The Daily MICROdose

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Any articles or information here referencing Dr. Ray Peat are solely about the wellness topic alone and does not imply or suggest or in any way link his ideas and work to cannabis in any form.

Indeed, many clients following ONLY Dr. Peat’s wellness suggestions, with no cannabis use at all, have resulted in successful health, well being and reduced pain levels for the clients.

Please be advised there has been no cannabis use discussion, email or consultation with Dr. Peat by us. Whatever his beliefs and recommendations around its use are his privately.

Dr. Ray Peat has graciously given permission for the display of some of his whole newsletters for the benefit of clients and subscribers to this site.  All Rights Reserved.


Ray Peat’s Newsletter article on Milk is posted below in it’s entirety. 

All discussions above his Newsletter are based on my own opinions and interpretations of my notes taken from his work and what I have found useful for my own use as well as from feedback from many, many, many, many others.


Raw milk is one of the most important real foods to do anything you can to acquire and consume on a regular basis.

PLEASE do what you can to find the raw milk here or here.

Here is the link for more discussion about real food.

A recommended daily amount for one person is 2-3 cups per day drunk/eaten spread out during the day.


Plan on picking up from a farm or purchasing from a store in California, 1 gallon or a gallon and a half per week of raw milk.


However, at the beginning try only 1/4 cup per day for a few days first until your body begins to make its digestive enzymes for it.

(Goat milk tastes a little different. Many people prefer the taste of raw cow milk instead).

Most people will NOT gain weight consuming this much whole raw milk because of the natural, digesting good bacteria and enzymes present in raw milk.

Start LOW and go SLOW if you think you are lactose intolerant or just do not currently drink milk.  And use Peat’s carrot salad in addition to drinking the raw milk.

A lot of people think they are allergic to or lactose intolerant of milk. What they often are really allergic to is the fake food called milk on the fake grocery store shelf regardless that the label says organic, grass fed or not. It is a highly processed toxic food.

By changing milk’s very molecular structure with pasteurization and homogenization few can tolerate it.

The very enzymes that make it the perfect and healing food are completely stripped from the junk fake milk.

The beneficial bacteria that can heal a gut and destroy any bad bacteria in the milk are removed by the processes of standard milk.

Raw milk refrigerated at the correct temperature will last upwards of two weeks without going sour! It takes care of itself because it still has all it needs in it, that has NOT been homogenized or pasteurized out of it, to be whole and healthful.

The processed milk and milk products on any grocery shelf is so full of bad bacteria it will only last days if that.


Start with just a couple tablespoons in your morning coffee of some cream taken off the top of the raw milk as it sat in the fridge for a couple days. Raw milk cream rises to the top.

Do this for a few days in a row.

Add raw milk to your coffee, a little more each day until you have added about 3/4 cup raw milk in your morning coffee.

The raw cream and raw milk cause a beneficial chemical reaction with the coffee that helps with digestion and utilization of the caffeine and magnesium in the coffee.

This first coffee with that much milk in it becomes your first food of the day. You can take some supplements with it then in good combination like your vitamin K2, your vitamin D and aspirin if you need it.

If you drink more than one serving of coffee a day, at least add a couple tablespoons of raw milk or raw cream to it each time (you don’t need to add more milk like above, only the first coffee of the day).

Try to wean yourself off any more coffee than one or two cups a day. Too much can also cause imbalance to all kinds of systems.

And try to wean yourself off drinking a lot of teas. Caffeine or not, they are medicines not to be consumed in large quantities constantly, daily.

Add more raw milk to your daily food intake little by little until you drink another 1/2 cup of milk some time during the day.

Maybe in a couple weeks you consume a full cup or two every day, spread out during the day.

Please give yourself a chance to see if your “lactose intolerance” reactions are part of the Big Lie.

Of course not the real symptoms you feel, but the cause.

Just go low and slow, or stop and come back to it again—and only use fresh cold raw cow milk (or fresh raw goats milk too, but it tastes a little different) to experiment. Don’t give up on the first few tastes.

HACK:   When transporting milk you pick up from a local farmer (use a cooler and ice packs) and storing it in the fridge, KEEP MILK BELOW 38 degrees and it can last up to two weeks in the fridge. If it goes above 40 degrees, it will start to sour. With raw milk, you can still drink this sour milk, but it’s not as pleasant as fresh sweet milk. I find the bottom of the fridge in the back to be the coldest. I keep a temp gauge in there and monitor it.

