The Daily MICROdose

NOTE: I make NO commission nor any other compensation when recommending any linked and suggested specific products.


Please remember that by presenting here in The Daily MICROdose any books, recordings of mindset techniques or similar, does not mean the books’ author or author’s company agrees with or supports cannabis use and its legalities.  In addition, my and this site’s views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of any of the third parties linked here.

Mental Rehearsal with Future Self, a Meditation

The Mental Rehearsal, a Meditation, by Corinne Tobias

The following short, beautiful meditation was recorded by one of my wellness coaching mentors.

In 17 minutes, it will help you relax, connect with your future self and help anchor your new healthy habits and joy.

The meditation helps us simply to visualize a successful activity we want that in the past we’ve told ourselves we couldn’t have or do.

It helps us practice overcoming pain in movement for example, from a prior bad experience that holds us back.

It chemically links pleasure with a new healthy habit in the brain. When people do the Mental Rehearsal, most experience a lot of joy.

It motivates consistent follow through. Because we’re practicing feeling all the good parts of whatever healthy habit we’re trying to create.

(Please do not listen to this while driving or operating moving equipment.)



Here is the link to a new healthy habit of eating clean, real food

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