested in order to properly digest starch, it must be eaten with a bit of fat. These fruits additionally need to be denatured as well, cooking them down to “sauce” to make them more digestible. So—applesauce with a bit of butter might work.

Some former non-GMO fruits, like Mexican and Hawaiian papayas that used to be my mainstay fruit of choice when I lived in Los Angeles 20 years ago are no more (or exceptionally hard to find), completely replaced by frankenfuit—GMO versions organic or not.

And when they make it to market are so hard and green and even when ripened in a paper bag for two weeks have a weak color, a bitter taste. This is NOT what these fruits should be!

Organic growers of certain carrots, fruits that have been genetically altered for color, size and other are just as GMO as GMO, just a different name for the process (hybrid, other)! Yes, even labeled “organic”.

And certain meat and fish that are not good for humans, even in their cleanest forms they are mostly incompatible with humans. They create PUFA deposits (chicken/fowl, salmon, pork products) and other toxic reactions.

Fish, salmon, especially FARMED fish and salmon these days carry too much mercury and chemical waterway runoff toxins.  And sometimes, the way the animal’s biology is in their body, their meat is not compatible with humans.

For example, pork products have to be processed (or cooked completely thoroughly) with poisons to kill harmful-to-humans organisms that live in pork flesh. Even when the pigs are grown grass-fed and processed minimally, or are unprocessed, they still have these organisms and worms that only with fierce cooking or by using these chemical toxic products like sodium nitrite in the packaging are eradicated.

All these type diets are waving some shiny magic bullet at people to solve the problems the new and current Pharma meds and fake foods are creating in bodies.

These diets that cause more addictions and disease in people than what folks are trying to solve with them.

And all created to make $billions for the Dictators of Industry as people gain more and more weight as their endocrine and other bodily functions are damaged eating the new chemicals instead of the old chemicals.

All with the promise we can be one of the thin ones, one of the healthy ones, one of those successful with the poison diet.

Those followers that herald these processes and choices as wise, truly believing that they lost all kinds of weight or can control their diabetes, their eczema or some other symptom item, do  feel good (high) well, at what cost to their future wellness and longevity?

What other health crisis is just waiting for a hospital stay, a stay also supported by the unproven and $billion drug Pharma cartel.

Being Keto-correct, non-gluten correct by using products that release brain excitotoxins and eating chemicals that cause organ malfunctions, endotoxin, constipation, diarrhea, and aggravate pain receptors or to use these chemical substitutions thinking one can quell real sugar addictions cannot be the primary goal.

I suggest not ever to substitute something look-alike for something food for any reason.

If you are addicted to desserts, stay away from them, don’t make them, don’t bring them in your house, and don’t look up recipes to take to the guild or the neighbor’s coffee klatch.

Think of other interesting things in your life besides. Bring the tea to the guild instead.

And don’t think you can fool your body into thinking some concoction filled with the ingredients for the dessert only made with look-alike things are different. They are not and could be causing real damage as well as damage to your psychosis.

So people, please—just stop. Just stop poisoning yourself.

Food is medicine and you want the real medicine, not the drugs.

And please don’t fast, whether called another name as in Keto, or recommended by another doctor or other you generally trust. It’s not human biologically or human chemically healthy. You are ruining your immune system.


The recommended REAL foods and “how to” here.




Vegetables, etc.—Who Defines Food?

Since bacteria in the rumens of cows destroy unsaturated fatty acids, but don’t harm vitamin E, it seems reasonable to suppose that beef and milk would have a better ratio of vitamin E to unsaturated fats than do the plants eaten by the cows.

Toxic pesticides are found in higher concentrations in the urine and fat of slaughtered animals than in their livers, since the livers are detoxifying the chemicals and causing them to be excreted. Presumably, the animals’ livers will perform the same detoxification reactions with the phytotoxicants that occur naturally in their diet.