HACK:   While raw milk in general is the best choice, raw milk from certain cow types is more beneficial. If you have a choice, choose milk from the Guernsey, Jersey, Milking Devon families. The DNA of the cows and the milk these breeds give is more compatible with humans over the black & white Holstein cows.

In California, Claravale Farms sells milk from these type cows. BEST – MILK – EVER!

Because of the huge cost to “certify” a farm organic, most will not have that designation.  But ask the farmer what they are feeding the cows, what they do about antibiotics or medicine, do they cull the sick animals, ask the farmer what grains or oils are fed IN ADDITION to being “grass-fed”.

You are looking for a small farm with a clean milk house, that talks to you about using natural medicines on their herd, that does not include the milk from sick cows into the milk they are selling, that feeds the cows 100% range grasses only, and in the winter feeds them hay grown without pesticides the farmer grew themselves, or NON-SOY, traditional pesticide free grains grown on the farm and that the farmer is not feeding the animals additional oils to add any oil “omegas” or something like that into the milk (it happens!). And hopefully you have more than one choice small dairy farm near you.

A large part of what I think are the “Peat Foods” is dairy, but REAL dairy, meaning raw cow’s milk.

PLEASE do what you can to find the raw milk here or here. It’s absolutely the most important component of real food.

Raw milk is often times a real schlep to find it (except for California where it is often abundantly found on any health food store shelf as it’s deemed legal there) and haul it home every week, but it’s truly a miracle food.

Taking the time to sometimes sneak around to the small farmers to find it (similar to those of you that love the marijuana, right?:-) ) can be one’s time of reflection and a bit of escape from the day to day.

Even when one time decades ago, when I got severe food poisoning from some local shell fish eating at a popular restaurant when I was traveling, that others mentioned I should have been in hospital or could have died, Peat had me find the raw milk in Los Angeles as one of the key initial things to stop the inflammation and heal me.

Raw milk cheeses are very much more common, legal where raw milk might not be, and easier to find.

But in my notes, Peat in the past has said for most people if raw milk (cow or goat) is just not available to them, at least consume organic milk.

And if absolutely, positively you are unable to procure raw milk, find grass fed whole milk as well as organic. If you can find a brand that does NOT homogenize, even better. The cream will rise to the top.

Keep in mind the digestive enzymes will be gone from the pasteurization process. The milk or cream brand will have been pasteurized so you might experience side effects from the quantities recommended.  

But another good, non-homogenized brand is here.   

And PLEASE give yourself a chance to find the real raw milk here or here. I can’t say enough about its huge, absolute wonders for its support of the human body and healing disease, especially disease and disability involving the gut.

And in any case, I would suggest if you do have lactose intolerant symptoms, only try real raw milk and raw milk cheeses. I think you could be surprised with your healing– and your new tolerance.

PLEASE do what you can to find it.




Milk in context: allergies, ecology, and some myths

Food allergies are becoming much more common in recent decades, especially in industrialized countries. Most attention has been given to theories about changes in people, such as the reduction in infectious diseases and parasites, or vitamin D deficiency, or harmful effects from vaccinations, and little attention has been given to degradation of the food supply.

Our food cultures, like linguistic and moral cultures, give us some assumptions or theories about the way the world should be, and if these beliefs aren’t questioned and tested, they can permeate the culture of science, turning the research process into a rationalization of accepted opinions.

In general, those who pay for research are those with an investment in or commitment to the preservation and expansion of the existing systems of production and distribution. Cheap mass production, durability and long shelf-life are more important than the effects of foods on health. The biggest industries are usually able to keep public attention away from the harm they do.

The historical economic importance of cereals and beans is reflected in the nutritional and biochemical research literature, which has paid relatively little attention to basic questions about human adaptation to the ecosystems. From the early petrochemical “Green Revolution” to the contemporary imposition of genetically altered seeds, the accumulated economic power of the food industry has taken control of the food culture.

In evaluating each research publication relating to nutrition and health, we should ask what alternative possibilities are being neglected, for “practical” reasons, cultural preferences, and business interests.

Some people with an ecological concern have argued that grains and beans can most economically provide the proteins and calories that people need, but good nutrition involves much more than the essential nutrients.

“Efficient” industrial agriculture has been concerned with cheaply producing those important nutrients, and their critics have focussed on their use of toxic chemicals, on the social damage they produce, the degradation of the soil, the toxic effects of genetic modification, their unsustainable use of petroleum, and occasionally on the lower nutritional value of chemically stimulated crops.

