The Daily MICROdose

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My and this site’s views and opinions may not represent the views and opinions of any of the third parties linked here. 

SOURCES for Real Food

THIS STORY IS STILL UNFOLDING (Feb. 2023):  I suggest caution buying any food from the farms in our North East or throughout the Ohio river basin for now (Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York etc., there are dozens of Amish farms surrounding and in the area) right now though I have links for foods from that region in several locations on this site.

I myself will suspend buying any of my food for now from my favorites there in the region. I’m heartsick.

From my understanding listening to recent interviews with several experts (EPA whistleblowers, management level train hazmat spills expert, food scientist running a high level food contamination lab), the handling by burning of the vinyl chloride and other chemicals contained in a number of derailed railway cars in the train tragedy early Feb. 2023 in East Palestine, Ohio (on the border of Pennsylvania, 250 miles from Lancaster County, PA) is considered the worst environmental disaster the US has ever faced.

The enormous, unfathomably huge fallout cloud of chemicals released into the air and through the ground and rivers/streams most likely include high levels of dioxin, a fatal chemical (to animals, fish, humans) when ingested in a LIFETIME of more than a single TRILLIONth dose.

It is suggested the poisons were carried by the westerly winds across the neighboring states, throughout the surrounding area and beyond, washed out of the air by recent snow/rain storms and has now contaminated the earth in all its path.

It attaches to lipids (fats) and cows/animals/chickens etc. that eat the grass or grains grown in the contaminated soils I understand will now be poisonous in their meat, milk, eggs etc. (and the animals themselves sickening and dying) for generations.


This is a resource page for where to start looking for real food. Of course you can start with any health food stores near you.

If anyone is needing information about baby formula, IMMEDIATE help is at the’s Health site. Look under “Local Chapter” and telephone for immediate help locating your materials. Sometimes you only have hours and you can lean on this organization. 

Please watch this short incredible interview, conducted by, CHD-TV about how to incredibly feed your baby in such a more healthful way than commercial powder, within hours, with renown expert, Sally Fallon Morell here.

And NEVER feed babies, or yourself soy in any form, no matter how organic, whatsoever. It is so highly toxic entire books have been written about its dangers.

And NEVER feed babies pasteurized, homogenized milk, no matter how organic. This is dangerous to babies.

Keep in mind most of the “health” food stores are only conglomerate arms of Big Ag. Most of the products sold are poisonous. But you often can find the basics there if you know what to look for.

Regardless WHERE and WHAT resource you use for food, be highly cautious of any product sold as food that mentions “sustainable” anything, do NOT buy “sustainable produce” or “sustainable meat”, “lab grown meat” or “beyond” anything (like beyond milk, beyond meat, etc). 

The globalists are trying all in their power to bury the real farms. They have built and are building more and more, world-wide, what are called vertical farms which are exactly what they sound like. They use wholesome sounding, and environmentally brainwashed as positive messages and MARKETING to have people believe these “things” that are grown in 15 days from seed to table are any kind of responsible food.

These franken-things are made with genetically altered, gene spliced, gain of function tech from the seeds to something that looks like plant material.

These plant “things” are fed using who knows what kind of poisonous inputs (the nutrients/fertilizers fed to plants grown without or with soil).

These plant “things” are made into meat look-a-likes, food analogs, products that are all kinds of dangerous and completely without testing to know what they are doing to human bodies.

The tech exists and is currently being used to insert vaccine tech into lettuce and other foods.

The tech exists and has been used for a long time now of using nanoparticle materials in everyday food-look-a-like products. These nanoparticles are used for flavors and for textures and other.

So do all you can to ONLY eat real food. And if you shop in ANY store or slick, marketed “farmers market look-a-like”, choose wisely.

Besides the store, look around where you live for your local farmers and local food co-ops for sources of good, nutritious real food.

Sometimes you can find links online by searching for your city and food co-ops or state food co-ops. Westin Price might have links to some near you.

