The Daily MICROdose

Welcome to Curated Premium Content!

In The Daily MICROdose, you will find a collection of curated, detailed how-to information about cannabis enhanced, holistic wellness techniques that many have found useful to help reduce chronic pain for older adult sufferers.

The internet is full of 1000’s and 1000’s of pages of cannabis topics.

It’s full of 100’s of thousands of pages more about what food, diet, exercise, supplements, what wellness techniques to use.

Some are useful, most are not.

Some are just dangerous ideas thrown together by someone stoned out of their mind.

Some are dangerous ideas professionally thrown together by someone in authority (an MD or PhD, virology title etc.).

Some are written “from a physician’s viewpoint” (by an MD), who might or might not know much about current cannabis or wellness uses and techniques.

And these days, much will be “written” by ChatBots and AI.

Keep in mind the modern medical and science-based schools train their new doctors in next to nothing about real food, natural supplements or products that have nothing to do with what they can prescribe from the drug store.

Many of these online and book pages are info-MARKETING pieces, full of smiling celebrities and slick photos of pretty dropper bottles and “buy one get one free” specials designed to get you to buy something cannabis or something of this that or another supplement product.

The FRAUD in the CBD and cannabis industry is unbelievable. BE CAREFUL!

So how does anyone figure out what is safe, what actually works in a human body without damaging it further.  How to know what helps with chronic pain without killing you in your sleep?

How do you know who’s telling the truth?

Take responsibility for yourself. Do your own research outside the bounds of “their narrative”.

Open yourself up to critical thinking.

What makes sense. Where is the documentation and what kind of documentation is it?

No one is an “expert” just because they have the right alphabets behind their name.

And follow the money. Do you really think if an “official” takes money, takes a grant, takes a position of authority etc. from the very corporations/entities/governments/organizations they are supposedly testing, researching, regulating on behalf of others– that they might just NOT be a little biased?

The premium cannabis and wellness content I have collected and curated here has been hand selected from those highly regarded in the industry, and vetted by my training, knowledge, ability to critically think, research and wisely choose.

It’s added to the collection because the information has been useful and true in use to myself and many others over decades of use.

The content is hand researched and chosen from cannabis and wellness industry leaders such as Dr. Bonni Goldstein, MD; Dr. David Bearman, MD; Dr. Allan Frankel, MD; Max Montrose and his Trichome Institute; Dr. Raymond Peat, PhD in Biology specializing in endocrinology and nutrition; Dr. Joseph Mercola, MD; Eric Steenstra, hemp industry pioneer and  researcher; Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, PhD organic chemist and the first to isolate and identify THC with his lab working for over 50 years researching the pharmacology and clinical medicinal effects of cannabis; as well as many other well-respected resources and websites.

Some of these valuable stores of immeasurable knowledge have since passed away.

Other sources are now blocked, censored by those trying to control “their narrative”.

NONE of the content here is about trying to sell you any product for my benefit or profit.

This site has NO affiliate or compensation links to anything, nor are we signed up behind the scenes to get commissions from the recommendation. NONE.

In fact, the site used to offer access to this premium information only for a monthly fee.

For now all the premium content on this website is free to read.

All the recommendations and links to products, ideas, books, and resources are for your benefit to know what to safely and quality-wise and health-wise know to get if you think it will be useful to your own wellness quest.

The content is organized into cannabis topics and various wellness topics that are designed to provide the client with the information they need to fully coach themselves if desired.

The START HERE link at the top of every page gives a good map for finding and using this site’s information.

You will have everything you need to know, all in one place, in the privacy of your own space.

And you will be given links to products, services, and information that many believe to be the Best of the BEST!

Information previously behind a private paywall might eventually (or already) be censored by the AI search engines. If you know anyone who might find the information useful, please just share the site link with them.

You will have access to articles discussing topics that are now rarely or ever seen in most major online communities.

All website “large tech company” and small tech company analytics have been disabled. We do not intentionally add trackers of any kind (though some of the underlying apps to the site might have something turned on, we do try to monitor and turn off such if possible when we find it).

If you find the site helpful, please tell others, we don’t do internet ads or email blasts. We don’t use common weaponized social media. This site is discovered by users just organically searching and referral only.

The site includes:

  • Over 700 pages and close to 100 (and growing) original, “authors’-written” content articles (NO “machine content”!). See “Content Titles” link in the header above or scroll this page below.
  • A number of short video and audio clips on how to do certain things
  • Detailed instructions for making your own organic-as-possible natural formulas
  • Links and instructions for the tools and materials you will need for growing your own natural medicine if this is legal where you are (and why glyphosate-free natural medicine is increasingly difficult to obtain)
  • Links to resources of specifically recommended, quality, done-for-you cannabis products
  • A list of (some telehealth-available) cannabis-specialty MD licensed medical physicians and other medical professionals resources to help with standard medical care when needed including MD physicians successful now with treating Long-haul Covid and vaccine injury and pains. 
  • Detailed how-to cannabis and wellness educational information and techniques, including dangers but also how to simply try minimal amount cannabis for pain
  • Links to resources of specifically recommended wellness products (nutritional, supplemental, ergonomic, life-style)
  • Expanded real food sections with what to really eat for wellness and pain reduction (like raw milk, true 100% grass fed and clean meat) and resources for where to find the cleanest of those specific foods, and the significant dangers of following the Keto diet
  • Recommendations for the few truly valuable companion supplements and where to find the cleanest formulations
  • Lists of truly dangerous items and substances (still touted as beneficial!) that have been compiled and added-to since the year 2000 you won’t easily find elsewhere, including some cannabis items and fraudulent CBD formulations that are dangerous
  • Documentations when available
  • Mindset recommendations and meditation links for pain, anxiety and depression remediation
  • Full 24/7 access of the content to view, read, listen, watch, study
  • Recommendations and links to what many believe to be the Best of the BEST Sources, Products, Tools, and Additional Information WITHOUT any profit motive, gain, of any kind to me or this site.