I think far too little attention is being given to the effects of abnormal and stressful growth conditions on the plants’ natural defense systems. Plants normally synthesize some toxins and inhibitors of digestive enzymes to discourage attacks by bacteria, fungi, insects, and other predators. When a plant is injured or otherwise stressed, it produces more of the defensive substances, and very often they communicate their stress to other plants, and the resulting physiological changes can cause changes in seeds that affect the resistance of the progeny. (Agrawal, 2001)

One of many substances produced by plants in response to injury is chitinase, an enzyme that breaks down chitin, a polysaccharide that is a structural component of fungi and insects. Chitinase, which is produced by bacteria and humans, as well as by plants and other organisms, is involved in developmental processes as well as in the innate immune system. In plants, the enzyme is induced by ethylene and salicylate, in animals by estrogen, light damage, and infections, and can be demonstrated in polyps and cancers.

The two main classes of plant allergens are the stress-induced chitinases, and seed storage proteins, such as gluten. The chitinase allergens are responsible for reactions to latex (which is secreted by rubber trees in reaction to a wound), bananas, avocados, many other fruits and vegetables, and some types of wood and other plant materials. Intensive agricultural methods are increasing the formation of the defensive chemicals, and the industrialized crops are responsible for the great majority of the new allergies that have appeared in the last 30 years.

The presence of the chitinase family of proteins in humans was first discovered in the inflamed asthmatic lung. It was then found at high levels in the uterine endometrium at the time of implantation of the embryo (an inflammation-like situation) and in the uterus during premature labor. Since estrogen treatment is known to increase the incidence of asthma and other inflammations, the appearance of chitinase also in the uterus in estrogen dominated conditions is interesting, especially when the role of estrogen in celiac disease (in effect an allergy to gluten) is considered. Celiac disease is more prevalent among females, and it involves the immunological cross-reaction to an antigen in the estrogen-regulated transglutaminase enzyme and the gluten protein. The (calcium-regulated) transglutaminase enzyme is involved in the cross-linking of proteins in keratinized cells, in fibrotic processes in the liver, and in cancer. (People with celiac disease often suffer from osteoporosis and urinary stone deposition, showing a general problem with calcium regulation.)

This means that estrogen and stress cause the appearance of antigens in the human or animal tissues that are essentially the same as the stress-induced and defensive proteins in plant tissues. A crocodile might experience the same sort of allergic reaction when eating estrogen-treated women and when eating commercial bananas.

The various states of the innate immune system have been neglected by immunologists, for example in relation to organ transplantation. The “major histocompatibility” antigens are matched, but organ transplants still sometimes fail. A study found that the livers from young men had a high survival rate when transplanted into either men or women, but the livers of older women donors were rejected at a high rate when transplanted into either men or women. Exposure to estrogen increases intracellular calcium and the unsaturation of fatty acids in tissue lipids, and the expression of enzymes such as chitinase and transglutaminase, and the various enzymes in the structure-sensitive estrogen-controlled metabolic pathways.

Estrogen’s actions are closely and pervasively involved with the regulation of calcium, and these changes affect the basic tissue structures and processes that constitute the innate immune system. Estrogen’s effect in increasing susceptibility to “autoimmune” diseases hasn’t yet been recognized by mainstream medicine.

The chemist Norman Pirie argued convincingly that leaf protein had much higher nutritional value than grain and bean proteins, and that it had the potential to be much more efficient economically, if it could be separated from the less desirable components of leaves.

The amino acid composition and nutritional value of leaf protein is similar to milk protein, which is understandable since cows produce milk from the amino acids produced in their rumens by bacteria digesting the leaves the cows have eaten. The bacteria perform the refining processes that Pirie believed could be done technologically, and they also degrade or detoxify the major toxins and allergens.

The nutrients produced in the cow’s rumen are selectively absorbed into the cow’s bloodstream, where the liver can further filter out any toxins before the amino acids and other nutrients are absorbed by the udder to be synthesized into milk. If cows are fed extremely bad diets, for example with a very large amount of grain, the filtering process is less perfect, and some allergens can reach the milk, but since sick cows are less profitable than healthy cows, dairies usually feed their cows fairly well.

