From Peat:
Lactic Acid caused by Physical Exertion or Eating Cultured/Fermented Foods: Dangerous. Stops the respiration of cells, serious toxin. Affects the way glucose is used by the brain (greatly reduces glucose getting to the brain, causing damage). Regular ambitious jogging, weight lifting, aerobics, gymnastics, dancing to exertion, etc. Carbon Dioxide, Thyroid, B1, Magnesium can help to counter the effects, though it won’t completely stop the damage. Ray Peat.
“======Lactic Acid has a cumulative effect by inhibiting respiration, which leads to the formation of more lactate. Carbon dioxide, thyroid, vitamin B1, magnesium are the main things that can break the cycle. Since high altitude causes carbon dioxide retention and suppresses lactate formation, maybe people should put a paper bag over their head when they go running, to prevent athletic hyperventilation. ====” Ray Peat.
In my notes, Peat considers lactic acid build up in the body to be dangerous and inflammatory when out of balance and toxic in the body and a contributor to pain and many ailments.
He has suggested high amounts of it in the body could be a culprit in cataract formation, see this Peat Newsletter. See this additional Peat Newsletter also about cataracts.
In his Newsletters and books, he has discussed it’s excess formation in our body when we eat Dangerous Items like fermented and cultured products, even as natural as you can get them, like yogurts, kefirs, acidophilus, probiotics, fermented cabbages and vegetables.
And he has discussed its toxic formation during intense exercises like running, jogging, ballet, other dance, power walking, lifting, etc.
Any exercise that breaks a sweat and strain he has observed damaging lactic acid build up in the body.
In my notes, Peat has suggested remedies to lowering the amount of it in the body, to detoxifying lactic acid, would be getting enough B1 vitamin, Thiamine, through regularly eating liver, milk, and eggs as well has suggested that ingesting carbonated water could help detox lactic acid. He suggests magnesium is another aid to detox it (but I understand magnesium can really irritate the intestines if used long term). Drinking coffee would provide this since taking magnesium supplements is dangerous.
And of course, the even better remedies are preventing its toxic build up by not exercising to that intensity or eating those foods that purposely form it in toxic amounts.
Here is additional information about the phenomenon.
and here
and here.