The Daily MICROdose

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THE DIMMING, Full Documentary by Dane Wigington

THE DIMMING, Exposing Global Weather Warfare

Full Documentary by Dane Wigington

(I was unable to embed the video to watch here like other video channels but you can watch on bitchute or with the Children’s Health Defense link below, by following the link. And Dane’s site can be accessed by following his link.)


The documentary presents compelling information about weather manipulations, called geoengineering, I’ve not previously been able to access.

Our skies are now highly polluted with nano particles of aluminum.

These particles are now precipitating to the ground and killing off entire forests and ecosystems around the world.

I’ve heard reports of people growing personal victory gardens for years can no longer get anything to grow in their garden patches as of 2022.

The particles can be manipulated from cell towers to create all kinds of weather events, droughts, wild fires, excess water events, etc.

And we the people are inhaling so much aluminum it’s been predicted half the population will have Alzheimer’s conditions within just a few years.

Researchers using special microscopes that can detect particles smaller than a virus have finally been able to detect these micro particles and suggest they have proven there are a huge quantity of these particular and purposeful pollutants continuously being loaded into the skies and manipulated with microwaves in earth’s upper air currents.

And because of this massive, world wide scale of geoengineering of climate, wild fires are more out of control than ever before.

Many areas now experience once-in-a-lifetime fire damage and the air pollution that comes with it, once a year or two.

And it presents evidence of the practice of geoengineering causing other catastrophic weather events where the paths of tornados, hurricanes, patterns of drought are fully directed and not random. 

Looking into my own skies where I live it’s interesting because in looking at photos from 2020 and before I see nearly all the photos I’ve taken outside have very blue sky.

But I haven’t seen a truly blue sky where I live in at least two years. The skies here are white most days and the contrails configurations and tiny ripples of microwave wave patterns in them astonishing and a daily occurrence.

So I found this documentary highly enlightening and absolutely concerning and decided to add it to the list here of other health information resources of books and films.

I think it’s important to be aware of some of these ideas because we never know who might have a ready solution for the problems that we don’t.


And here is the link for more discussion about Air.

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