This site will try to match you to local farms in your area. The site does not auto-add any farm, the local farms have to know about this site and get added. But it’s a start. And if a local farm doesn’t show up, usually one or two farms that will mail food will show. It’s a great new resource! 

Once you find your raw milk farm, they can lead you to other farmers that grow the potatoes, the carrots, provide meat.

Find raw milk sources here and here

The most important thing to remember about food is “Know Your Farmer“.

Organic labels, while they MAYBE can mean less-contaminated, are not regulated and that entire labeling industry is fraudulent and corrupt. Read the book, Beyond Labels.

With that said, organic is about the only place to start. DO NOT choose any food labeled “Non-GMO”. Surprisingly, NON-GMO foods are among the most heavily glyphosate contaminated.

So start talking to people when looking for sources for clean, nutritious food.

With the farmers, forget about organic anything with them. Ask them how they treat their food animals, how they grow their food, what pesticides they use. Ask them if desiccants are sprayed on any of their final foods or the grasses and grains fed to their animals. Ask them if they use glyphosate for anything.

And here are another handful of links that could help.

Some of the links are only for local-to-the-provider, others are available to ship nation wide.

Here is a national co-op, highly regarded, source of many different real and clean foods they deliver locally all over the US. 

This Pennsylvania farm (be cautious now) provides organic, 100% grass fed cows meat, raw milk, raw milk cheeses, eggs and other that is one of the top picks for real food, correctly raised, meat correctly and cleanly processed without chemicals, correctly packaged, correctly shipped. They have local pickup and ship nationwide. One of my favorite resources!

Polyface Farm (also possibly contaminated, unknown) “We deliver our food to convenient locations all over Virginia, Maryland, And Washington DC”. Meat is shipped/delivered nationwide. Their meat is processed using lactic acid (not the dreaded manufactured citric acid) and some who have allergies to kefir or other cultured products might have trouble with the meat. Otherwise, the farm’s products are amazingly, biodynamically raised as cleanly as possible.


Here is information about buying meat and what to consider and what NOT to buy (do follow the MEAT link for more about toxins and what to be aware):

NOT to buy:  Coleman Meats, a conglomerate of farms and based as a company out of Colorado (and also NOT to buy Thousand Hills brand, a conglomerate of farms, has the same issues) claim to be pasture fed, occasionally organic, with no use of antibiotics or hormones or other toxins.

Often these meats sold in health food stores or online are aged and can taste “spoiled”.

As well, these type farms claiming free range cows and grass fed, do pen up, and feed all their cows soy grain mixture for 6 months before slaughter.

Peat says soy and soy oils and other toxic feed does affect the unsaturated oils of the meat and gets into the muscle meat.

Those allergic to soy, or trying to heal damaged thyroid might be sensitive to soy fed animals.

Coleman’s (and Thousand Hills) employs many farms to supply their cows, and quality control might be an issue.

They also electro-shock the animal carcasses to force the blood from the meat (as does many other commercial meat producers). 

Federally they are required to wash the carcasses in poison washes (usually manufactured citric acid) to decontaminate the animal meat in the processing plants.

Some natural farms feed their cows pasture grass only except in the winter they are given hay and some farms will feed the cows their own farm raised non-genetically-engineered corn or other grain.

The best farms should also be a closed herd farm and give no antibiotics or other hormones or toxins. They usually remove from the herd any sick animals.

AND the farm’s butchers/processors should only use water or vinegar to disinfect the carcasses during preparation and cut up. The manufactured citric acid, or even organic citric acid (and possibly the lactic acid varieties too) cause great inflammation and joint pain in many people.

Most meat processing plants today employ this toxic process, even on the most organic, 100% grass-fed meats.




And AGAIN, NEVER buy “sustainable meat” or “beyond meat” or lab grown meat (grown from cell lines of live animals with all the diseases and/or infirmities or toxins of the original animal). These products are not only NOT meat, they definitely are NOT food and are too new of tech to even know what will happen to your body if you regularly ingest things like that.