You can begin anywhere in the Content that’s of interest and then begin to add and/or subtract each idea to the others as you try them.

All the techniques and components are meant to become part of your new tool box of wellness— the ergonomics, mindset, foods, supplement ideas, even the books and medical assistance you can use together or instead-of when needed.

Please note the site Terms & Conditions, Legal and Privacy Policies.  User verifies full agreement to these policies if using the site and verifies they are at least 21 years of age and are responsible for knowing what is legal or not where they reside for any cannabis use suggestions.

Links to research studies, products, techniques are abundant throughout the content, but as a note, we are NOT an affiliate of anyone or anything or any company and receive no income from the recommendations. The links provide what we think are documentation and/or are links to products, additional education and techniques that have been useful to ourselves and others.

Third party links do NOT mean any of the third parties agree or support cannabis information, use or legalities. Any opinions stated are mine or the guest author’s alone. My and this site’s views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of any of the third parties.

If you are no longer enamored and addicted to the current pharma-based medical system with all it’s brainwashing, lies, fraud and corruption and are looking for the right and true alternatives, this is for you.


The RECIPE for Cannabis Equipment & Tools

Gives a list of the simple, real and workable tools needed to make a cannabis medicine. What they are and where to get them. Discusses what NOT to use of fancy gadgets and why, and why to keep your bare fingers out of your medicine jar.

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Food - Ray Peat

Coconut Oil

Discussion of different types of coconut oil and whether healthy or not to regularly eat. The article includes information written by Ray Peat.

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Real Food
Activities of Daily Living


We have been hypnotized into thinking fancy, highly marketed diet plans such as Keto Diets are good for us when instead they are a highly dangerous fraud. Many have found better health consuming clean real food (like raw milk), clean water, minimal supplements.

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List of several simple things to do to reduce or completely eliminate cataract formations without surgery.

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Dangerous Items - Ray Peat

KETO Dangers

Discussion about the Keto Diet pros and cons, how we have been hypnotized into thinking Keto is good for us and why instead the foods and idea are a dangerous fraud. Includes audio link to Ray Peat, PhD. talking about the keto problem issues.

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Activities of Daily Living

Kitchen Riser Hack

Discussion of a way to lift yourself up a few inches more while working off kitchen cabinets. This is a way to relieve back pain while preparing food. What it is and where to get it.

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Food - Ray Peat

HONEY and Sugar

Discussion about honey and the various types. What type honey is the most healthful. Includes full newsletter by Ray Peat, PhD. on Sugar.

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Raphael Mechoulam

Information and links to documentaries and interviews with Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, Ph.D., the father of cannabis research and his decades long contributions to cannabis as medicine.

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Delta 8 Danger

This article discusses what Delta 8 is, that it is a huge unknown and can get people high and the controversy over it supposedly being legal but outlawed in some states.

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SEND me your cannabis and wellness questions using the form below.  As I get time I’ll answer these in the Questions & Answers category area of The Daily MICROdose.

I heard of Eileen because my 85 year old mom has used some of her food/supplement advice for years for her severe arthritis and fibromyalgia. When she got her cannabis cert, she talked with my mom about trying CBD, we can't get nothing else cannabis here yet, just CBD, but my mom bought some tincture and some organic CBD salve from a legal-in-all-50-states place and liked the salve-- didn't know she's been re-ordering salve for her hands and feet since last fall! She told me to call Eileen. And then I tried the salve. But Eileen then coached me about how to use the special gelatin my mom has been using for years, and 3 other things-I-already-had-around-the-house to do-- and wow, after these 6 months my meds are cut in half! My own hand-arthritis is so bad my xrays show missing cartilage now, but amazing this all just works, hidden in plain site! just amazing.

I feel very reassured, safe, n secure about you n your guidance from how you so very professionally guided me to follow thru n work with medical people as well as you, due to the nature of my various health n medical concerns/ issues. Even though I have things to address that may cause me to experience limitations in cannabis use, I still felt self empowered. That’s a great gift from a coach!

I wish you were here next to me so I could hug you! (not liking social distancing) it's as if you were running around in my head sweeping up all the feelings I've been dealing with since all this hit. Up and down and around. I have starred this post so I can refer back...and am SOOO appreciative of the link for the meditation! I have been struggling with even getting still...thank you

I really appreciated your knowledge base. I feel comfortable in trusting you to steer me in the right directions, plus I came away more motivated than usual to change the things I can. I took my nap today and it felt like I was truly loving and nurturing myself. Way different than falling into a nap because I must, due to an energy drain. Thank you, thank you!

Thanks for sharing this. It's so important to hear from someone who has done the work and come out the other side. I love the RECOGNIZE, ACKNOWLEDGE, FORGIVE and CHANGE sentiment. It's so important to just realize what's going on (and that it's often bullshit) in your head.

You are so insightful and always seem to understand what others cannot.

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