The Daily MICROdose

NOTE: I make NO commission nor any other compensation when recommending any linked and suggested specific products.


Please remember that by presenting here in The Daily MICROdose any books, recordings of mindset techniques or similar, does not mean the books’ author or author’s company agrees with or supports cannabis use and its legalities.  In addition, my and this site’s views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of any of the third parties linked here.

Raymond Peat, Ph.D. (1936 – 2022)


Please remember that by presenting a list of recommended articles, books, quotes from and by Dr. Ray Peat throughout the content here in The Daily MICROdose on SevenLeafCannabisCoaching,  does NOT mean Ray Peat, Ph.D. or or any company or organization of or in coordination with him agrees with or supports cannabis use and its legalities.


Below are links for how to purchase Ray Peat’s books (as of Dec. 2, 2022 this option may no longer be available), newsletters and where to look for access to abundant interviews, transcripts and discussions about his work.


A B O U T   RAY   P E A T

I have a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Oregon, with specialization in physiology. The schools I have taught at include: the University of Oregon, Urbana College, Montana State University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Universidad Veracruzana, the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, and Blake College. I also conduct private nutritional counseling.

I started my work with progesterone and related hormones in 1968. In papers in Physiological Chemistry and Physics (1971 and 1972) and in my dissertation (University of Oregon, 1972), I outlined my ideas regarding progesterone, and the hormones closely related to it, as protectors of the body’s structure and energy against the harmful effects of estrogen, radiation, stress, and lack of oxygen.

The key idea was that energy and structure are interdependent, at every level.

Since then, I have been working on both practical and theoretical aspects of this view. I think only a new perspective on the nature of living matter will make it possible to properly take advantage of the multitude of practical and therapeutic effects of the various life-supporting substances–pregnenolone, progesterone, thyroid hormone, and coconut oil in particular.

“Marketing” of these as products, without understanding just what they do and why they do it, seems to be adding confusion, rather than understanding, as hundreds of people sell their misconceptions with their products. The very concept of “marketing” is at odds with the real nature of these materials, which has to do with the protection and expansion of our nature and potential. A distorted idea of human nature is sold when people are treated as “the market.”

It seems that all of the problems of development and degeneration can be alleviated by the appropriate use of the energy-protective materials. When we realize that our human nature is problematic, we can begin to explore our best potentials.

—-Ray Peat



Once you click any of these photos of the books to view, if you double click the photo again it will enlarge and  you can read the backs.












(Since his passing in November, 2022, these items and options below might no longer be available. The site will be updated when we have more information.)


Archives of many of Peat’s prior newsletters can be found at

Peat wrote 5 books that I’m aware. They are out of print but if you email Peat at his newsletter email, he has them as digital versions.

Ray Peat’s Newsletter and eBook

Occasionally you can find old copies of the original books at used books resellers as collectibles for several hundred dollars each.


NEWSLETTER:  (Since his passing in November, 2022, new Newsletters will no longer be available). Please see for some archives.


His US POSTAL MAIL address should ebooks come available with payment by checks/money orders:

Raymond Peat
P.O. Box 5764
Eugene OR 97405


There is an online Ray Peat Forum that has been going for at least 10 years. Keep in mind there are a handful of people who understand Peat’s work correctly and work to answer questions. And there are a lot of people who like to give suggestions and they don’t really know what’s going on. If you spend time in the Forum you will be able to figure this out. 

Of real value is the Ray Peat Forum links to LISTEN to Peat’s interviews. When you hear him talk for yourself, you will have your real answers rather than any of our interpretations.

The “Herb Doctors” (Drs. Sarah and Andrew Murray), on their website, have dozens and dozens of hour-long interviews Dr. Peat did with them on their monthly radio show since 2008. Topics covered in each interview are listed.


There are hours and hours of live interviews and questions/answers he has done over the years with the links posted there to listen.

On the forum is also posted a 2-part video interview (about 8 hours total) done in 2015 called “On The Back of a Tiger”. Peat answers all kinds of questions, many of them more about his personal life and how his works came to be.



Here is the link for more information on Peat recommended real food.

Here is the link for more information on Peat recommended supplements, with links within them for more discussion and to additional recommendations.


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