In a recent study of 69,796 hospitalized newborns, a diagnosis of cow’s milk allergy was made in 0.21% of them. Among those whose birthweight had been less than a kilogram, 0.35% of them were diagnosed with the milk allergy. Gastrointestinal symptoms were the main reason for the diagnosis, but a challenge test to confirm the diagnosis was used in only 15% of the participating hospitals, and a lymphocyte stimulation test was used in only 5.5% of them (Miyazawa, et al., 2009). There are many publications about milk allergies, but they generally involve a small group of patients, and the tests they use are rarely evaluated on healthy control subjects.

Several surveys have found that of children who have a diagnosed milk allergy, about 2/3 of them grow out of the allergy.

People who have told me that they have had digestive problems with milk have sometimes found that a different brand of milk doesn’t cause any problem.

Milk with reduced fat content is required by US law to have vitamins D and A added. The vehicle used in the vitamin preparation, and the industrial contaminants in the “pure” vitamins themselves, are possible sources of allergens in commercial milk, so whole milk is the most likely to be free of allergens.

A thickening agent commonly used in milk products, carrageenan, is a powerful allergen that can cause a “pseudo-latex allergy” (Tarlo, et al., 1995). It is a sulfated polysaccharide, structurally similar to heparin. There are good reasons to think that its toxic effects are the result of disturbance of calcium metabolism (see for example Abdullahi, et al., 1975; Halici, et al., 2008; Janaswamy and Chandrasekaran, 2008).

Besides the idea of milk allergy, the most common reason for avoiding milk is the belief that the genes of some ethnic groups cause them to lack the enzyme, lactase, needed to digest milk sugar, lactose, and that this causes lactose intolerance, resulting in gas or diarrhea when milk is consumed. Tests have been reported in which a glass of milk will cause the lactase deficient people to have abdominal pain. However, when intolerant people have been tested, using milk without lactose for comparison, there were no differences between those receiving milk with lactose or without it. The “intolerant” people consistently tolerate having a glass with each meal.

When a group of lactase deficient people have been given some milk every day for a few weeks, they have adapted, for example with tests showing that much less hydrogen gas was produced from lactose by intestinal bacteria after they had adapted (Pribila, et al., 2000).

Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine can be caused by hypothyroidism (Lauritano, et al., 2007), and the substances produced by these bacteria can damage the lining of the small intestine, causing the loss of lactase enzymes (Walshe, et al., 1990).

Another hormonal condition that probably contributes to lactase deficiency is progesterone deficiency, since a synthetic progestin has been found to increase the enzyme (Nagpaul, et al., 1990). The particular progestin they used lacks many of progesterone’s effects, but it does protect against some kinds of stress, including high estrogen and cortisol. This suggests that stress, with its increased ratio of estrogen and cortisol to progesterone, might commonly cause the enzyme to decrease.

Two other ideas that sometimes cause people to avoid drinking milk and eating cheese are that they are “fattening foods,” and that the high calcium content could contribute to hardening of the arteries.

When I traveled around Europe in 1968, I noticed that milk and cheese were hard to find in the Slavic countries, and that many people were fat. When I crossed from Russia into Finland, I noticed there were many stores selling a variety of cheeses, and the people were generally slender. When I lived in Mexico in the 1960s, good milk was hard to find in the cities and towns, and most women had fat hips and short legs. Twenty years later, when good milk was available in all the cites, there were many more slender women, and the young people on average had much longer legs. The changes I noticed there reminded me of the differences I had seen between Moscow and Helsinki, and I suspect that the differences in calcium intake were partly responsible for the changes of physique.

In recent years there have been studies showing that regular milk drinkers are less fat than people who don’t drink it. Although the high quality protein and saturated fat undoubtedly contribute to milk’s anti-obesity effect, the high calcium content is probably the main factor.

The parathyroid hormone (PTH) is an important regulator of calcium metabolism. If dietary calcium isn’t sufficient, causing blood calcium to decrease, the PTH increases, and removes calcium from bones to maintain a normal amount in the blood. PTH has many other effects, contributing to inflammation, calcification of soft tissues, and decreased respiratory energy production.

When there is adequate calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium in the diet, PTH is kept to a minimum. When PTH is kept low, cells increase their formation of the uncoupling proteins, that cause mitochondria to use energy at a higher rate, and this is associated with decreased activity of the fatty acid synthase enzymes.

These changes are clearly related to the anti-obesity effect of calcium, but those enzymes are important for many other problems.

The “metabolic syndrome,” that involves diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, is associated with high PTH (Ahlström, et al., 2009; Hjelmesaeth, et al., 2009).