Not long ago, breast feeding was socially unacceptable in the United States, and several manufacturers were teaching the world’s poorest women to use their baby-food formulas even when there was no clean water for its preparation. Industrialists have campaigned to convince the public that their by-products, from cotton-seed oil to shrimp shells, are “health foods.” In several parts of the world, desperately poor people sometimes eat clay, and even clay has been promoted as a health food. Almost anything becomes “food,” when people are under economic and social pressure. If these things aren’t acutely toxic, they can become part of our “normal” diet.

Our instincts give us a few clues about our nutritional needs, such as thirst, the hunger for salt, the pleasantness of sweet things, and the unpleasantness of certain odors or very acrid or bitter tastes. People who are constitutionally unable to taste certain bitter chemicals find certain vegetables less objectionable; their instinctive guidance has become less clear. But within the boundaries of cravings and disgust, habits and customs become the dominant forces in diet. “Professional dietitians” and other “experts” primarily function as enforcers of cultural prejudice.

The manufacturers of pureed vegetables for babies used to put large amounts of salt, sugar, and monosodium glutamate into their products, because the added chemicals served as instinctual signals that made the material somewhat acceptable to the babies. There was no scientific basis for providing these vegetables to babies in a form that they would accept, but it was a profitable practice that was compatible with the social pressure against prolonged breast feeding.

Poor people, especially in the spring when other foods were scarce, have sometimes subsisted on foliage such as collard and poke greens, usually made more palatable by cooking them with flavorings, such as a little bacon grease and lots of salt. Eventually, “famine foods” can be accepted as dietary staples. The fact that cows, sheep, goats and deer can thrive on a diet of foliage shows that leaves contain essential nutrients. Their minerals, vitamins, and amino acids are suitable for sustaining most animal life, if a sufficient quantity is eaten. But when people try to live primarily on foliage, as in famines, they soon suffer from a great variety of diseases. Various leaves contain antimetabolic substances that prevent the assimilation of the nutrients, and only very specifically adapted digestive systems (or technologies) can overcome those toxic effects.

Some plants have specific “pests,” such as insects, that have adapted to be resistant to that plant’s toxins, but if the plant and its predator are to survive, there has to be a balance between the plant tissue’s digestibility and its toxicity. Injury of a plant stimulates it to make increased amounts of its defensive chemicals. Plant toxins are known to be specific for animal tissues; for example, a toxin will inhibit the action of an enzyme from an animal, but a plant enzyme that catalyzes the same reaction won’t be affected.

Plant defensive chemicals can have beneficial uses as drugs. Plants are important sources for chemicals used in chemotherapy of cancer, with the purpose of stopping cell division. Other plant drugs can stimulate cell division. The drug from one plant will sometimes protect cells against the toxic effects of another plant. The use of any drug that isn’t a natural part of animal physiology will have many biological effects, so that a beneficial drug action will usually be accompanied by unwanted side-effects. An antioxidant may turn out to disrupt the endocrine system, an antiinflammatory drug may be mutagenic or carcinogenic.

A particular plant will have a variety of defensive chemicals, with specific functions. Underground, the plant’s roots and tubers are susceptible to attack by fungi and nematodes. The leaves, stems, and seeds are susceptible to attack by insects, birds, and grazing animals. Since the plant’s seeds are of unique importance to the plant, and contain a high concentration of nutrients, they must have special protection. Sometimes this consists of a hard shell, and sometimes of chemicals that inhibit the animal’s digestive enzymes. Many plants have evolved fruits that provide concentrated food for animals, and that serve to distribute the seeds widely, as when a bird eats a berry, and excretes the undigested seed at a great distance. If the fruit were poisonous, it wouldn’t serve the plant’s purpose so well. In general, the plant’s most intense toxins are in its seeds, and the fruits, when mature, generally contain practically no toxins. Roots contain chemicals that inhibit microorganisms, but because they aren’t easily accessible by grazing animals and insects, they don’t contain the digestive inhibitors that are more concentrated in the above-ground organs of the plant.

