The Daily MICROdose

NOTE: I make NO commission nor any other compensation when recommending any linked and suggested specific products.


Please remember that by presenting here in The Daily MICROdose any books, recordings of mindset techniques or similar, does not mean the books’ author or author’s company agrees with or supports cannabis use and its legalities.  In addition, my and this site’s views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of any of the third parties linked here.

Meditation and Mindfulness Resources

The following links provide some additional meditation tips and resources.

As a note, when listening to any meditations, please do so in a safe place. NEVER drive or operate any vehicle while listening to meditation exercises or recordings of any kind.

And many, many trusted meditative recordings can be played quietly, softly in the background as we go about other tasks. Many types of meditations can often work this way changing our moods, even our physical bodies as the recordings play and can help heal our physical and non-physical selves with a more positive, healing resonance just being “background”. (So don’t play any while driving).

(And this is a reason opportunists can use the techniques, twisted, for nefarious entrainment controls on populations).

I’ve personally taken several full length courses through the Monroe Institute when it was first getting started in the late 80’s into the 90’s. Robert Monroe pioneered the work with Hemi-Sync® using different sounds introduced to the brain in certain ways to enhance learning and healing. Much has changed with it but the work of exploring “more than the physical body” that Bob Monroe created is still exquisite.

Online streaming and downloading of particular meditations for pain management using the Hemi-Sync® technique can be found here and here.

And for streaming here within The Daily MICROdose and with permission of the Monroe Institute, and in its entirety, The Pain Control Tape 42 minute meditation made in the 1980’s using the Hemi-Sync® technique.

Here’s a good article… Meditation for Beginners:  20 Practical Tips for Understanding the Mind

You can explore Insight Timer meditation app which has a lot of beginner to expert level help.

There are free mindfulness apps here

And here is a 5 minute nature meditation by 

Meditation Oasis presents simple instructions for meditating in nature

And my favorite, exploring The Lazaris Material™


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