Alzheimer’s disease involves decreased mitochondrial activity and low levels of the uncoupling proteins. There is evidence that milk drinkers are protected against dementia (Yamada, et al., 2003). Cancer involves increased activity of the fatty acid synthase enzymes. Increased calcium consumption beneficially affects both sets of enzymes, uncoupling proteins and fatty acid synthase.

Multiple sclerosis relapses consistently occur at times of high PTH, and remissions consistently occur at times of low PTH (Soilu-Hänninen, et al., 3008). PTH increases the activity of nitric oxide synthase, and nitric oxide is a factor in the vascular leakiness that is so important in MS.

There are components of milk that might protect against tooth decay by inhibiting the binding of bacteria to teeth (Danielsson, et al., 2009).

David McCarron has published a large amount of evidence showing how calcium deficiency contributes to high blood pressure. The chronic elevation of PTH caused by calcium deficiency causes the heart and blood vessels to retain calcium, making them unable to relax fully.

Intravenous infusion of calcium can relax blood vessels and improve heart function. The suppression of PTH is probably the main mechanism.

PTH (like estrogen) causes mast cells to release promoters of inflammation, including histamine and serotonin. Serotonin and nitric oxide contribute to increasing PTH secretion.

Removal of the parathyroid gland has reduced heart problems and mortality (Costa-Hong, et al., 2007) and insomnia (Esposito, et al., 2008; Sabbatini, et al., 2002) in people with kidney disease and excess PTH.

Increased carbon dioxide, for example when adapted to high altitude, can greatly decrease PTH. Frequent, but smaller, meals can reduce PTH.

Cancer cells often secrete PTH and related proteins with similar effects on calcium, and the PTH stimulates the growth and invasiveness of prostate cancer (DaSilva, et al., 2009) cells, and seems to be as closely involved with breast cancer. The PTH-related protein is associated with calcification in breast cancer (Kanbara, et al., 1994). Microscopic calcium crystals themselve produce inflammation (Denko and Whitehouse, 1976).

Besides being an ecologically favorable source of calcium, protein, sugar, and fat, the composition of milk causes it to be digested efficiently, supporting the growth of bacteria that are relatively safe for the intestine and liver, and reducing the absorption of endotoxin.

Dividing any food into smaller meals can lower the PTH, and milk is a convenient food to use in small amounts and frequently.

Some amino acids directly stimulate insulin secretion, decreasing blood sugar and leading to the secretion of cortisol in reaction to the depression of blood glucose. The presence of lactose in milk, and of fat, to slow absorption of the amino acids, helps to minimize the secretion of cortisol. The main protein of milk, casein, seems to have some direct antistress effects (Biswas, et al., 2003).

Since milk’s primary biological function is to support the growth of a young animal, some of its features make it inappropriate as a sole food for an adult. To support cell division and growth, the methionine and tryptophan content of milk is higher than would be optimal for an adult animal, and the phosphate might be slightly more than needed, in relation to the calcium. Since the fetus stores a large amount of iron during gestation, the iron content of milk is low, and when a young animal has used the stored iron, its continuing growth requires more iron than milk provides. However, for an adult, the low iron content of milk and cheese makes these foods useful for preventing the iron overload that often contributes to the degenerative diseases.

Combining milk and cheese with fruits adds to the antistress effect. The additional sugar and potassium and other minerals allow the milk protein to be used more efficiently, by moderating the secretion of cortisol, and helping to inhibit the secretion of PTH.

Substances such as PTH, nitric oxide, serotonin, cortisol, aldosterone, estrogen, thyroid stimulating hormone, and prolactin have regulatory and adaptive functions that are essential, but that ideally should act only intermittently, producing changes that are needed momentarily. When the environment is too stressful, or when nutrition isn’t adequate, the organism may be unable to mobilize the opposing and complementary substances to stop their actions. In those situations, it can be therapeutic to use some of the nutrients as supplements. Calcium carbonate (eggshell or oyster shell, for example) and vitamins D and K, can sometimes produce quick antistress effects, alleviating insomnia, hypertension, edema, inflammations and allergies, etc., but the regular use of milk and cheese can prevent many chronic stress-related diseases.


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Copyright 2011. Raymond Peat, P.O. Box 5764, Eugene OR 97405. All Rights Reserved. 
Not for republication without written permission.


Notice:  These statements in this Post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease. They are intended for nutritional support only. The third party information referred to herein is neither adopted nor endorsed by this author but is provided for general informational purposes. Any person suspecting disease should seek the advice of a licensed physician. No specific outcome is promised or guaranteed.



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