The toxins of plants include phenols, tannins, lectins/agglutinins, and trypsin-inhibitors, besides innumerable more specific metabolic inhibitors, including “anti-vitamins.” Unsaturated fats themselves are important defenses, since they inhibit trypsin and other proteolytic enzymes, preventing the assimilation of the proteins that are present in seeds and leaves, and disrupting all biological processes that depend on protein breakdown, such as the formation of thyroid hormone and the removal of blood clots.

Generally, fruits, roots, and tubers provide a high concentration of nutrients along with low concentrations of toxic antimetabolic substances.

While nutritional reference tables often show fruits and potatoes as having about 2% protein content, while nuts, grains, and legumes are shown with a high protein content, often in the range of 15% to 40%, they neglect to point out that fruits and potatoes have a very high water content, while that of the seeds is extremely low. The protein content of milk is about 3%, which according to the charts would suggest that it is inferior to beans and grains. In fact, the protein value of grain is negligible, mainly because seeds contain their protein in a storage form, that is extremely rich in nitrogen, but poor in essential amino acids. Special preparation is needed to reduce the toxicity of seeds, and in the case of beans, these methods are never very satisfactory.

Besides their specific defensive toxins and antimetabolites, plants are major sources of allergens. The allergenicity of a food depends on the sensitivity of the individual, as well as on the growth conditions of the plant. The use of extremely toxic pesticides has affected both the crops and the sensitivity of the human population to allergens. Sensitivities induced originally by toxic pesticides used on certain crops can probably persist after the industrial chemical has been eliminated, because the immune system is susceptible to “conditioning.”

Many types of phytochemicals are mutagenic, and some of those are carcinogenic. Bruce Ames, at the University of California, devised a method of screening for mutagens, using bacteria. One of his graduate students using the technique found that the flame retardants in children’s pajamas and bedding were powerful mutagens, and were probably causing cancer. That event made Ames a celebrity, and in the 1980s he went on a lecture tour supported by the American Cancer Society. His lectures reflected the doctrine of the A.C.S., that industrial chemicals aren’t responsible for cancer, but that individual actions, such as smoking or dietary choices, are the main causes of cancer. He used a fraudulently “age adjusted” graph of cancer mortality, that falsely showed that mortality from all types of cancer except lung cancer had leveled off after the A.C.S. came into existence. He described tests in which he had compared DDT to extracts of food herbs, and found DDT to be less mutagenic than several of the most commonly used flavoring herbs. His message, which was eagerly received by his audience of chemistry and biology professors, was that we should not worry about environmental pollution, because it’s not as harmful as the things that we do to ourselves. He said that if everyone would eat more unsaturated vegetable oil, and didn’t smoke, they wouldn’t have anything to worry about.

For me, the significance of his experiment was that plants contain natural pesticides that should be taken more seriously, without taking industrial toxins less seriously.

Technologies have been invented to convert vegetation into digestible protein, but at our present scientific and technological level, it’s better to simply minimize our use of the more toxic foods, and to direct more effort toward the elimination of the conditions that produce famine.

Animal proteins, and fruits, because they contain the lowest levels of toxins, should form the basis of the diet. Not all fruits, of course, are perfectly safe–avocados, for example, contain so much unsaturated fat that they can be carcinogenic and hepatotoxic.

Protein deficiency itself contributes to the harm done by toxins, since the liver’s ability to detoxify them depends on adequate nutrition, especially good protein. In the 1940s, Biskind’s experiments showed that protein deficiency leads to the accumulation of estrogen, because the liver normally inactivates all the estrogen in the blood as it passes through the liver. This applies to phytoestrogens and industrial estrogens as well as to the natural estrogens of the body. At a certain point, the increased estrogen and decreased thyroid and progesterone cause infertility, but before that point is reached, the hyperestrogenism causes a great variety of birth defects. Deformities of the male genitals, and later, testicular cancer in the sons and breast cancer in the daughters, are produced by the combination of toxins and nutritional deficiencies.