First look to any local farms in your area recommended by your raw milk farm.

And then ask the following questions:

1.  Do you deliver the meat frozen or unfrozen  (frozen is great)

2.  Is the meat “aged” and how long (prefer fresh or 2 weeks, if offered that instead, aged meat can taste spoiled)

3.  How do you take payment, do you need deposits, cash only etc.

4.  Is any soy of any kind or special oils, like omega oils or sprouts, as legumes or other fed to them at any time or is the grass feeding 100%

 5.  Is the herd part of a closed herd (yes is a good answer)

 6.  How are veterinary problems handled regarding the cows needing medicines and if those sick cows are left as part of the herd or culled etc.

7.  What is used during processing to wash the carcasses for disinfecting, is citric or lactic acid used at all? (This request will be the hardest to fill– using the citric acid is apparently a federal “law” that some farms get away from having to use by offering private buying clubs where the meat is processed only with hot water or vinegar, but its appalling how many “clean” farms then poison their butchered meat with this stuff once they take their meat to their local processor).

8.  Are you using non-toxic pest and fertilizer products

9.  Are you using any unusual non-toxic pest and fertilizer products that might create “enhanced nutritional” products out of ordinary food (see the MEAT link for more info about this).

Here are the resources for meat locations:

This source is NOT highly trusted  (I list it here like this because I otherwise love this company for providing TESTED clean food for so many other products)… but for their 100% grass fed and finished beef, chickens, eggs not so much. They have a reputation for very high quality, contaminant-free tested products HOWEVER, the beef sold is sourced from Amish farms in Wisconsin and though only vinegar is used during processing, the farms themselves are in and surrounded by highly contaminated soils and water areas caused from the over farming of massive commercial meat production “farms” there in Wisconsin. These commercial meat lots create hazardous amounts of toxins from their commercial meat grows and processes that are definitely contaminating the surrounding Amish farms. I will not eat meat sold by this company though I buy all kinds of other glyphosate-free tested products from them. But just be aware not to buy their Wisconsin Amish farm meat/animal products.

This Eastern farm is rather famous. The farmer trains many other farmers how to turn their farms into regenerative farms. The farm and the work is impressive and so highly needed. This farm ships to all 50 States. Their ONLY downside that I would see changed is they use a lactic acid (they say it’s “organic”) solution for their disinfecting. It could cause inflammation for some susceptible people but otherwise I would have to praise this farm as a highly valuable resource.

If you live in the upper Northeast, this farm meets and exceeds most of the above.  I purchased from them for years when I lived in Los Angeles. I have not been able to recently determine what is used during processing so that question needs to be asked before order. But shipping any distances these days is costly as well as unreliable so they hesitate to ship very far from their farm (only 2 days out by ground around their farm is about the max). But otherwise I HIGHLY recommend them!

And this PA farm is my favorite (but I’m so sorry – BE CAREFUL as of March 2023 because of the possible dioxin poisoning of their farm by the air and toxin drift from the recent Ohio train chemical fire spill– I leave this link here for now but ask them about future testing for any new orders from them for now) for raw milk cheeses, raw milk products, raw milk butters, high quality carrots and the cleanest meat from raising it to processing one can find. They only use water when they butcher, no other wash of any kind. They take a lot of heat from the Federal Govt. about selling clean meat un-drenched in processing chemicals so their meat sales are sometimes offline. But when available, this meat is the finest, healthiest I’ve ever found. Shipping to all 50 States, expensive but worth it.

And in an emergency, this FEMA created pdf can give ideas where to find water (it might need to be filtered, see the link) and emergency food.




Notice:  These statements in this Post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease. They are intended for nutritional support only. The third party information referred to herein is neither adopted nor endorsed by this author but is provided for general informational purposes. Any person suspecting disease should seek the advice of a licensed physician. No specific outcome is promised or guaranteed.



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