Onderstepoort J Vet Res 1989 Jun;56(2):145-6. Thiaminase activities and thiamine content of Pteridium aquilinum, Equisetum ramosissimum, Malva parviflora, Pennisetum clandestinum and Medicago sativa. Meyer P Animal and Dairy Science Research Institute, Private Bag, Irene. Thiaminase type 1 and 2 activities and thiamine content of five plants were determined. Of these Pteridium aquilinum and Equisetum ramosissimum were found to have considerably more thiaminase activity and lower thiamine content than Malva parviflora, Pennisetum clandestinum and Medicago sativa.

Nature 1994 Apr 21;368(6473):683-4. Mystery of the poisoned expedition. Earl JW, McCleary BV Department of Biochemistry, Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, Camperdown, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The Burke and Wills expedition through the interior of Australia in the nineteenth century ended in calamity. But the cause of death was more pernicious than anyone at the time had imagined: beriberi due to thiaminase poisoning.

Comment in: Nature 1994 Aug 11; 370(6489):408. Aust Vet J 1992 Jul;69(7):165-7. Mechanisms underlying Phalaris aquatica “sudden death” syndrome in sheep. Bourke CA, Carrigan MJ New South Wales Agriculture, Agricultural Research and Veterinary Centre, Orange. Twenty outbreaks of Phalaris aquatica “sudden death” syndrome in sheep were investigated between 1981 and 1991. Four were confirmed and one was suspected, to be a cardiac disorder; 5 were confirmed and 3 were suspected, to be a polioencephalomalacic disorder; the aetiology of the remaining 7 outbreaks could not be determined. Potentially toxic levels of hydrocyanic acid (20 to 36 mg/100 g) were measured in the 3 toxic phalaris pastures tested. The measurement of potentially toxic levels of nitrate nitrogen (2920 micrograms/g) in toxic phalaris pastures by others, was noted. It is suggested that phalaris “sudden death” syndrome could have as many as 4 different underlying mechanisms, and that these might reflect the presence in the plant of a cardio-respiratory toxin, a thiaminase and amine co-substate, cyanogenic compounds, and nitrate compounds.

Indian J Med Res 1991 Oct;94:378-83. Genotoxic effects of some foods & food components in Swiss mice. Balachandran B, Sivaswamy SN, Sivaramakrishnan VM Isotope Division, Cancer Institute, Madras. A number of commonly consumed foods and food components in south India were screened for their genotoxic effects on Swiss mice. Salted, sundried and oil fried vegetables and fishes induced chromosomal aberrations, sperm head abnormalities and micronuclei production, which were comparable to the effect of the positive control viz., 20-methylcholanthrene. Spices like Cissus quadrangularis (an indigenous herb used in certain south Indian dishes) and pyrolysed cumin and aniseeds showed moderate effects. Calamus oil, widely used in pharmaceuticals was highly effective. All the three parameters of genotoxicity gave similar results.

In Vivo 1998 Nov-Dec;12(6):675-89. Comparative anticancer effects of vaccination and dietary factors on experimentally-induced cancers. Zusman I Laboratory of Teratology and Experimental Oncology, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel. The role of two major factors were analyzed in the prevention of experimentally-induced cancers: a) vaccination of animals with polyclonal IgG generated against the soluble p53 antigen and b) feeding of animals with diets rich with dietary fibers or fat. a) In vaccination, a few attempts have been made to utilize p53 protein as a tumor suppressor. IgG generated against the cytoplasmic, soluble p53 antigen from tumor-bearing rats prevents the carcinogenic effect of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) decreasing significantly the number of tumor-bearing rats in vaccinated group compared with non vaccinated controls and preventing benign tumors from becoming malignant. The antitumor effect of vaccination is accompanied by a significant increase in the serum-level of p53 antigen in vaccinated rats compared with non vaccinated controls. The immune response of a host to vaccination activates the lymph components of the spleen, and this activation is manifested by the multiplication of the number of lymphocytes which are generated against specific antigens. This multiplication is achieved by the higher division of the antigen-specific lymphoblasts with their subsequent transformation into plasma cells. These cells synthesize the specific protein (IgG). One such protein is the tumor-associated p53 protein, which is synthesized by rats against rabbit anti-p53 IgG. b) The role of dietary factors in the prevention of chemically induced cancer was reviewed on two models: the role of high fiber diets in prevention of colon cancer, and the role of high fat diets in the prevention of mammary gland cancer. Experiments in colon cancer showed that 20% cellulose decreased significantly tumor incidence caused by DMH. The tumor-preventive effect of a cellulose diet was accompanied by increased enzyme concentrations, such as ornithine decarboxylase, thymidine kinase and beta-glucuronidase. This effect was accompanied by activation of some cellular mechanisms, i.e. apoptosis, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and p53 protein synthesis. Experiments in mammary glands cancer showed that a 15% olive-oil diet reduced significantly the tumor incidence caused by 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene. The antitumor effect of the olive-oil diet was connected to its content of monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic and palmitic acids. The promotive tumorigenic effects of other high-fat diets (avocado, soybeans) were associated with high content of some polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and alpha-linolenic). Different diets have different targets. The effect of the same diet depends on its anti-tumor substances content. CONCLUSIONS: Vaccination and some diets have similar mechanism in their tumor-preventive effects.

Ann Nutr Metab 1991;35(5):253-60. Effect of dietary avocado oils on hepatic collagen metabolism. Wermam MJ, Mokady S, Neeman I Department of Food Engineering and Biotechnology, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. The effect of various avocado and soybean oils on collagen metabolism in the liver was studied in growing female rats for 8 weeks and in day-old chicks for 1 week. In comparison with rats fed either refined avocado oil, refined or unrefined soybean oils, rats fed unrefined avocado oil showed a significant decrease in total collagen solubility in the liver, while there were no changes in total collagen, protein and moisture content. Chicks fed unrefined avocado oil as compared to those fed refined avocado oil also showed a decrease in hepatic total soluble collagen while hepatic total collagen remained unaffected. Electron micrographs and light-microscope examinations of rats’ liver revealed collagen accumulation in the periportal location. This is suggestive of the early stages of fibrosis.

Life Sci 1997;60(19):1635-41. L-canaline: a potent antimetabolite and anti-cancer agent from leguminous plants. Rosenthal GA Laboratory of Biochemical Ecology, University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506, USA. L-Canaline, the L-2-amino-4-(aminooxy)butyric acid structural analog of L-ornithine’ is a powerful antimetabolite stored in many leguminous plants. This nonprotein amino acid reacts vigorously with the pyridoxal phosphate moiety of vitamin B6-containing enzymes to form a covalently-bound oxime that inactivates, often irreversibly, the enzyme. Canaline is not only capable of inhibiting ornithine-dependent enzymic activity, but it also can function as a lysine antagonist. Recently, this natural product was found to possess significant antineoplastic in vitro activity against human pancreatic cancer cells.

Food Chem Toxicol 1999 May;37(5):481-91. Occurrence of emodin, chrysophanol and physcion in vegetables, herbs and liquors. Genotoxicity and anti-genotoxicity of the anthraquinones and of the whole plants. Mueller SO, Schmitt M, Dekant W, Stopper H, Schlatter J, Schreier P, Lutz WK Department of Toxicology, University of Wurzburg, Germany. 1,8-Dihydroxyanthraquinones, present in laxatives, fungi imperfecti, Chinese herbs and possibly vegetables, are in debate as human carcinogens. We screened a variety of vegetables (cabbage lettuce, beans, peas), some herbs and herbal-flavoured liquors for their content of the ‘free’ anthraquinones emodin, chrysophanol and physcion. For qualitative and quantitative analysis, reversed-phase HPLC (RP-LC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and RP-LC-MS were used. The vegetables showed a large batch-to-batch variability, from 0.04 to 3.6, 5.9 and 36 mg total anthraquinone per kg fresh weight in peas, cabbage lettuce, and beans, respectively. Physcion predominated in all vegetables. In the herbs grape vine leaves, couch grass root and plantain herb, anthraquinones were above the limit of detection. Contents ranged below 1 mg/kg (dry weight). All three anthraquinones were also found in seven of 11 herbal-flavoured liquors, in a range of 0.05 mg/kg to 7.6 mg/kg. The genotoxicity of the analysed anthraquinones was investigated in the comet assay, the micronucleus test and the mutation assay in mouse lymphoma L5178Y tk+/- cells. Emodin was genotoxic, whereas chrysophanol and physcion showed no effects. Complete vegetable extract on its own did not show any effect in the micronucleus test. A lettuce extract completely abolished the induction of micronuclei by the genotoxic anthraquinone danthron. Taking into consideration the measured concentrations of anthraquinones, estimated daily intakes, the genotoxic potency, as well as protective effects of the food matrix, the analysed constituents do not represent a high priority genotoxic risk in a balanced human diet.

Int J Food Sci Nutr 1998 Sep;49(5):343-52. Lipid content and fatty acid composition in foods commonly consumed by nursing Congolese women: incidences on their essential fatty acid intakes and breast milk fatty acids. Rocquelin G, Tapsoba S, Mbemba F, Gallon G, Picq C Tropical Nutrition Unit, ORSTOM, Montpellier, France. The fat content and fatty acid (FA) composition of nearly 40 foods, currently consumed by 102 nursing Congolese mothers living in Brazzaville, were determined to assess their impact on mothers’ essential fatty acid (EFA) intakes and breast milk FA. Data on mothers’ milk FA and dietary habits which allowed food selection were recently published (Rocquelin et al., 1998). Most foods were locally produced. Food samples were collected at local markets, bleached if necessary to avoid microbial degradation, and stored at +4 degrees C or -20 degrees C. They were lyophilized upon their arrival in the laboratory before lipid analyses. FA composition of food lipids was determined by capillary gas chromatography. Staple diets included low-fat, high-carbohydrate foods (processed cassava roots, wheat bread) and high-polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) foods: soybean oil (high in 18 : 2 n-6 and alpha-18 : 3 n-3), bushbutter (dacryodes edulis), peanuts, avocado (high in fat and 18 : 2 n-6), freshwater and salt-water fish (high in LC n-3 and/or n-6 PUFA), and leafy green vegetables (low in fat but very high in alpha-18 : 3 n-3). Their frequent consumption by nursing mothers provided enough EFA to meet requirements due to lactation. It also explains why mothers’ breast milk was rich in C8-C14 saturated FA (26% of total FA) and in n-6, n-3 PUFA (respectively 15.0% and 2.4% of total FA) highly profitable for breastfed infants’ development. From this point of view, dietary habits of Congolese mothers have to be sustained for they are more adequate than most Western-type diets.

Med Oncol Tumor Pharmacother 1990;7(2-3):69-85. Dietary carcinogens, environmental pollution, and cancer: some misconceptions. Ames BN, Gold LS Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley 94720. Various misconceptions about dietary carcinogens, pesticide residues, and cancer causation are discussed. The pesticides in our diet are 99.99% natural, since plants make an enormous variety of toxins against fungi, insects, and animal predators. Although only 50 of these natural pesticides have been tested in animal cancer tests, about half of them are carcinogens. About half of all chemicals tested in animal cancer tests are positive. The proportion of natural pesticides positive in animal tests of clastogenicity is also the same as for synthetic chemicals. It is argued that testing chemicals in animals at the maximum tolerated dose primarily measures chronic cell proliferation, a threshold process. Cell proliferation is mutagenic in several ways, including inducing mitotic recombination, and therefore chronic induction of cell proliferation is a risk factor for cancer.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1980 Aug;77(8):4961-5. Fecalase: a model for activation of dietary glycosides to mutagens by intestinal flora. Tamura G, Gold C, Ferro-Luzzi A, Ames BN Many substances in the plant kingdom and in man’s diet occur as glycosides. Recent studies have indicated that many glycosides that are not mutagenic in tests such as the Salmonella test become mutagenic upon hydrolysis of the glycosidic linkages. The Salmonella test utilizes a liver homogenate to approximate mammalian metabolism but does not provide a source of the enzymes present in intestinal bacterial flora that hydrolyze the wide variety of glycosides present in nature. We describe a stable cell-free extract of human feces, fecalase, which is shown to contain various glycosidases that allow the in vitro activation of many natural glycosides to mutagens in the Salmonella/liver homogenate test. Many beverages, such as red wine (but apparently not white wine) and tea, contain glycosides of the mutagne quercetin. Red wine, red grape juice, and tea were mutagenic in the test when fecalase was added, and red wine contained considerable direct mutagenic activity in the absence of fecalase. The implications of quercetin mutagenicity and carcinogenicity are discussed.

Br J Rheumatol 1994 Aug;33(8):790-1. Even garlic. Sweetman BJ

Nutr Cancer 1988;11(4):251-7. Cytotoxicity of extracts of spices to cultured cells. Unnikrishnan MC, Kuttan R Amala Cancer Research Centre, Kerala, India. The cytotoxicity of the extracts from eight different spices used in the Indian diet was determined using Dalton’s lymphoma ascites tumor cells and human lymphocytes in vitro and Chinese Hamster Ovary cells and Vero cells in tissue culture. Alcoholic extracts of the spices were found to be more cytotoxic to these cells than their aqueous extracts. Alcoholic extracts of several spices inhibited cell growth at concentrations of 0.2-1 mg/ml in vitro and 0.12-0.3 mg/ml in tissue culture. Ginger, pippali (native to India; also called dried catkins), pepper, and garlic showed the highest activity followed by asafetida, mustard, and horse-gram (native to India). These extracts also inhibited the thymidine uptake into DNA.

J Toxicol Sci 1984 Feb;9(1):77-86. [Mutagenicity and cytotoxicity tests of garlic]. [Article in Japanese] Yoshida S, Hirao Y, Nakagawa S Mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of fresh juice and alcohol extract from garlic were studied by Ames’ test, Rec assay, Micronucleus test and the check of the influence to HEp 2 and chinese hamster embryo (CHE) primary cultured cells. No evidence of mutagenicity of these samples were observed in Ames’ test and Rec assay, while there was dose dependent increase of micronucleated cells and polychromatocytes on the bone marrow cells of mice and chinese hamsters treated with garlic juice. There were severe damages, e.g. growth inhibition and morphological changes of both cultured cells due to garlic juice, but no or slightly cytotoxic signs were observed even in high concentration of garlic extract. A higher sensitivity to the cytotoxic effects of garlic was seen by the present findings with CHE primary cells than HEp 2 cell line.

Chung Hua Chung Liu Tsa Chih 1985 Mar;7(2):103-5 [Comparison of the cytotoxic effect of fresh garlic, diallyl trisulfide, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), mitomycin C (MMC) and Cis-DDP on two lines of gastric cancer cells]. [Article in Chinese] Pan XY Teratog Carcinog Mutagen 1998; 18(6):293-302 In vitro and in vivo study of the clastogenicity of the flavone cirsitakaoside extracted from Scoparia dulcis L. (Scrophulariaceae). Pereira-Martins SR, Takahashi CS, Tavares DC, Torres LM Department of Biology, Federal University of Maranhao, Sao Luis, MA. Brazil. The mutagenic effect of the flavone cirsitakaoside extracted from the medicinal herb Scoparia dulcis was evaluated in vitro by using human peripheral blood cultures treated with doses of 5, 10, and 15 microg of the flavone/ml culture medium for 48 h. The compound proved to be mutagenic at the highest concentration tested (15 microg/ml). Furthermore, the proliferative index was significantly reduced in all cultures treated with the flavone, although the mitotic index was not reduced. However, the clastogenic activity of the flavone cirsitakaoside was not observed when Swiss mice were treated orally with doses of 10, 20, and 30 mg/animal for 24 h.

Proc Nutr Soc 1977 Sep;36(2):51A.Attempts to overcome anti-nutritive factors in field beans (Vicia faba L) and field peas (Pisum sativum) fed in diets to laying hens. Davidson J

Am J Clin Nutr 1995 Sep;62(3):506-11. The influence of genetic taste markers on food acceptance. Drewnowski A, Rock CL Human Nutrition Program, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48109-2029, USA. Genetically mediated sensitivity to the bitter taste of phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) and 6-n-propylthiouracil (Prop) has long been associated with enhanced sensitivity to other sweet and bitter compounds. New studies suggest that tasters and supertasters of Prop may also differ from notasters in their taste preferences and in their patterns of food rejection and food acceptance. One question is whether the acceptability of bitter-tasting vegetables is influenced by Prop taster status. Cruciferous vegetables are among the major dietary sources of potentially chemoprotective agents in cancer control, and their consumption is reported to alter cancer risk. Strategies aimed at dietary change in individuals or groups should consider the role of genetic taste markers and their potential influences on food preferences and dietary habits.

J Environ Sci Health B 1999 Jul;34(4):681-708. Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in plants and their transfer to human food chain. Dudka S, Miller WP University of Georgia, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Athens 30602-2727, USA. Contaminated soils can be a source for crop plants of such elements like As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn. The excessive transfer of As, Cu, Ni, and Zn to the food chain is controlled by a “soil-plant barrier”; however, for some elements, including Cd, the soil-plant barrier fails. The level of Cd ingested by average person in USA is about 12 micrograms/day, which is relatively low comparing to Risk Reference Dose (70 micrograms Cd/day) established by USEPA. Food of plant origin is a main source of Cd intake by modern society. Fish and shellfish may be a dominant dietary sources of Hg for some human populations. About half of human Pb intake is through food, of which more than half originates from plants. Dietary intake of Cd and Pb may be increased by application of sludges on cropland with already high levels of these metals. Soils amended with sludges in the USA will be permitted (by USEPA-503 regulations) to accumulate Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Se, and Zn to levels from 10 to 100 times the present baseline concentrations. These levels are very permissive by international standards. Because of the limited supply of toxicity data obtained from metals applied in sewage sludge, predictions as to the new regulations will protect crop plants from metal toxicities, and food chain from contamination, are difficult to make.

BJU Int 2000 Jan;85(1):107-13. A maternal vegetarian diet in pregnancy is associated with hypospadias. The ALSPAC Study Team. Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood. North K, Golding J Unit of Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, Division of Child Health, University of Bristol, UK. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the possible role of the maternal diet, particularly vegetarianism and consumption of phytoestrogens, in the origin of hypospadias, which is reported to be increasing in prevalence. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Detailed information was obtained prospectively from mothers, including previous obstetric history, lifestyle and dietary practices, using structured self-completed questionnaires during pregnancy. Previously recognized associations with environmental and parental factors were examined, focusing particularly on the hypothesized hormonal link. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify independent associations. RESULTS: Of 7928 boys born to mothers taking part in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood, 51 hypospadias cases were identified. There were no significant differences in the proportion of hypospadias cases among mothers who smoked, consumed alcohol or for any aspect of their previous reproductive history (including the number of previous pregnancies, number of miscarriages, use of the contraceptive pill, time to conception and age at menarche). Significant differences were detected for some aspects of the maternal diet, i.e. vegetarianism and iron supplementation in the first half of pregnancy. Mothers who were vegetarian in pregnancy had an adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 4.99 (95% confidence interval, CI, 2.10-11.88) of giving birth to a boy with hypospadias, compared with omnivores who did not supplement their diet with iron. Omnivores who supplemented their diet with iron had an adjusted OR of 2.07 (95% CI, 1.00-4.32). The only other statistically significant association for hypospadias was with influenza in the first 3 months of pregnancy (adjusted OR 3.19, 95% CI 1.50-6.78). CONCLUSION: As vegetarians have a greater exposure to phytoestrogens than do omnivores, these results support the possibility that phytoestrogens have a deleterious effect on the developing male reproductive system.

© Ray Peat 2006. All Rights Reserved.



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